Counseling and Health Centers

Health Services and Counseling Support Services are both located at 3317 West Foster Avenue. Health Services is available to all North Park students for health assessments and health education. All other services are available to Seminary students taking 5 hours or more in the current semester. Most services, medications, and tests provided in Health Services are free for students. 

Counseling Support Services strives to provide North Park students with competent, confidential, and caring mental health support that encourages personal and emotional growth and the development of healthy attitudes, skills, and abilities. Services, free of charge to all full-time and degree-seeking part-time North Park students, include consultations, individual and group counseling, drop-in counseling, and case management. Appointments are available both in-person and virtually (telehealth) and follow a short-term, goal-oriented, and individualized approach. For more information, see

If a student wishes to pursue counseling with another provider, the Director of Seminary Student Life and Formation has referrals as well as resources to help defray some of the cost.