Student Behavior

Working together as a community, students, faculty and staff help foster a campus atmosphere that furthers the mission of the University. To maintain a vibrant learning community, students are expected to contribute to this community. This expectation calls for three principled behaviors.

  • Practice personal and academic integrity
  • Demonstrate concern for self and others, which encourages growth, learning, and development
  • Respect the rights, property, and dignity of all persons.

If a concern arises, the process for reporting and appeal of inappropriate student behavior begins with an incident report prepared by faculty/staff and shared with the student. The student is given the opportunity to respond to the report in a discussion with the assigned administrator from each school. This administrator reviews the facts, investigates the charges, makes a decision as to whether the behavior is incongruent with the values and mission of the institution, and then determines the consequences for the student.

Consequences for students--up to and including suspension or dismissal from the institution--will be given, if their behavior or actions are incongruent with the values and mission of the institution (see the Undergraduate Student Handbook for examples of behaviors and consequences). Students may be responsible for tuition, fees, and charges up to the point of withdrawal.

The student is allowed to appeal the decision in writing within five working days to the dean of the appropriate school. The decision of the dean is final.

North Park University reserves the right to adjudicate the incident using the more extensive process found in the Traditional Undergraduate Student Handbook.