Student Success

Student Success will monitor and facilitate undergraduate student persistence and success through data collection, campus retention software, and program administration; and offer guidance and attend to the overall well-being of the North Park undergraduate student body. Programs and initiative are designed to support students’ success throughout all aspects of the University experience.

Disability Resources

North Park University seeks to provide an environment and community where each person may develop academically, socially, and spiritually. North Park University is committed to full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of university life. As a result, the University is willing to relocate programs, services, and activities to make the event accessible. Please allow at least ten (10) business days for accommodations. Depending on the nature of the program, service, or activity, accommodations may take longer or be able to be coordinated in less time.

If you have questions about accommodations or accessibility to programs, services, or activities offered on campus please contact:

Orientation Program

Entering North Park University is a threshold experience. It is a time of transition, growth, and excitement. At North Park we are committed to helping the new student find the way to the other side of the threshold. Thus we have created Threshold, a program designed with the new student in mind. Threshold includes summer advising opportunities and orientation activities and events prior to the start of school which will familiarize the student with the campus, faculty and staff, the academic programs, and various services.

Writing and Tutoring Services

The Office of Academic Engagement and Student Success offers One-on-One Tutoring, Supplemental Instruction (SI), and Student Success Coaching. These services are regularly scheduled, informal review sessions in which students compare notes, discuss readings, and develop organizational tools. Students will learn how to integrate course content and study skills while working together. The sessions will be facilitated by trained student leaders recommended by faculty that have previously done well in the course and as model students.

The Writing Center, located on the second floor of Brandel Library, operates on the principle that every writer needs at least one good reader. Staffed by trained student Writing Advisors, the Writing Center features a flexible program of writing support serving all undergraduate students. Every student in Core Curriculum first- year seminar courses confers with a Writing Advisor on drafts of formal writing assignments before revising and submitting their papers. This arrangement gives students intense, individualized writing advice and helps to streamline the processes of revision and editing. Students at any level of coursework can seek assistance in the Writing Center.