Applicants for Readmission

Students who have left the University, or who have been dismissed for disciplinary or academic reasons, may apply for readmission to North Park. Applications for readmission are available through and are submitted to the Division of Student Engagement. Readmission will be based on an application, personal statement, transcripts, and/or other documents to aid in the readmission process.

If students wish to return following dismissal for academic reasons, they must petition the Student Academic Standing Committee (SASC) prior to applying for readmission, at least two months before the beginning of the term in which enrollment is desired. A petition form is available on the website, under Student Forms. The committee will evaluate requests for readmission on the basis of the following criteria:

  • The student’s written petition in which (a) compelling reasons are offered for wishing to return to North Park University; (b) the student’s activities or accomplishments during the period of dismissal are described; and (c) there is indication of why academic performance will be better than before the dismissal. (Letters of recommendation from faculty members, including the student’s academic advisor, who can attest to the student’s likelihood of success at North Park will be considered by the committee in conjunction with the student’s statement.)
  • Evidence of the student’s ability to perform work necessary, within one academic year, to raise his/her GPA to the minimum level required for good standing in his/her classification.

The SASC will evaluate petitions in terms of the criteria listed above and determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether or not to grant readmission.