NURS Courses

NURS 5010 Scientific Inquiry and Knowledge Development (3 sh)

This course focuses on the evaluation and development of evidence-based approaches to improve practice, health outcomes, and the care environment. Emphasis is placed on utilizing theories in nursing research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement; analyzing evidence; identifying knowledge gaps; developing strategies to generate and disseminate new evidence; and planning approaches for translating evidence into practice. Cultural and lifespan considerations of evidence-based practice approaches are addressed. Ethical considerations of evidence appraisal, development, and implementation are identified. This course serves as the foundation for synthesis and development of nursing knowledge in clinical (capstone) projects. Students must have completed an undergraduate statistics or equivalent course and also an undergraduate nursing research course.

DEMSN only (DE01 Section): Course offered Fall, Spring, Summer

NURS 5015 Health Care Systems: Organization and Resources (3 sh)

This course examines how health care delivery systems are organized and financed and the economic, political, and regulatory factors that influence the planning and delivery of healthcare services across the continuum of care. Emphasis is placed on utilizing health system data sets, quality improvement tools, and evidence-based practice to optimize patient safety and health outcomes. Students apply economic, systems, and organizational principles in evaluating the structure, function, and delivery of health care in the U.S. and participate in the development of policies to improve health care. The utilization of information technology to support the coordination, improvement, and delivery of care is explored.

DEMSN only (DE01 Section): Course offered Fall, Spring, Summer

NURS 5020 Population Based Health Care (3 sh)

This course examines epidemiologic and public health principles to analyze needs and plan for care of populations across the lifespan. Social, cultural, environmental, and genetic determinants of health are explored; risk assessment and root causes of illness are examined. Health promotion and educational methods are critiqued and levels of prevention applied in developing programs for at-risk populations. Building on local context, the urban, multicultural, national, and global influences on population health are explored.

DEMSN only (DE01 Section): Course offered Fall, Spring, Summer

NURS 5030 Professional Communication & Collaboration (2 sh)

This course focuses on the identification, analysis, and implementation of communication strategies to facilitate formation of successful teams and partnerships. Students will develop a comprehensive knowledge of principles of adult learning and will examine clinical reasoning, judgment, and decision making in addressing the needs of diverse patients and populations across the life span. Emphasis will be placed on developing group leadership skills, building teams through communication and partnership, and conflict management in the light of change.

DEMSN only (DE01 Section): Course offered Fall, Spring, Summer

NURS 5210 Professional Development I: Introduction to Professional Nursing (2 sh)

Introduces students to the mission, vision, philosophy, and distinctives of the North Park University School of Nursing; students are introduced to the evolution of the profession of nursing. Concepts of caring, professional identity, and scholarship are examined. Students will have opportunities to investigate personal and professional boundaries, examine their own beliefs and values, and explore the value of scholarship in nursing practice. Students will examine how their lived experience will impact their professional practice. Prerequisite: Admission to the DEMSN Program or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, and NURS 5311 or consent of instructor.

NURS 5215 Professional Development II: Image, Roles, and Ethics (4 sh)

Ethical principles are applied to the care of persons in diverse settings. Team building and group process skills are explored to facilitate students working within teams. The role of the nurse as a member of the interprofessional team is examined using concepts of ethics, advocacy, group process, and team building. The professional responsibilities and role of the advocate will be explored. Contemporary issues confronting the nursing profession are discussed and methods to advocate for the profession are investigated. Professional skills, such as job interviewing, portfolio development, and examination of advanced roles in nursing, will be emphasized. Prerequisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321, or consent of instructor.


NURS 5220 Communication and Managing Healthcare Information (3 sh)

Basic theories of interpersonal communication and information technologies are explored. Use of these skills and technologies to develop therapeutic relationships with patients and the interdisciplinary healthcare team is emphasized. Legal and ethical issues related to health information technology and health information exchanges will be examined. Prerequisite: Admission to the DEMSN Program or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, and NURS 5311 or consent of instructor.

NURS 5230 Pathophysiology I (2 sh)

Basic mechanisms underlying illness and disease are stressed as a basis for the understanding of health promotion and disease prevention in this first of two sequential courses.

Pathophysiological changes that occur within the internal environment of individuals in the presence of dysfunction or disease of selected systems are presented as a rationale for nursing diagnoses and therapeutic interventions. System variations across the life span (fetuses, children, pregnant women, adults, and other adults) are addressed. Prerequisite: Admission to the DEMSN Program. Co-requisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, and NURS 5311 or consent of instructor.

NURS 5235 Pathophysiology II (2 sh)

Building on NURS 5230, this course expands knowledge of pathophysiological changes that occur within the environments of the individual in the presence of dysfunction or disease. The most common alterations in selected physiological systems are presented as a framework for clinical reasoning. Relevant risk factors, epidemiology, pathophysiologic mechanisms, and clinical manifestations across the life span (fetuses, children, pregnant women, adults, and older adults) are discussed. Prerequisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5215, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321, or consent of instructor.

NURS 5240 Pharmacology I (2 sh)

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drug therapy across the lifespan are discussed to provide a basic understanding of the patient's reaction to a drug both therapeutically and adversely and to predict potential drug interactions. Personal, genetic, and environmental factors affecting drug therapy are assessed to provide a comprehensive base for therapeutic nursing interventions. Specific prototypes of selected drug classifications provide the framework for understanding the action, use, adverse effects, and nursing implications of drugs. The nurse's role in drug administration, assessment of drug effects, and patient education are emphasized. Legal and ethical responsibilities for administering drugs are considered. Prerequisite: Admission to the DEMSN Program. Co-requisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5310 and NURS 5311 or consent of instructor.

NURS 5245 Pharmacology II (2 sh)

In this second sequential course, students continue their study of pharmacology across the lifespan. Specific prototypes of selected drug classifications provide the framework for understanding the action, use, adverse effects, and nursing implications of drugs. The nurse's role in drug administration, assessment of drugs' effects, and patient education are emphasized. Legal and ethical responsibilities for administering drugs are considered. Prerequisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5210, NURS 5250, NURS 5240, NURS 5230, NURS 5310, and NURS 5311. Co-requisite: NURS 5215, NURS 5235, NURS 5320, and NURS 5321.

NURS 5250 Holistic Health Assessment and Therapeutic Interventions (3 sh)

Skills necessary to perform holistic patient assessment and introductory clinical skills are discussed and demonstrated. Opportunities are provided in a laboratory setting for students to demonstrate cognitive and psychomotor competencies of therapeutic interventions and assessment of the individual patient across the life span; the emphasis is on interviewing techniques, physical examination, and psychomotor skills. Developmental factors and risk factors, including genetic and environmental, that affect the patient’s health will be explored. (Lab) Prerequisite: Admission to the DEMSN Program. Co-requisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, and NURS 5311, or consent of instructor.

NURS 5260 Development of a Microsystem Leader (3 sh)

Development of a microsystem leader supports the student’s understanding of nursing leadership opportunities at all levels of nursing practice. Emphasis will be placed on building and growing teams, modeling a culture of quality and safety, and resource utilization, allocation, and financial management. Students will be given the opportunity to demonstrate effective decision-making and clinical judgment while exploring their role in the healthcare microsystem. Prerequisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321, NURS 5215, or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5331, NURS 5330, NURS 5030, NURS 5270 or consent of instructor.

NURS 5270 Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Improvement: Translating Research into Practice (4 sh)

Continuous quality improvement is introduced as a foundation for quality care and patient safety. Methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare systems and concepts of evidence-based practice (EBP) and healthcare research are explored. Methods to critically appraise healthcare research will be applied. Critical appraisal of evidence will be employed to inform the delivery of safe and quality nursing care. Prerequisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321, NURS 5215, or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5260, NURS 5331, NURS 5330, NURS 5030, or consent of instructor.

NURS 5280 Nursing in an Evolving Healthcare System (3 sh)

Nursing practice in an evolving health care system is addressed with emphasis on the unique challenges presented to the nurse. The role of the nurse as provider of direct and indirect patient care is expanded to include the external influences of the health care organization, the regulatory environment, and the professional association. The development of the nurse as a member of a profession is expected. Inherent is developing knowledge and appreciation for the diversity of opinions and organizations that exist to provide assistance in the delivery of direct patient care. Prerequisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321, NURS 5215, NURS 5260, NURS 5270, NURS 5331, NURS 5330, or consent of instructor Co-requisite: NURS 5340, NURS 5341, and NURS 5010 or consent of instructor.

NURS 5310 Health and Illness: Foundations of Nursing (3 sh)

Concepts basic to the art and science of nursing are introduced as a foundation for safe, quality patient care. Emphasis is placed on the patient and/or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care. Evidence-based principles of nursing and health promotion are integrated to prepare the student to meet the health-related needs of a patient. The nurse's role as a member of the interdisciplinary team will be examined. Prerequisite: Admission to the DEMSN Program or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5250, and NURS 5311 or consent of instructor.

NURS 5311 Health and Illness: Foundations of Nursing Practicum (1 sh)

Evidenced-based clinical reasoning is applied in the care of individual patients with acute and chronic illness to ensure safe and quality outcomes. Emphasis is placed on the patient and/or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care. Tools of communication and technology are utilized in the delivery and documentation of care. The role of the nurse within the interdisciplinary team is demonstrated. Prerequisite: Admission to the DEMSN Program. Co-requisite: NURS 5250, NURS 5310, NURS 5210, NURS 5220, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, or consent of instructor.

NURS 5320 Health and Illness: Nursing Across the Lifespan (4 sh)

A greater sophistication of clinical reasoning is developed to achieve safe and quality outcomes using multiple ways of knowing including nursing knowledge. Emphasis is placed on managing the care of patients experiencing acute and chronic illnesses and promoting health across the lifespan. Strategies to empower and engage patients/designees in all aspects of the health care process are examined. Evidence-based therapeutic nursing interventions that meet a patient’s holistic health needs will be expanded. Perspectives of other health care members will be recognized in order to collaborate and work effectively as a team to provide interdisciplinary care. Technology and communication skills are integrated as methods to support safe processes of care. Prerequisite: NURS 5210, NURS 5215, NURS 5220, NURS 5230, NURS 5235, NURS 5240, NURS 5245, NURS 5250, NURS 5310, NURS 5311 or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5215, NURS 5235, NURS 5345, NURS 5321, or consent of instructor.

NURS 5321 Health and Illness: Nursing Across the Lifespan Practicum (3 sh)

Students engage patients in active partnerships to manage acute and chronic illness and promote health across the lifespan. Multiple sources of evidence are incorporated into the planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care, including nurse-sensitive quality indicators. Coordination, integration, and continuity of care for multiple patients will be applied in the healthcare microenvironment. Emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary collaboration to ensure safe and quality outcomes. Technology and information management tools are utilized to support safe processes of care. Prerequisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310 and NURS 5311, or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5215, NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, or consent of instructor.

NURS 5330 Population Health Nursing (4 sh)

Population-based health and multi-sectoral systems influencing global health are explored. Students build upon clinical reasoning skills from an individual level of care to a global context of care. Focus is on risk reduction, protective and predictive factors, and the systems influencing the health of individuals, families, and communities. Multiple determinants of health and basic data patterns are applied to assess the health and illness beliefs, assets, and barriers to health and to explore historical, social, political, and economic forces impacting the health of communities. Community theories, models, and frameworks are explored to guide a community health improvement project. Community engagement and collaboration, health coaching and behavior change, and chronic disease management are used to create a community health improvement plan. Quality indicators and sustainable health outcomes are explored to address local, state, and global health issues impacting communities. Prerequisite: NURS 5215, NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321 or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5270, NURS 5260, NURS 5331, NURS 5030, or consent of instructor.

NURS 5331 Population Health Nursing Practicum (1 sh)

Concepts and theories from leadership and population health are applied to the health care of individuals, groups, communities, and populations. There is a concentrated focus on leadership in health promotion that provides safe, effective, and efficient care. Leadership concepts such as systems theory, quality improvement, economics, and evidence are applied.

Students are provided opportunities for inter-professional collaboration in the planning of health care and promotion of quality outcomes for diverse populations. Prerequisite: NURS 5215, NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321, or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5270, NURS 5260, NURS 5330, and NURS 5030, or the consent of instructor.

NURS 5340 Health and Illness: Nursing with Diverse Populations (5 sh)

Comprehensive and focused evidence-based care of patients in diverse populations with complex health conditions will be examined. The nurse’s role in assuring coordination, integration, and continuity of care is investigated. Integration of the physical, behavioral, psychological, spiritual, socioeconomic, and environmental factors that influence patient-centered care is explored. Collaboration with other health care team members to provide safe and quality care for diverse patients in a variety of complex settings is analyzed. Information management tools to monitor outcomes of care are evaluated. Prerequisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321, NURS 5215,NURS 5260, NURS 5270, NURS 5331, NURS 5330, and NURS 5030, or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5280, NURS 5341, and NURS 5010, or consent of instructor.

NURS 5341 Health and Illness: Nursing with Diverse Populations Practicum (3 sh)

Coordination, integration, and continuity of care for diverse patients with multiple/complex problems will be applied in dynamic microenvironments such as maternity, mental health, and critical care. Patients/designees are engaged in active partnerships that promote health, safety, well-being, and self-care management. Synthesis of evidence and collaboration with other members of the health care team are used to plan, implement, and evaluate safe and quality care for patients. Technologies that support clinical decision-making, error prevention, and care coordination are emphasized. Pre-requisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321, NURS 5215, NURS 5270, NURS 5260, NURS 5330,and NURS 5030, or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: NURS 5280, NURS 5340, NURS 5010, or consent of instructor.

NURS 5380 DEMSN Immersion Practicum (3 sh)

In this culminating course, a preceptor model of learning professional nursing practice provides opportunities to synthesize and integrate previous learning experiences. Emphasis is placed on the roles of the nurse as provider of indirect and direct care; designer, manager and coordinator of care; and member of the profession. The focus is on the transition to the professional nursing role, recognizing the organizational, social, political, economic, ethical, and legal context in which interdisciplinary health care is delivered in a selected clinical setting. Pre-requisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321, NURS 5215, NURS 5270, NURS 5331, NURS 5330, NURS 5260, NURS 5280, NURS 5340, NURS 5341, NURS 5010, and NURS 5030. Co-requisite: NURS 5020, NURS 5015, and NURS 5390, or consent of instructor.

NURS 5390 Integration and Role Transition Seminar (2 sh)

Students integrate concepts discussed in the classroom with competencies learned from the clinical setting. The course is a synthesis of learning from the entire curriculum that will guide students into their role as new nurses. Using guided reflective journal writing, students begin building a skill set that shows comprehensive knowledge of and appreciation for the roles of direct care provider; designer, manager and coordinator of care; and member of a profession. Prerequisite: NURS 5220, NURS 5250, NURS 5210, NURS 5230, NURS 5240, NURS 5310, NURS 5311, NURS 5235, NURS 5245, NURS 5320, NURS 5321, NURS 5215, NURS 5270, NURS 5331 NURS 5330, NURS 5260, NURS 5030, NURS 5280, NURS 5340, NURS 5341, or consent of instructor Co-requisite: NURS 5020, NURS 5015, and NURS 5380, or consent of instructor.


NURS 5421 Intro to Strategic Nursing Leadership Development (3 sh)

This course is a foundation for the health care leader and manager shaping change across the continuum of care. It builds upon the knowledge base, tools, and abilities essential to function as an effective nurse leader and manager in a variety of health care systems. Students will synthesize management skills related to systems analysis, human resources, outcomes management, financial management, micro and macroeconomics, organizational development, business planning, conflict resolution, and change management. The clinical practicum is focused upon the application of nursing research, theory, and the essential principles of management to a practice setting. The student will advance knowledge and skill through participation in an agency based project. Students will complete an agency assessment to identify an opportunity (problem) to focus on an agency specific project. These healthcare settings may include acute care agencies, community settings, not for profit corporations, congregations, government agencies or education facilities in the Chicago metropolitan area. Practicum site selection and project planning and approval are done between the student, faculty, and preceptor with the goal of improving outcomes for individuals or populations. The student develops objectives specific to advancing knowledge and management skills and begins work on a capstone practicum project. Practicum hours total 140. Prerequisite: NURS 5010, NURS 5020, NURS 5030. Corequisite: NURS 5015.


NURS 5431 Strategic Nursing Leadership I (5 sh)

This course is a foundation for the healthcare leader and manager shaping change across the continuum of care. It builds upon the knowledge base, tools, and abilities essential to function as an effective nurse leader and manager in a variety of healthcare systems. Students will synthesize management skills related to systems analysis, human resources, outcomes management, financial management, micro and macroeconomics, organizational development, business planning, conflict resolution and change management. The class includes both a didactic and practicum component. The practicum component is focused upon the application of nursing research, theory and the essential principles of management to a practice setting.

The student has the opportunity to advance knowledge and skill through participation in an agency-based project. Course projects relate to developing a business plan, analyzing a financial plan, and human resource management approaches in a healthcare setting. These healthcare settings may include acute care agencies, community settings, not-for-profit corporations, congregations, government agencies or education facilities in the Chicago metropolitan area. Practicum site selection and project planning and approval are done between the student, faculty, and preceptor with the goal of improving outcomes for individuals or populations. The student develops objectives specific to advancing knowledge and management skills and begins work on a capstone practicum project. Practicum hours total 180 clock hours. Prerequisite: NURS 5010, NURS 5015, NURS 5020, NURS 5030, NURS 5421.

NURS 5441 Strategic Nursing Leadership II (5 sh)

This course focuses upon the student as a transformational leader in the healthcare environment. The student analyzes and evaluates community-based care, integrated systems, and community networks. Concentration on the continuum of care as it moves from simple to more complex systems of partnerships, mergers, networks, and interdisciplinary teams will be emphasized. The role of the leader advances to that of strategic change agent who is knowledgeable in the transformation of organizations to enhance capabilities and adaptability of resources at all levels. Having learned about nursing management processes during NURS 5431, the practicum focus for this semester is on innovative leadership, quality improvement, safety, collaboration, and problem resolution. The student seeks out these experiences in collaboration with the preceptor. Time may be spent with departments and programs such as Quality Improvement, Infection Prevention, Risk Management, Informatics, Patient Advocacy, Bed Control, or other relevant experiences. Activities may include observation, participation in data collection, monitoring, or patient rounding. The student, preceptor, and faculty member work together to identify those activities that best meet the student’s learning objectives. Completion of the practicum project provides the student with an opportunity to apply skills and approaches learned during course work into practice in a healthcare environment. Practicum hours total 180 clock hours. Prerequisite: NURS 5431.

NURS 5503 Advanced Practice Nursing: Role Concepts and Transitions (2 sh)

This course is designed to facilitate student transition into the role of advanced practice nurse. It builds on concepts of role socialization and organizational structure. Professional issues such as credentialing and reimbursement for advanced practice nurses are explored. Health care policy and its impact on advanced practice nursing and primary care are examined. Prerequisite: NURS 5531.

NURS 5505 Advanced Pathophysiology (3 sh)

This course expands on foundational concepts of pathophysiology, focusing on altered cell, organ, and system function.

Recognition, evaluation, and management of common health deviations of individuals across the lifespan are also addressed.

NURS 5510 Advanced Pharmacology (3 sh)

This course expands on foundational concepts of pharmacology and provides a framework for understanding pharmacotherapeutics. The overall purpose of the course is to prepare advanced practice nurses for safe therapeutic drug selection and prescription for individuals across the lifespan. Prerequisite: NURS 5505.

NURS 5515 Advanced Health Assessment (4 sh)

This course examines the process of health history taking, physical assessment, diagnostic data interpretation, and health assessment recording for individuals across the lifespan. It consists of a 3-hour didactic portion and a 1-hour laboratory component. Students must have completed an undergraduate health assessment course or equivalent prior to registering for this course. Prerequisite: NURS 5505.

NURS 5520 Health and Wellness Promotion (3 sh)

This course addresses theories of adult growth and development, principles of health promotion and disease prevention, and introduces related national practice guidelines. Students acquire skills in conducting risk assessments, developing health promotion and risk reduction strategies, and evaluating health promotion activities.

NURS 5531 Adult Health I-Primary Care (6 sh)

The course examines the health care needs of adults across the lifespan as addressed by the advanced practice nurse in primary care settings. It builds on the concepts of health promotion and disease prevention and emphasizes assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of common acute episodic illnesses, chronic stable illnesses, and medical emergencies. Supervised clinical experiences (225 clock hours) are provided to support application of didactic content into the clinical setting. Prerequisite: NURS 5505, NURS 5510, NURS 5515, NURS 5520, NURS 5610.

NURS 5540 Adult Health II-Primary Care (3 sh)

The course, a continuation of NURS 5530, examines the health care needs of adults across the lifespan as addressed by the advanced practice nurse in primary care settings. It builds on the concepts of health promotion and disease prevention and emphasizes assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of common acute episodic illnesses, chronic stable illnesses, and medical emergencies. Prerequisite: NURS 5531. Co-requisite: NURS 5561, NURS 5571 or NURS 5621.


NURS 5545 Adult Health II Practicum-Primary Care (1 sh)

The student engages in clinical experiences that build upon the synthesis and application of knowledge and skills gained in the previous practicum course. In addition, this course includes a virtual imaging skills lab to enhance the student's competencies in ordering, interpreting, and applying imaging results. Supervised clinical experiences (90 clock hours) are provided in the clinical setting. Prerequisite: NURS 5531


NURS 5561 Pediatric Health-Primary Care (5 sh)

This course addresses primary care of the pediatric patient in the context of family centered care. It examines family theories and builds upon principles of growth and development, health promotion, disease prevention, diagnostic screening and anticipatory guidance related to the assessment and management of the well child visit and diagnosis and management of common acute and chronic health care problems in children from infancy through adolescence. Supervised clinical experiences (90 clock hours) are provided to support application of didactic content into the clinical setting. Prerequisite: NURS 5531.

NURS 5571 Women's Health-Primary Care (4 sh)

The course examines health care needs of women from adolescence through older adulthood. It builds on the concepts of health promotion and disease prevention and emphasizes assessment, diagnosis and treatment of common acute and chronic health alterations. Attention is given to preconception care, family planning, pregnancy and post-partum care. Supervised clinical experiences (90 clock hours) are provided to support application of didactic content into the clinical setting. Prerequisite: NURS 5531.

NURS 5610 Advanced Practice in Gerontologic Nursing I-Primary Care (2 sh)

This course addresses the principles of health and aging and strategies for advanced assessment of older adults across cultural groups. Common geriatric issues and syndromes are discussed, with emphasis on wellness, prevention, maintenance, and early health care interventions in primary and long- term care settings.

NURS 5621 Advanced Practice Gerontologic Nursing II-Primary Care (3 sh)

The course focuses on the primary care services for older adults. It builds on the concepts of health promotion and disease prevention and emphasizes assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of common acute episodic illnesses, chronic stable illnesses, complex multi morbidity, frailty and geriatric syndromes found in older adults. Supervised clinical experiences (90 clock hours) are provided to support application of didactic content into the clinical setting. Prerequisite: NURS 5531.

*Course requirement for students admitted before summer 2023

NURS 5622 Advanced Practice Gerontologic Nursing II-Primary Care (4 sh)

The course focuses on the primary care services for older adults. It builds on the concepts of health promotion and disease prevention and emphasizes assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of common acute episodic illnesses, chronic stable illnesses, complex multi morbidity, frailty and geriatric syndromes found in older adults. Supervised clinical experiences (180 clock hours) are provided to support application of didactic content into the clinical setting. Prerequisite: NURS 5531

*Course requirement for students admitted on or after summer 2023.

NURS 5781 Residency: Adult-Gerontology-Primary Care (3 sh)

This is the culminating course for the nurse practitioner students in the adult/gerontology track. It is a residency. Students engage in clinical experiences to synthesize knowledge and skills gained in previous practicum courses. They assume responsibility for management of individual adult clients from late adolescence through old age. Opportunities are also provided for advanced skill building with application to the clinical setting. Supervised clinical experiences (270 clock hours) are provided in the clinical setting. Prerequisites: NURS 5540, NURS 5621.

NURS 5791 Residency: Family Practice (3 sh)

This is the culminating course for the nurse practitioner student in the family practice track. It is a residency. Students engage in clinical experiences to synthesize knowledge and skills gained in previous practicum courses. They assume responsibility for management of individual clients across the lifespan in the context of the family. Opportunities are provided for advanced skill building with application to the clinical setting. Supervised clinical experiences (270 clock hours) are provided in the clinical setting. Prerequisites: NURS 5540, NURS 5561, NURS 5571.

NURS 5910 Independent Study in Graduate Nursing (1-4 sh)

Upon selection of an instructor, students enroll in one to four semester hours of credit to pursue a clinical or research project. Students meet with their instructor on an individual basis. Course offered pending faculty availability. Prerequisite: NURS 5010.

NURS 5920 Topics in Graduate Nursing (1 sh)

NURS 5990 Capstone Project (2 sh)

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop an evidence-based practice project with potential for dissemination. The project will be presented in both written and oral formats. Pre-requisites: NURS 5515 or NURS 5010. Co-requisites: NURS 5441, NURS 5561, NURS 5571, NURS 5781, and NURS 5791.