Cross-Registration through the ACTS Consortium

North Park Theological Seminary is part of the Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS). To see a complete list of courses that are available to students offered by ACTS seminaries, visit Students interested in taking a course at a particular seminary are advised to go to that seminary’s website to confirm course description and schedule.

Registration for ACTS Courses

Contact the Seminary Academic Services Office for the ACTS cross-registration form. If the student is eligible and is accepted by the host school, he or she will be registered for CROS 5000 and will be charged regular NPTS tuition. Students are not permitted to register for an ACTS course directly with another seminary.

  • Students must have approval from the Seminary Academic Services Office and the host seminary in order to register.
  • Cross-registration is not available for independent studies.
  • To use a cross-registered course to fulfill a core requirement in a degree or certificate program, the student must submit an approved course substitution petition from the Academic Cabinet.
  • At least one half of a student’s courses must be taken at NPTS.