ORG Courses

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a General Education (G.E.) requirement for the B.A.; see the General Education portion of the School of Professional Studies section in this catalog for more information.

ORG 3034 Business Communications (4 sh) GESAL

Communicating in the workplace with emphasis on written, verbal, non-verbal, and other visual modes of communication. The processes of imparting and receiving information are emphasized. Business writing, the use of visual aids, and professional presentation methods are put into practice. Ethical behavior in communications is examined.

ORG 3910 Topics in Organizational Management (1-4 sh)

Intensive investigation of a selected topic in Organizational Management and Leadership offered from time to time at the discretion of the School of Adult Learning.

ORG 4024 Understanding Group and Organizational Behavior (4 sh)

Investigate the dynamic interaction of individual, group and organizational behavior. Examine organizations as complex open systems. Explore the nature of learning organizations and strategies for maintaining positive organizational culture. Practice working in groups and facilitating team development.

Beginning to use one’s self as an agent of change; identifying and enhancing competencies required for such a role. Reflect on the ethical dimensions of problem solving in the workplace.

ORG 4074 Leadership and Management (4 sh)

The roles of leadership, managing people and change, and total quality management (TQM) are examined. The firm’s mission and its relation to the individual is presented: performance appraisals, issues of gender and cultural diversity, negotiation techniques, hiring, and termination analysis are included. The characteristics of the ethical organization are examined.

ORG 4094 Principles of Marketing (4 sh)

The environment of marketing, including market identification and selection, the concepts of marketing mix, target markets, and the product life cycle as applied to the global economy, are fundamental to the course. Company mission and Maslow’s hierarchy are implemented to determine organizational fit.

Consumer behavior, organizational markets, product planning and development, and the essentials of marketing communication are presented and analyzed. Service and non-profit marketing procedures are included. The ethics of marketing and processes are examined.

ORG 4100 Human Resources Management (4 sh)

The basic principles, concepts and issues analyzing the role of human resources in the organization: personnel requirements, training, job responsibilities, performance evaluations, grievance procedures, compensation, and labor relations (including unions, EEO, and Affirmative Action programs). Meets elective credit only.

ORG 4120 Business Ethics (4 sh) GESAL

An introduction to ethics and to ethical decision-making. A basic overview of value systems and ethical paradigms, utilizing a seminar format. Discussion of how values and ethics may be applied to the issues and dilemmas of the business world.

ORG 4220 Assessing Leadership Skills (4 sh)

Provides a framework for students to become more familiar with themselves and their relationships with colleagues and team members within the context of organizations. Investigates a number of common psychometric instruments from two perspectives: an individual profile and within the context of group dynamics in organizations. From an individual perspective, students will investigate themselves as a leader, determine personal strengths and weaknesses, assess his or her style of leadership and the type of organization their leadership style best suits. From an organizational perspective, students will investigate how psychometric instruments can be used to diagnose organizational problems, determine change-readiness within organizations, and enhance team/group dynamics.

Survey design and interpretation will also be discussed. The Action Research method will be investigated and applied.

Ethical considerations for assessment instruments will be fully and thoroughly emphasized.

ORG 4240 Managing Change and Conflict (4 sh)

Provides the student with resources to mediate organizational experiences within the context of managing and leading.

Examines several theoretical frameworks for organizational change. Through these frameworks organizations, and their varied circumstances, will be evaluated in order for students to determine which change methodology is most appropriate for a specific situation. The steps of change, common problems associated with change, and methods to measure outcomes will be explored. Students will investigate resistance to change and what can be done about it. Conflict, as a natural outgrowth of change, will be investigated. Methods for managing conflict, understanding its root causes, and addressing it productively will be explored. The concept of BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) will be investigated as a conflict management technique. The course will explain the action research process that is typically associated with change. Students will complete a team-based project requiring individual and team research and roll out the change management plan created with timelines, interventions, expected results and appropriate organizational metrics. Throughout, the ethics of appropriate change and conflict management will be emphasized.

ORG 4260 Career Management (4 sh)

Analyzes concepts such as perception, motivation, decision making, communication, and career development. Explores the changing concepts of a career and the implications of planning for multiple careers. Assists in finding direction in the midst of uncertainty, conflict and complexity. The organizations’ career and the individual’s career: “How is the fit?” Focus in on developing a flexible and realistic career plan and methods implementation. Careers and vocations will be discussed as they relate to the search for meaning in one’s life.

ORG 4910 Independent Study in Organizational Management and Leadership (1-4 sh)

Advanced independent research.

ORG 4970 Internship in Organizational Management and Leadership (1-8 sh)

An assignment in a business institution other than the current employer in which reflective experience is the goal. Interested students who have completed 20 hours or more in the major should apply to their academic advisor.