Core Values

North Park Theological Seminary’s distinctive character is reflected in three core values, which summarize our institutional identity and characterize our unique learning environment.

Christian: NPTS educates for the church and exists to serve Christ’s church. We form men and women to worship wholeheartedly, think critically and with respect to context, and have the emotional and spiritual fortitude to engage others with a posture of learning.

City-Centered: NPTS collaborates across neighborhoods. The city is where the world comes together, and while we are city-centered, we believe that the lessons learned from the city are applicable to rural, global, and incarcerated communities.

Intercultural: NPTS embodies diverse communion. We are an evangelical school with a heart for God’s justice and broad theological worldviews. We engage antiracism, support gender equity, and appreciate ethnic and cultural identity. We aspire to be an educational community of belonging, curiosity, and humility in relation to one another.