Transferring Courses Taken Outside North Park University

Students pursuing a degree from North Park University are expected to complete their course work at North Park University. Under exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary for students to include course work from other institutions. When this is necessary, students, to be assured of the acceptance of the course work, must secure prior approval of outside courses. To be approved, courses must be offered by an accredited four-year college or university (or a two-year community or junior college, if the student has completed less than 60 semester hours of academic credit). The course itself must be an academic course (rather than technical or vocational) and must be approved for elective credit or for application toward the fulfillment of general education or departmental requirements. An approval form is available from the North Park website and must be signed by the student’s academic advisor, the department chair of the department in which the course is offered (or the most appropriate division chair), and the Registrar. All transferred courses will be recorded with the grade received and will be included in a student’s grade point average at North Park.