NPM Courses

NPM 4170 Elements of Nonprofit Management (2 sh)

The introductory course will give students an overview of America’s nonprofit sector as it relates to both the for-profit business and government sectors. Emphasis will be on the history, purpose and theories of the sector, the legal and regulatory environment, efforts to improve ethics and accountability, the sector’s economics and funding environment, trends in evaluation and outcome measurement, and general management problems and principles. The course will also discuss opportunities for personal growth and career advancement available in the sector and highlight skills and training needed to succeed.

NPM 4180 Nonprofit Governance and Volunteer Management (4 sh)

This course is designed to improve students’ understanding of the elements, processes and dynamics of board governance and volunteer management of nonprofit organizations. The course includes analysis of the respective roles of the board, chief executive, staff and volunteers to maximize organizational effectiveness. Students will learn how to assess and improve the effectiveness of a board, the senior leadership, volunteers and the overall governance of the non-profit organization. 

NPM 4190 Financial Management of Nonprofit Organizations (2 sh)

This course addresses the financial management of nonprofit organizations. This includes both financial reporting and managerial finance. Topics include 1) Financial Accounting principles and practices; 2) Managerial accounting methodology; 3) Compliance, and 4) Measuring and managing program performance. The course examines current trends in nonprofit financial management and integrates financial management with recent federal legislation.

NPM 4200 Building Public and Financial Support for Nonprofit Organizations (4 sh)

Addresses the four main processes that nonprofits use to interact with internal and external audiences for the purpose of building public and financial support for their missions:

1) Marketing; 2) Fundraising; 3) Social Enterprise; and 4) Advocacy/Government Relations. Current trends and best practices in nonprofit marketing and fundraising. Provides an overview of current approaches to earned-income generation, along with the potential and pitfalls of these methods. Identifies and addresses ethical issues related to fundraising, marketing, earned income, and lobbying.