Academic Leave or Withdrawal

Leave of Absence

Students may interrupt their education at North Park University for a period of no more than two consecutive terms by filing a leave of absence form online. The catalog requirements under which a student initially entered the University will continue to apply to students who either maintain continuous enrollment or who file for a leave of absence. Students who are absent for a period longer than two semesters must apply for readmission online. The catalog under which a student is readmitted to the University will govern the graduation requirements for that student.


Any student finding it necessary to withdraw from the University must complete the withdrawal process. The withdrawal form is available at the North Park website. Students withdrawing after the fourth week will have W (withdrawal) grades recorded for their courses. Students may be involuntarily withdrawn from the institution if they are determined by University officials to be a danger to themselves or others, or if their behavior or actions are incongruent with the values and mission of the institution. Students may be responsible for tuition, fees, and charges up to the point of withdrawal.

Students who wish to return to North Park should follow the applicant process for readmission found in the Admission, Financial Aid and Billing section of the catalog.

Medical Withdrawal and Reenrollment Policy

North Park University recognizes that college can be stressful and at times a student may need to leave the campus community to address their mental health or medical condition (for example depression, need for surgery, treatment for an illness, as well as other conditions). A medical withdrawal (MW) allows students to take time away from the University without academic penalty and provides a student the opportunity to pursue treatment, and eventually return to the university to continue their academic and social endeavors. 

The complete Medical Withdrawal and Reenrollment Policy can be found online:


Involuntary Withdrawal Policy
North Park University may at times find itself faced with a situation in which a student’s behavior inside and/or outside the classroom demonstrates that they pose a threat of harm or creates a pattern of disruption to the community and others. In these situations, it may be appropriate and necessary to initiate an involuntary withdrawal from the university. 

The complete Involuntary Withdrawal Policy can be found online: