
In the more than 125 years since our founding, a world-class city has grown up around North Park University. Today we seek students eager to become servant leaders in an increasingly global and urban society. The city of Chicago, with its immense commercial, service, and cultural endowments, has been our address for over a century; today it is our classroom.

Because we cherish our central identity as a residential, liberal arts university, we attempt only what we can do well. Excellence is what we ask of ourselves and what we seek in all of our varied academic and cocurricular programs.

At North Park excellence implies not only a deep tradition in the liberal arts and the Christian faith, but also a spirit of innovation, reaching out to serve and to learn from the dynamic community around us. Centers of cultural studies enrich the life of the campus and connect us to the diverse people of Chicago, whose roots extend around the globe. Graduate and special undergraduate programs enhance the University’s resources in the liberal arts, as well as specialized areas such as business, the health sciences, and education.

We are looking for men and women who long to grow in knowledge and faith, and who seek a sense of vocation through leadership and servanthood in a global society.

The educational services of the University are open to all who can benefit from them, without regard to sex, age, racial or ethnic background, religious persuasion, or social or financial position. The president and officers of North Park University reserve the right to change the requirements for admission or graduation announced in this catalog, and to change the arrangement, scheduling, credit, or content of courses, the books used, fees charged, regulations affecting students, and to refuse to admit or readmit and to dismiss any student at any time, should it be deemed to be in the interest of the student or of the University to do so. It is the personal responsibility of each student to acquire an active knowledge of all regulations set forth in this catalog.