EDUC 6310 Assessment in the Schools

This course is designed to develop skills in selecting, developing and interpreting assessment methods and developing a plan for assessment. This course will provide the educational leader with opportunities to examine valid, reliable and fair measurements to determine achievement in teaching and learning and decision making for school improvement. The educational leader will develop skills in using meaningful data to drive, guide and support school improvement decisions. The principal as assessment leader will develop skills to assist teachers in utilizing assessment data to identify needs and align instruction. Educational leaders must promote the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning. School improvement intiatives are frequently centered on student assessment and achievement results and data. Educational leaders must be able to review, analyze, interpret, implement, and disseminate assessment results for school improvement. Students are expected to demonstrate that they have learned the skills needed to select, develop, and interpret assessment methods that will provide valid, reliable and fair measures of valued educational achievement targets and to develop assessment strategies for effective integration and implementation of assessment plans.
