Course Drop

Courses may be dropped before the beginning of each term and through the first week of class. After the first week of class, students must submit an instructor-signed course drop form to withdraw from a course. A drop from a course will count from the date that formal written notice has been filed with the Office of the Registrar. Mere absence from class or notice to the instructor does not constitute a drop. A grade of DW (dropped without permission) will be assigned to unauthorized drops and a grade point of zero applied.

Students may drop a course based on the table below.

Course Length Drop without an assigned grade* Drop with an assigned grade of W**
16 week End of 4th week 5th–12th week
7 ½ week End of 4th week 5th–6th week
9 week (summer term) End of 4th week 5th–7th week
4 ½ week (summer term) End of 2nd week End of 3rd week
3 week (May mini term) End of 1st week End of 2nd week

*Course will not appear on student’s transcript.

**Course is listed on student’s transcript but is not used in the calculation of the student’s GPA.

The last day to drop a course depends on the length of the course. The table above identifies the final week that a course may be dropped based on its length.

After these dates, students will be assigned grades that are used in the calculation of their GPA.