Pre-Professional and Professional Programs

Pre-Professional Programs

The University offers pre-professional programs in art therapy, dentistry, law, medicine, pharmacy, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, and veterinary science. These programs are not major areas in the strict sense, but are sequences of courses that will establish an adequate foundation for entry into graduate professional study. Students who are contemplating entry into graduate professional programs in the health and legal fields will understand the increasingly competitive nature of these fields. North Park provides advisory services and foundational courses that enable its graduates to compete very favorably for entry into such graduate programs. Close contact with the student’s faculty advisor should be maintained throughout the student’s time at North Park.

Professional Programs

The program of studies at North Park permits the student to achieve preparation for entry into a number of careers:

  • Athletic Training:
    The Athletic Training Educational Program (ATP) prepares students to take the BOC examination. Successful completion of the BOC examination is required in order for the student to work as an entry-level Certified Athletic Trainer. ATP has a competitive admission process; entrance into North Park does not guarantee entrance into ATP.
  • Business:
    North Park University offers a bachelor of science in business and economics which will prepare students for careers in accounting, economics, finance, international business, management, marketing, and sports management. Courses are offered for those preparing for the Illinois examination for Certified Public Accountant. Five-Year Bachelor/M.B.A. Program: With the availability of first- and second-year M.B.A. courses in both evening and Saturday class formats, North Park University students can complete a bachelor’s degree in most fields and an M.B.A. degree within five years. Contact the School of Business and Nonprofit Management (SBNM) Admissions Office for further details.
  • Engineering Three - Two Program
    A student can, through a five-year coordinated program, earn both a B.A. degree in physics from North Park University and an engineering degree from an accredited engineering school. Students spend three years in residence at North Park University followed by two years in residence at the engineering school. Under this program, students may attend any accredited engineering school that they are able to be admitted to; they are not limited to certain “partner” schools. During their North Park years, the student acquires a broad background in the liberal arts while at the same time obtaining the fundamental skills in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science, which are required for engineering. A North Park engineering advisor, knowledgeable about the requirements of engineering schools, is assigned to each student in the program. All North Park Core Curriculum requirements for a baccalaureate degree must be completed, as well as major courses as described by the North Park major department. Certain courses taken at the engineering school will be transferred to North Park to complete any requirements not satisfied during the three years spent in residence.
  • Nonprofit Management:
    North Park University offers a bachelor of science in nonprofit management which will prepare students for careers across the nonprofit sector. Students completing this B.S. degree will also earn a Nonprofit Leadership Certificate and Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credential through the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance.
  • Nursing:
    The School of Nursing offers a four-year program that leads to a bachelor of science in nursing degree. Successful completion of the program qualifies the graduate to apply for the professional nurse licensing examination, the NCLEX- RN. The undergraduate nursing program has a competitive admission process; entrance into North Park University does not guarantee entrance into the nursing major program.
  • PharmD 3 + 3 Program
    This program allows a student to earn a BA degree in Biochemistry from North Park University and PharmD degree from Roosevelt University School of Pharmacy in 6 consecutive years. This is an efficient way for students to complete the coursework in six consecutive years instead of seven or eight. This program is intended for students who know when they start undergrad that they want to pursue an advanced degree in Pharmacy.
  • Teacher Education Program
    The following programs have been approved by the State Educators Preparation and Licensure Board and the Illinois State Board of Education:
    • Early Childhood Education (major) (Birth-grade 2)
    • Elementary Education (major) grade 1-6
    • Middle Grades Education (major) grade 5-8
    • Secondary Education (major) grade 9-12
    • Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English, History, Mathematics, Physics, Political Science
    • Special K-12 Licensure, Art, Foreign Language, Music, Physical Education

    Early Childhood Education
    The combination of an early childhood education major, and an expanded general education program enables the student to qualify for Illinois licensure.

    Elementary Education
    The combination of an elementary education major, a major area of concentration selected from a list of approved options, and an expanded general education program enables the student to qualify for Illinois licensure.

    Middle Grades Education
    The combination of a middle grades education major area and academic work in one of the following content areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Science, or Social Science enables the student to qualify for Illinois licensure.

    Secondary Education
    The combination of a content-area major as a first major, a secondary education major as a second major, and courses for core standards in certain content areas enables the student to qualify for Illinois licensure.

    Special (K-12) Education in Art, Foreign Language, Music, Physical Education
    An education sequence, together with a teaching major and an expanded general education program, qualifies the graduate for a K-12 licensure.