Core Curriculum Requirements

Requirement Area Required Courses  Minimum Semester Hours
Course Selections
Cornerstone Seminar 1 4 CORE 1000: Cornerstone Seminar
Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning 1 4 MATH 1030: Concepts & Structures of Mathematics
HSC 1490: Statistics for Health Professions
STAT 1490: Introductory Statistics
Any Math course numbered above 1030
Biblical and Theological Studies 1 4 BTS 1850: Introduction to the Bible
Global Histories 1 4 HIST 1000: Themes in Global History
HIST 2200: World History to 1500
HIST 2210: World History Since 1500
Health and Well-Being 1 2 EXS 1000: Personal Health
PSYC 1200: Stress and Health
Modern Languages 2 8 Must be proficient through 1020 level
ARAB 1010/1020 - Basic Arabic I/II
FREN 1010/1020 - Introduction to French I/II
GERM 1010/1020 - Basic German I/II
GRK 1010/1020 - Biblical Greek I/II
ITAL 1010/1020 - Basic Italian I/II
SPAN 1010/1020 - Basic Spanish I/II
SWED 1010/1020 - Basic Swedish I/II
Life Sciences (requires a laboratory) 1 2 BIOL 1160: Microbes and Society
BIOL 1170: Survey of the Human Body
BIOL 1180: Environmental Science
BIOL 1250: Human Anatomy
BIOL 1260: Cell Biology
BIOL 2110: Economic Botany
BIOL 2125: Ecology of Costa Rica
BIOL 2140: Field Studies in Biology
BIOL 2155: Ecology/Culture of Asia
Physical Sciences (requires a laboratory) 1 2 CHEM 1011: Chemistry in our World
CHEM 1021: Survey of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 1150: General Chemistry I
PHEN 1030: Energy
PHEN 1050: Physics of Sport
PHEN 1060: Astronomy
PHEN 1110: College Physics I
PHEN 1210: Introduction to Physics I
Culture and Society 1 4

BSE 2211: Principles of Macroeconomics
COMM 2350: Intercultural Communication
EDUC 3602: Sociolinguistics and Cultural Differences

ENG 2040: World Literature in English
GBLS 2130: Between Worlds: Intro to Global Studies
GNDR 2010: Gender Matrix
MUS 2060: World Music in Cultural Perspective
PHIL 2310: East Asian Philosophy and Ethics
POGO 2300: Comparative Politics
POGO 2750: Chicago Politics
SCAN 2130: Scandinavian History and Culture
SOC 1910: Introduction to Sociology
SPAN 2130: Mexican History and Culture

Christian Life and Thought Must complete BTS 1850 prior to taking this course. 1 4

BTS 2110: The Pentateuch
BTS 2120: Old Testament Prophets
BTS 2130: Old Testament Poetry and Wisdom Literature
BTS 2210: Jesus of Nazareth
BTS 2260: Paul
BTS 2400: Christian Origins in the City
BTS 2500: Introduction to Theology
BTS 2520: Christian Spirituality
BTS 2530: C.S. Lewis
BTS 2600: History of the Church
BTS 2640: Western Theological Traditions
BTS 2660: Eastern Orthodox Christianities
BTS 2700: World Religions
BTS 3240: Luke and Acts
BTS 3250: John
BTS 3410: Women, The Bible and the Church


Arts & Aesthetics 1 - 2 2 ART 1100: Drawing I
ART 2010: History of African Art
ART 2011: History of Art of the Americas
ART 2013: History of Classical Western Art
ART 2014: History of Early Christian Art
ART 2015: History of Renaissance and Baroque Art
ART 2016: History of Nineteenth-Century Art
ART 2017: Early Modern Art
ART 2018: Contemporary Art
COMM 2240: Introduction to Performance Studies
COMM 2250: Film Studies
ENG 1750: Studies in Literature
ENG 2050: Creative Writing
Music Participation in ensembles for a total of 2 sh: MUS 0700, MUS 0725, MUS 0750, MUS 0800, MUS 0810 or MUS 0855
MUS 1000: Music Appreciation
MUS 2050: Contemporary American Popular Music
THEA 1030: Chicago Theatre Experience
THEA 1040: Dramaturgy/Text Analysis
THEA 1600: Introduction to Design for the Stage
THEA 2110: Deconstructing the Canon
THEA 2120: Reconstructing the Canon
Ethical Reasoning 1 2 ART 2070: Ethics of Creative Practice
BIOL 3010: Ethics in Biology
BTS 2510: Christian Ethics
CHEM 3010: Chemistry Ethics, Skills, and Professional Practices
COMM 3480: Media Ethics
EDUC 3130: Multicultural Education
EXS 4010: Seminar in Exercise Science
HIST 3591: Topic: War and Peace 31
MUS 1005: Introduction to the Music Profession
NURS 3540/HSC 3540: Healthcare Ethics
PHEN 1410: Engineering Ethics
PHIL 2530: Business & Professional Ethics
PHIL 2910: Topics in Philosophy
POGO 3100: Political Philosophy
PSYC 3150: Child & Adolescent Psychology
PSYC 3550: Adult Development & Aging
SOC 2300: Ethics in Criminal Justice and Social Services
Keystone Seminar 1 4 CORE 3000: Keystone Seminar
Intermediate Writing
Writing Intensive (WI) 1 - 2 4 ART 3100: Drawing III
BIOL 1260: Introduction to Cell Biology
BSE 2610: Foundations of Marketing
CHEM 2510: Introductory Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 3010: Chemistry Ethics, Skills and Professional Practices
COMM 2810: Critical Reading, Writing and Analysis
COMM 3320: Dramatic Writing I
COMM 3321: Dramatic Writing II
COMM 3331: Multi-Media Journalism
EDUC 2120: Introduction to Teaching: Professional Responsibilities
EDUC 2130: Educational Psychology: Classroom Environment
ENG 2050: Introduction to Creative Writing
ENG 3390: Writing Creative Non-Fiction
EXS 2500: Health and Behavior
MUS 2500: Introduction to Theology through Congregational Song
NURS 2100: Survey of Professional Nursing and Health Care
NURS 4520: Synthesis of Nursing Practice
PHIL 2010: Ancient & Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 2020: Modern & Contemporary Philosophy
POGO 2200: International Politics
PSYC 3910: Topics in Psychology
SOC 2090: Race and Ethnicity
SOC 2100: Social Problems
SOC 3030: Urban Sociology
SOC 3500: Methods in Social Research
SOC 3930: Practicum in Sociology
YM 2010: Urban and Multi Ethnic Youth Ministry
Writing Research (WR) 1 - 2 4

BIOL 2270: Introduction to Zoology
BIOL 2280: Introduction to Botany
BSE 3520: Principles of Leadership and Management
BTS 2650: Eastern Orthodox Theological Tradition
CTS 3200: Mediation
CTS 3400: International Conflict Transformation
CHEM 3250: Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics
CHEM 3260: Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy
CHEM 3330: Biochemistry
COMM 2010: Introduction to Communication Theory
COMM 2030: Interpersonal Communication
COMM 2070: Group Communication
COMM 3450 Media and Society
COMM 3490: Rhetorical Theory and Analysis
COMM 3910: Topics
EDUC 2145: Instruction and Assessment
EDUC 3345: Methods of Reading, Language Arts, and Social Studies K-4
ENG 2010: British Literature I
ENG 2020: British Literature II
ENG 2030: American Literature

ENG 2040: World Literature in English

EXS 3070: Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice
HIST 3310: Middle East to 1453
HSC 3120: Fads and Emerging Health and Wellness
MUS 3010: Music History and Literature I
NURS 4240/HSC 4240: The Research Process in Professional Nursing
NURS 4500: Community Health Nursing
PHIL 2910: Introductory Issues in Philosophy
PHEN 4930: Research Methods (Experimental)
POGO 3210: International Political Economy
POGO 3410: American Foreign Policy
POGO 3650: Congress and the Presidency
PSYC 2100: Research Methods in Psychology
SCAN/THEA 3200: Ibsen & Strindberg
SOC 3500: Methods in Social Research
SPAN 4010: Senior Capstone
YM 4980: Leadership and Management of Youth Ministry