Additional Rights, Responsibilities, and Regulations

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty runs counter to the goals and ideals of every educational institution, will not be tolerated at North Park University, and may result in dismissal from the University. Appropriate designated authorities within the University will judge cases of alleged academic dishonesty according to the principles, policies, and procedures outlined in the student and faculty handbooks. Categories that constitute academic dishonesty are:

  1. Cheating on quizzes, tests, and/or examinations. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • Looking at an examination paper or answer sheet of another student.
    • Obtaining unauthorized information about the test prior to administration of the test.
    • Possessing or distributing a test prior to its administration.
    • Using unauthorized materials or equipment during an examination.
    • Cooperating with any of the above examples.
    • Gaining admission to the University through misrepresentation is unacceptable and may be grounds for expulsion from the University or revocation of any degree.
  2. Plagiarism on papers and other assignments.
  3. Alteration of academic records.
  4. Sabotage, e.g. stealing, destroying, or altering another student’s work; hiding or abusing materials to keep others from using them.
  5. Substitution, e.g. taking an examination or preparing an assignment for another student.

Please refer to the student handbook associated with the student’s academic program for further information.

Alcohol and Drug Policies

North Park University is covered by the Drug-Free Workplace Act; as such, the alcohol and drug policies will be enforced to protect North Park’s status as a responsible source for the award of federal grant monies. This means that we strictly prohibit the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance on North Park property or in conjunction with school sponsored events on or off campus. North Park University is also an alcohol-free (dry) campus, which means that alcohol is not allowed anywhere on campus or in conjunction with school sponsored events. Additionally, North Park does not condone the display of alcoholic containers or advertisements in campus windows, rooms, in campus publications, or on posted communication.

Students in violation of these policies will be disciplined by the Dean of Students or designated staff, up to and including dismissal, depending on the severity of the case. If a student is found in an on-campus situation where alcohol is found and/or being consumed, that person is culpable. All alcohol containers will be confiscated, emptied, and used for evidence. The Residence Life staff (as well as other community members), upon observing consistent behavior patterns of alcohol abuse, will express concern to the Dean of Students who may make referrals. Behavior that is disruptive, or characterized as physically violent, excessively aggressive, or uncooperative, and is related to the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, is prohibited.

A student’s federal financial aid may be affected by violation of federal drug laws according to the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

The North Park community is committed to supporting those seeking recovery from chemical dependency and to raising the collective conscience of alcohol and drug use and misuse. We support members of the community in their efforts to pursue treatment for addiction and to maintain drug-free and alcohol-free lifestyles. Questions regarding the Drug-Free Campus Policy Statement should be referred to the Dean of Students.

Automobile Regulations

Students must register their cars with the Campus Safety Office and observe regulations regarding insurance, use, and parking of cars as established by the University. All students with vehicles must purchase a student parking permit. Residential first-year students are not encouraged to bring automobiles. Parking facilities are limited and there is the potential for distraction from studies.

Enforcement of Regulations

The institution reserves the right to expel at any time students who, in its judgment, are undesirable and whose continuation in the school is detrimental to themselves or their fellow students. Students who have been suspended or dismissed will receive no refund of monies paid to the school.

Further information regarding student rights and responsibilities, the course of disciplinary action, and the appeal process may be found in the student handbook associated with the student's academic program. 

Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

North Park University reserves the right, as allowed under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, to disclose educational records or components thereof without written consent to parents of dependent students as defined according to the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Section 152 (as amended). All undergraduate students, other than those matriculated in the registered nurse continuation and SPS programs, will be assumed to be “dependent” unless a student notifies the Center for Student Engagement in writing within 10 calendar days after the commencement of any term that he or she considers himself to be “independent.” A certified copy of the parent’s most recent Federal Income Tax Form establishing the student’s dependent status shall be required before any educational records or components thereof will be released to the parent of a student who has properly notified North Park University of his or her “independent” status.

Note: A student cannot declare himself or herself as “independent” for the purposes of non-disclosure of educational records to parents and still claim to be “dependent” for the purposes of receiving financial aid.


In accordance with the laws of the state, the University prohibits gambling in any form on campus.