Student Rights and Responsibilities

The University community functions with the understanding that the individual is responsible to the community and the community is equally responsible to the individual. The exercise of responsibility is an important part of the development of the full potential of the student as an individual and as a citizen. The University has adopted the following statement formulated by representatives of students, faculty, and administration.

  1. No applicant will be denied admission to the University or denied financial aid because of race, sex, age, color, national origin, religious creed, political belief, or disability unrelated to ability.
  2. The student has freedom of research, of appropriate classroom discussion, and of the advocacy of alternative opinions to those presented in the classroom. This right does not extend to general or specific threats of violence or harm toward others.
  3. The student will be evaluated on knowledge and academic performance for the purpose of granting academic credit. Students will not be evaluated on personal or political beliefs.
  4. The teacher-student relationship is confidential and disclosures of a student’s personal or political beliefs expressed to the teacher in connection with course work will not be made public without explicit permission of the student.
  5. Student’s records may be released to persons not associated with the University only on request of the student, through legal proceedings, or as otherwise provided by law.
  6. An attempt will be made to inform students of all rules, rates, and regulations deriving from contractual agreements with the University before entering into any such contracts.
  7. The rights of individuals to be secure in their person, living quarters, papers, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure is extended to the students in the academic community. This shall not prevent the University from entering residence hall rooms, campus apartments, or houses in accordance with campus rules and regulations.
  8. Students will be free from censorship in the publication of their views so long as these are presented in good taste and are not represented as the view of North Park University.
    Should good taste be questioned, the Vice President of Student Engagement may issue an injunction pending review by the Provost of the University.
  9. Student publications will be free from any official action controlling editorial policy as long as publication maintains good taste. Publications shall not bear the name of the University or purport to issue from it without University approval. Should good taste be questioned, the advisor to the publication or the Vice President for Student Engagement may issue an injunction pending review by the Provost of the University.
  10. Students are free to form, join, and participate in any campus group for intellectual, religious, social, economic, political, or cultural purposes, but shall not be recognized as an official school organization if the intended purpose of the organization is in direct conflict with the objectives of the University.
  11. A student is free, individually or in association with other individuals, to engage in off-campus activities, exercising his/her right as a citizen of the community, state and nation, provided he/she does not in any way claim to represent the University.
  12. Students are free to use campus facilities for meetings of officially recognized student organizations, subject to regulations governing the facility.
  13. Student groups may invite and hear speakers of their choice on subjects of their choice so long as the boundaries of good taste are observed. The president of the University retains ultimate jurisdiction in the matter of speaker selection.
  14. Students will have their views and welfare considered in the formation of University policy, and will be consulted by, or represented on, University committees which affect students as members of the University community.
  15. Students are free to assemble, to demonstrate, to communicate, and to protest, recognizing that freedom requires order, discipline, and responsibility and further recognizing the right of faculty and students to pursue their legitimate goals without interference.
  16. Students will be exempt from disciplinary action or dismissal from the University except for academic failure, failure to pay a University debt, violation of a University rule or regulation, or violation of local, state, and federal statutes. Rules and regulations shall be readily available in advance of the alleged violation.
  17. A student is free to be present on campus and to attend classes pending action on criminal, civil, or disciplinary charges. Exceptions include reasons relating to physical or emotional safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff, other persons, or University property.
  18. Every member of the community has the responsibility to conduct him or herself in a manner that does not violate the rights and freedoms of others and has the responsibility to recognize the principles within this statement of standards. It is further recognized that each member of the University community shall have recourse through the proper conduct channels for the preservation of their rights.
  19. Students will be held accountable for incidents and happenings that occur in a student’s living environment, regardless whether the student was present or not present at the time of the alleged violation(s). Sanctions will be at the discretion of the Hearing Officer.
  20. Students will be held accountable for incidents and happenings that occur in a student’s presence whether or not the student is participating in the violation(s). Sanctions will be at the discretion of the Hearing Officer.
  21. Students will be notified of the alleged conduct charges being made against them and sanctions imposed, if any, given the opportunity for a conduct proceeding appropriate to the nature of the violation of this Student Standards of Conduct, and allowed to provide supportive information that they were not responsible for behavior in question.