ORG 4240 Managing Change and Conflict

Provides the student with resources to mediate organizational experiences within the context of managing and leading. Examines several theoretical frameworks for organizational change. Through these frameworks organizations, and their varied circumstances, will be evaluated in order for students to determine which change methodology is most appropriate for a specific situation. The steps of change, common problems associated with change, and methods to measure outcomes will be explored. Students will investigate resistance to change and what can be done about it. Conflict, as a natural outgrowth of change, will be investigated. Methods for managing conflict, understanding its root causes, and addressing it productively will be explored. The concept of BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) will be investigated as a conflict management technique. The course will explain the action research process that is typically associated with change. Students will complete a team-based project requiring individual and team research and roll out the change management plan created with timelines, interventions, expected results and appropriate organizational metrics. Throughout, the ethics of appropriate change and conflict management will be emphasized.



