Individually Constructed Major (ICM)

North Park University’s commitment to the liberal arts provides students with a community that encourages a spirit of innovation and supports the desire to learn from a dynamic community around us. As a result, a student may demonstrate depth of learning and scholarship by planning a major involving subject area(s) of interest. An Individually Constructed Major (ICM) allows students significant independence to form a major that corresponds to his/her own interests, as well as an appropriate culmination identifying the associations of disciplines involved. Whenever possible, the work should be creative, original, and scholarly, rather than simply the mastery of the course content of the selected disciplines.

Working with (a) faculty advisor(s), the student develops a statement articulating the justification and appropriateness of the ICM and designs a rational sequence of studies.

The sequence of studies should include:

  • A minimum of 36 credits for a B.A. degree and a minimum of 44 credits for a B.S. degree.
  • At least four courses at the 3000+ level, one of which must be an independent study, internship, or capstone course that demonstrates integrated work
  • At least 20 credits for a B.A. and 28 credits for a B.S. in the ICM must be taken at North Park University.
  • Within one academic department, a student may take no more than 24 credits for a B.A. and 32 credits for a B.S.
  • A student must receive a C or better in courses for the ICM.

In order for such a program to be approved, the student must:

  • Fill out the ICM Proposal Form.
  • Obtain the permission of the departments of each named academic area involved. Documentation of permission must be provided, such as a memo or letter.
  • Obtain the signature and support of a faculty member who will be responsible for supervising the ICM.

The faculty member supervising the ICM will bring the Proposal Form and supporting documentation to the Curriculum and Instruction Committee (CIC). The proposal will be reviewed by the CIC. Upon the Curriculum and Instruction Committee’s approval of the ICM Proposal Form, the CIC presents it to the full faculty for consideration. Full faculty approval is required for the ICM to be approved.

The entire approval process must be completed in the academic year prior to graduation. This includes completion of the ICM Proposal Form, permission of the academic departments, approval of the Curriculum and Instruction Committee and the full faculty. For example, a student graduating in December 2023 or May 2024 must have completed the entire approval process by May 2023.

The student must still complete all the Core Curriculum requirements. If applicable, the following requirements outlined in the catalog may be helpful for students pursuing an ICM.

Students pursuing an ICM will be held to the same academic standards as any student at North Park University.