Knowledge of Human Cultures, the Natural World and the Christian Faith

VISION: Understanding and engaging the world through a diversity of means and materials is the mark of a well-formed and versatile mind. Through an introduction to the basic content and methodologies of multiple disciplines, students will study the complexity of human cultures, the natural world, and the foundations of the Christian faith. Students will also learn to appreciate the limitations of knowledge in a given field and hence the interdependence of the disciplines in the search for truth. Ultimately, the pursuit of knowledge can lead to wisdom when it is integrated with well-honed skills and lived moral commitments.


  1. Human Culture: Demonstrate knowledge of key facts, concepts, and theories of human cultures, both regional and global, and apply disciplinary methodologies of analysis and research to acquire such knowledge.
  2. Natural World: Demonstrate knowledge of key facts, concepts, and theories of the natural world, and apply specific disciplinary methodologies of analysis and research to acquire such knowledge.
  3. Christian Faith: Demonstrate knowledge of the Biblical message, Jesus of Nazareth, and a Christian perspective on God, self, and world.