Grade Requirements

A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) in all SBNM courses attempted is required for degree completion. An exception of 2 grades of C are allowed for graduation or for a certificate, all others must be a C+ or higher. Courses with grades of C and below may be made up by re-taking the course, if needed.

A failure in a required course must be made up by repeating the course or a substitute course as specified by the SBNM Faculty Committee. The faculty committee will decide whether the student may enroll in the next course in a sequence before the failed course is made up.

If a student receives an I (Incomplete) grade, the work must normally be made up within one semester (two quads). If a student fails to make up an I grade after one semester (two quads), the grade will become an F. Without special permission, a student may carry no more than two Incomplete grades without being considered for dismissal.