Swedish (SWED)


GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

SWED 1010 Basic Swedish I (4 sh) GE

Introduction to contemporary Swedish through materials relating to culture and civilization with equal emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, and writing. No credit for SWED 1010 will be granted to students who have more than two years of high school Swedish within the last five years.

SWED 1020 Basic Swedish II (4 sh) GE

Introduction to contemporary Swedish through materials relating to culture and civilization with equal emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

SWED 2010 Intermediate Swedish I (4 sh)

Review and reinforcement of Swedish grammar. Discussion based on the reading of materials on everyday situations. Daily practice in conversation. Prerequisite: SWED 1020.

SWED 2020 Intermediate Swedish II (4 sh)

Extensive reading of simple literary works of high quality to develop reading comprehension. Theme writing based on the assigned texts and on contemporary topics to achieve a higher degree of proficiency in writing skills. Prerequisite: SWED 2010.

SWED 2040 Swedish Phonetics and Pronunciation (2 sh)

Phonetics and pronunciation is a practical course that aims to help majors improve their pronunciation and learn how to teach pronunciation to others. It also includes the theoretical treatment of phonetics: specifically articulatory phonetics, phonology, linguistics structures, and intonation that will be language specific. Prerequisite: SWED 2020.

SWED 3150 Advanced Swedish Grammar and Composition (4 sh)

Intensive study of vocabulary, idiom, and grammar to strengthen self-expression and fluency. Prerequisite: SWED 2010, SWED 2020.