Academic Integrity

In keeping with our Christian heritage and commitment, North Park University is committed to the highest possible ethical and moral standards. Cheating of any sort will not be tolerated. Students who are discovered cheating are subject to discipline up to and including failure of a course and expulsion. Faculty suspecting academic dishonesty will discuss the situation with the student directly and with the Dean of the School. The faculty member and Dean will determine an appropriate sanction. The student may appeal the sanction to the Provost, who is the final arbiter for the University.

Categories that constitute academic dishonesty are:

  1. Cheating on quizzes, tests and/or examinations. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
    • Copying another’s answers on an examination or allowing another to copy.
    • Obtaining unauthorized information about the examination prior to administration of the exam. This includes possessing or distributing an exam prior to its administration.
    • Using unauthorized materials or equipment during an examination. Stealing, destroying, or altering another student’s work; hiding or abusing materials to keep others from using them is considered an instance of cheating.
  2. Substitution
    • Taking an examination or preparing an assignment for another student.
    • Signing an attendance roster for someone who is not present.
  3. Plagiarism
    • Using another’s work as one’s own, whether quoting directly or paraphrasing, without giving credit to the original source. This includes use of the internet.
    • Unauthorized use of any resources or materials in an academic exercise.
    • Self-plagiarism: Using your own work in another assignment without acknowledging its source.
  4. Group Work
    • In the special instance of group work, the instructor will make clear his/her expectations with respect to the individual vs. collaborative work. A violation of these expectations may also be considered as academic dishonesty.
  5. Admission
    • Gaining admission to the University through misrepresentation is unacceptable and may be grounds for expulsion from the University or revocation of any degree.

It is the mission of North Park University “to prepare students for a life of significance and service.” Honesty and ethical behavior are the foundation upon which such lives are built.