PSYC Courses
GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.
PSYC 1000 Introduction to Psychology (4 sh)
An introduction to the methodology and the major content areas of psychology. Minimum grade requirement, C or above, for declared majors.
PSYC 1200 Stress and Health (2 sh) GE
Introduces the concepts of stress and health, including physical and psychological well-being, nutrition, and exercise.
PSYC 2100 Research Methods in Psychology (4 sh) GE
Introduces the methods and statistics used in the study of psychology, including surveys, correlational studies, and experiments Special attention to the unique requirements of human subjects. Prerequisite: PSYC 1000, STAT 1490. Minimum grade requirement, C or above, for declared majors.
PSYC 2105 Psychology as a Major and Career
This workshop course introduces students to expectations, opportunities, and career options in psychology as a degree and profession. Completion or concurrent enrollment in PSYC 2100 is required.
PSYC 2700 Human Lifespan Development (4 sh)
Studies physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development across the human lifespan. The course incorporates theories, methods, and research with both children and adults. Prerequisite: PSYC 1000.
PSYC 3010 Behavioral Neuroscience (4 sh)
Explores how biological mechanisms interact with experience to create behavior, with an emphasis on components of the nervous system and the biological bases of the sensory systems. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3100 Learning and Memory (4 sh)
Examines some of the basic processes of behavior and mental life: classical and operant conditioning, memory, and thinking. Combines experimental data, everyday experience, and psychological theory. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3150 Child and Adolescent Psychology (4 sh) GE
Explores the nature and course of physical, social, and cognitive development and patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior that occur throughout the entire lifespan. Special attention to developmental research. Pre-requisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3200 Personality (4 sh)
Focuses on the scientific investigation of individuals’ characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving from a psychological perspective. Includes historical and contemporary approaches, current research, personality assessment, and the application of personality concepts in everyday life. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3250 Psychology of Gender and Sexuality (4 sh)
This course is an overview of the scientific study of gender and human sexuality and will familiarize students with both basic and advanced concepts in these fields. This course is a survey of research and current thinking and emphasizes the scientific investigation of human mental processes and behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3350 Industrial-Organizational Psychology (4 sh)
Focus on the sub-field of psychology that applies psychological theories and principles to organizations. Includes workplace productivity, physical and mental well-being of employees, performance appraisal, teams and leadership. Pre-requisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3400 Psychological Testing (4 sh)
Studies the history, principles, and applications of psychological testing and assessment. Included are: the functions of psycho- logical testing; technological and methodological components such as reliability and validity; and test development and construction. Particular focus on the theories and uses of intelligence and personality tests. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3450 Multicultural Psychology (4 sh)
Investigates the influence of sociocultural factors on human thought and behavior. Includes exploration of how major psychology concepts and findings might be influenced by factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, and class. Pre-requisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3500 Social Psychology (4 sh)
Introduces the study of human behavior in groups, including social cognition, social influence, attribution, social comparison, attraction and friendship, stereotypes, and the self. The course incorporates theory, research, and application. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3550 Adult Development and Aging (4 sh)
Examines human development from adulthood through death from a biopsychosocial perspective. Includes contemporary themes and issues in the field, models of development, research methodology, and the application of theory.
PSYC 3600 Abnormal Psychology (4 sh)
Studies psychological disorders, etiologies, assessment, and interventions. This includes the history of abnormal psychology; theory and research; and biological, psychological, and social approaches to treatment. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3650 Health Psychology (4 sh)
This course will explore how psychological processes and our environment impact our physical health and well-being, and conversely, how our physical health impacts our psychological wellbeing. Specifically, how biological, psychological, and social factors interact with and affect several factors including health promotion, illness prevention, medical treatment, treatment adherence, coping with various aspects of illness, and the recovery, rehabilitation, and psychosocial adjustment of people with chronic illness or injury. This course's primary orientation to the problem of health psychology is clinical/counseling.
PSYC 3700 Counseling Psychology (4 sh)
Introduces research and principles, theories, and techniques of counseling. Emphasizes theories of counseling; some basic listening and responding skills; sound judgment and the limits of practice; special populations in counseling; and professional ethics. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3800 Perception (4 sh)
Studies the relationship between the external world and our internal representation of the world as we perceive it. Considers the bases of accurate perception, factors contributing to perceptual errors, the dimensions and processes of conscious- ness, and the nature of reality. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3900 Thinking and Language (4 sh)
Examines the nature and origin of human thought and language. Topics will include but not be limited to decision making, problem solving, reasoning, language, and conscious- ness. The course will include, theoretical, empirical, and applied foci. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 3905 Practicum in Psychology (1 sh)
This experiential-learning 1 credit course is taken in conjunction with select psychology courses. Students will obtain relevant experience the human services field.
PSYC 3910 Topics in Psychology (2 or 4 sh) GE
Studies in depth and detail selected topics in psychology. Repeatable. Prerequisite: PSYC 2100.
PSYC 4000 Departmental Honors in Psychology (2-4 sh)
Studies an approved research topic in depth and detail under the supervision of department faculty. Involves a literature review, design of a study, analysis, and write-up. The final paper is presented to the larger university and/or psychological community. Students may register for PSYC 4000 in one semester for 4 sh, or two semesters for 2 sh each. Student must have approval of the project proposal by the department faculty and assignment of the supervisor.
PSYC 4901 Psychology Comprehensive Exam (0 sh)
All majors are required to complete and pass the psychology comprehensive exam prior to graduation. Students should enroll in PSYC 4901 in their final fall or spring semester at North Park University.
PSYC 4902 Psychology Portfolio (0 sh)
Reviews academic progress, career planning and exploration, and evidence of major outcomes in psychology through personal reflection. Student will submit an organized sample of education work samples and skills for review. Independent study.
PSYC 4903 Psychology Professional Seminar (1 sh)
This seminar will enable students to develop plans for post- graduation professional or educational work. Students should enroll in their final year.
PSYC 4910 Independent Study in Psychology (1-4 sh)
Studies in detail a topic chosen by the student in consultation with a department faculty member whose approval is required for the course. Repeatable.
PSYC 4930 Directed Research (2-4 sh)
This course is open to students with an interest in a special topic in psychological research. Students must be a psychology major, in their final year, with a minimum Psychology GPA of 3.0. Students will work under the direction of a faculty mentor on a novel research project. Permission of the faculty mentor and departmental approval is required prior to enrollment in this course.
PSYC 4970 Internship in Psychology (1-4 sh)
Please refer to the internship section of the catalog for requirements and guidelines. The Psychology department GPA requirement is a 2.75 for a 4sh internship. Students may enroll in 1 or 2sh provisional supervision with a 2.5 GPA with departmental approval.