SPS Studies (GS)

SPS Studies offers the general education requirements and selected elective courses in the accelerated format (one night a week or Saturday morning, in four-hour sessions over a period of seven weeks) to SPS students. Exceptions are Spanish I and II and 1-2 semester hour courses. Spanish I and II are offered twice a week in three-hour sessions. Courses bearing 1-2 semester hours meet on alternate schedules within the seven-week format. Students are expected to spend 10-20 hours per week in preparation. Sessions are taught in an interactive manner.

Adult applicants to the SPS program who have 12 semester hours from an accredited college with a 2.0 grade point average on a scale of 4.0 or better are accepted. Those with a grade point average below 2.0 will be asked to submit a writing sample and may be considered for provisional admission. SPS Studies courses are open only to currently enrolled SPS students (with the permission of the advisor). RN-BS Degree Completion students may take SPS Studies courses with the approval of their advisors. Education Certification students who have completed a bachelor’s degree may also take SPS Studies courses upon the approval of the School of Education; traditional students may petition to take SPS courses with advisor’s approval.

At least one SPS Studies course is offered for each general education requirement.