Housing Policies

The educational mission of North Park University is not limited to the classroom. Residence living can be a part of the educational experience by providing challenge, opportunities for growth, and exposure to life situations.

The University is committed to making its housing units safe and healthy places in which to live. In turn, growth and development also depend upon the resident students and their willingness to contribute toward the shared goal of successful residence living.

North Park maintains residence halls and apartments on the campus which accommodate approximately 60 percent of the enrollment. All first, second, and third-year students are required to live in campus housing. Exceptions to this policy apply to students living with their parent/guardian(s) within 30 miles of the campus, those registered for fewer than 12 credit hours, or those 21 years of age prior to September 1 of the academic year. Other exceptions to this policy will be considered upon written petition to the director of residence life and housing.

All housing applicants must complete and sign a University Housing Contract and submit it to the director of residence life and housing. The contract implies that, unless the University is advised differently, the student plans to be a resident for his or her first, second, and third academic years until he or she is released from the housing contract based on the Housing Terms and Conditions.

Termination of the contract must be made in writing to the director of residence life and housing prior to the semester in question.

Charges will be applied if the student is in violation and for each semester the student remains in violation of the University Housing Contract.

Please see the room and board refund schedule for adjustments made to housing charges after the semester is under way.

All student housing is under the direction of the director of residence life and housing A full-time professional staff resides in each living area and is assisted by trained student resident assistants (RAs).

The residence life and housing staff provides supervision, advice and referral, programming, minor discipline, and general assistance for our residents.

While the University’s residences are safe and well supervised, a student still assumes the normal risk associated with living in residence; that is, possessions can at times be accessible to other resident students and visitors. Students assume full responsibility for their possessions and valuables and should keep rooms and apartments locked if they do not wish others to have access. The university cannot assume responsibility for a student’s personal possessions. Visitation hours are maintained at each living area. All visitors deposit their ID and sign in and out at the front reception desk of the individual halls.