Academic Leave or Withdrawal
Leave of Absence
Students may interrupt their education at North Park University for a period of no more than two consecutive terms by filing a leave of absence form online. The catalog requirements under which a student initially entered the University will continue to apply to students who either maintain continuous enrollment or who file for a leave of absence. Students who are absent for a period longer than two semesters must apply for readmission online. The catalog under which a student is readmitted to the University will govern the graduation requirements for that student.
Any student finding it necessary to withdraw from the University must complete the withdrawal process. The withdrawal form is available at the North Park website. Students withdrawing after the fourth week will have W (withdrawal) grades recorded for their courses. Students may be involuntarily withdrawn from the institution if they are determined by University officials to be a danger to themselves or others, or if their behavior or actions are incongruent with the values and mission of the institution. Students may be responsible for tuition, fees, and charges up to the point of withdrawal.
Students who wish to return to North Park should follow the applicant process for readmission found in the Admission, Financial Aid and Billing section of the catalog.
Medical Withdrawal
Students may be granted a medical withdrawal from the University due to medical/psychological reasons through the Division for Student Engagement. The date of the withdrawal will be set by the Vice President or his or her designee. Medical withdrawals require appropriate medical documentation by a licensed health care practitioner or treatment facility. Medical withdrawals can be arranged in advance for the following semester.
The Vice President for Student Engagement or his or her designee will outline expectations regarding a student’s time away from North Park University. If circumstances change during the medical withdrawal, modification of these expectations might occur.
Students taking a medical withdrawal agree to the directives and recommendations for determining readmission eligibility set out by the Vice President for Student Engagement, his or her designee, and/or the Wellness Team, including any requirement for additional medical documentation at the time of the request for medical clearance. In some cases, continued treatment for a period of time may be required as a condition of readmission.
Clearance must be granted by the Division of Student Engagement prior to any action taken on a readmission application submitted by a student who withdrew for medical/psychological reasons.
The Vice President for Student Engagement or his or her designee will determine readiness to return to academic studies, sufficient health stability, and grant clearance based on, but not limited to, the following:
- Review of medical documentation
- Written statement(s) from a licensed health care practitioner or treatment facility concerning (1) the student’s health status, (2) ability to succeed as a student, or (3) directive(s) compliance
Clearance to reapply does not guarantee readmission. Students should not seek medical clearance until their health is stable. Subsequent requests for medical withdrawals for the same condition are reviewed with stricter standards and greater scrutiny.