Values of Personal Character, Social Responsibility, and Spiritual Identity

VISION: In Christian liberal arts education, learning to take active responsibility for the well-being of one’s neighbor and oneself gives moral purpose to studies, vocations, and professions. These responsibilities are deepened through a maturing spiritual identity and broadened through exploring the purposes of human life and the meaning of faith. Through self-reflection and service to others, students will learn what it means to live ethically within and across diverse communities. Students will see the relevance of the values below, by gaining competence in their application within an urban environment. By dialoguing with North Park’s core Christian identity, students will consider their own religious identity. Ultimately, when integrated with broad knowledge and habituated skills, these values can become virtues of character for lifelong service and learning.


  1. Self-Awareness: Practice introspective and critical self- awareness of one’s own assumed beliefs, prejudices, ignorance, and status in society.
  2. Human Wellness: Understand human well-being through personal integration of its physical, psychological, and spiritual components.
  3. Environmental Stewardship: Demonstrate respect for the natural environment, and appreciate the interconnections between the natural environment and human cultures.
  4. Social Justice: Practice social responsibility by demonstrating ethical reasoning and engaging in cooperative action, service learning, or advocacy to serve a communal good.
  5. Intercultural Dialogue: Recognize the diversity and commonalities of values across cultures, and practice intercultural dialogue and cooperation.