Student Classification and Academic Standing

Student Classification

The academic records of all undergraduate students are reviewed at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Students who do not meet the minimum academic standards are reviewed by the Student Academic Standing Committee. Academic performance will be evaluated on the basis of the number of credit hours attempted at North Park University and all credit hours transferred into North Park University from other institutions.

Academic standing categories may or may not meet federal requirements for maintaining satisfactory academic progress. Students that participate in varsity athletics must also meet the eligibility rules of the College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin (CCIW).

Good Standing

A student is considered in good academic standing when their cumulative grade point average (GPA) is at, or above, the following minimum standards on a four-point scale:

Credit Hours Attempted Cumulative Grade Point Average
<30 1.60
30 < 60 1.80
60 < 90 2.00
90+ 2.00

Academic Warning

A student in good standing will receive an academic warning at the end of any semester in which their grade point average falls below a 2.0.

Academic Probation and Dismissal

Immediate Dismissal Rule (Dean’s Rule)

Any student who receives a term GPA of 0.40 or below may be immediately dismissed from the institution.

Probation Status 1

A student is placed on Probation Status 1 when their cumulative GPA falls below the minimum standard for good academic standing. Students remain on Probation Status 1 for one semester. These students are required participate in an Academic Probation Program through the Center for Student Engagement. Failure to comply with the terms agreed upon in the program requirements, may result in the loss of all financial assistance. Students who improve their cumulative GPA above the minimum standards at the end of the term will be removed from probationary standing. Students who improve their cumulative GPA by receiving a term GPA of 2.00 or above, but who fail to raise their cumulative GPA above the minimum standard will be placed on Probation Status 2. Students who receive a term GPA below 2.00, regardless of whether or not this improves their cumulative GPA, will be placed on Probation Status 3.

Probation Status 2

Probation Status 2 identifies those students who are improving their academic performance. Students in this category can remain at Status 2 until such time as they raise their cumulative GPA above the minimum standards. This assumes the student’s term GPAs are at 2.00 or above. These students are required to establish an Academic Support Plan with the Center for Student Engagement by the end of the fourth week of the term. Failure to establish an Academic Support Plan, or failure to comply with the terms agreed upon in the Academic Support Plan, may result in the loss of all financial assistance. Students on Probation Status 2 who receive a term GPA of below 2.00 will be placed on Probation Status 3.

Probation Status 3

Students can remain on Probation Status 3 for one semester. These students are required to establish an Academic Support Plan with the Center for Student Engagement by the end of the fourth week of the term. Failure to establish an Academic Support Plan, or failure to comply with the terms agreed upon in the Academic Support Plan, may result in the dismissal of the student from the institution. Students who improve their cumulative GPA to the minimum standard at the end of the term will be removed from probationary standing. Students who improve their cumulative GPA by receiving a term GPA of 2.00 or above, but who fail to raise their cumulative G.P.A. above the minimum standard, will be placed on Probation Status 2. Students who receive a term GPA below 2.00, regardless of whether or not this improves their cumulative GPA, will be dismissed from the institution and may be placed on Probation Status 4.

Probation Status 4

Probation Status 4 identifies those students who have been dismissed from the institution but who are allowed to continue at the institution under special circumstances established by the Student Academic Standing Committee. Students may remain in this category for one semester. These students are required to establish an Academic Support Plan with the Center for Student Engagement by the end of the fourth week of the term. Failure to establish an Academic Support Plan, or failure to comply with the terms agreed upon in the Academic Support Plan, will result in the dismissal of the student from the institution. Students who improve their cumulative GPA to the minimum standard at the end of the term may be removed from probationary standing. Students who improve their cumulative GPA by receiving a term GPA of 2.00 or above, but who fail to raise their cumulative GPA above the minimum standard, may be placed on Probation Status 2. Students who receive a term GPA below 2.00, regardless of whether or not this improves their cumulative GPA, will be dismissed from the institution.