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North Park has served five generations of students and continues to grow in diversity, academic relevance, and Christian commitment. Our Chicago location is a great asset that reflects the School’s global reach and outlook.
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School of Music, Art, and Theatre
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School of Nursing & Health Sciences
School of Business & Nonprofit Management
School of Professional Studies
North Park offers more than 40 graduate and undergraduate programs in liberal arts, sciences, and professional studies. Classes average 17 students. 84% of our faculty have terminal degrees. Academics here are rigorous and results-oriented.
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Recreation and Sports
Building community is a team sport. Between our 15 men’s and women’s teams, popular intramurals, and club sports, Vikings are here to play.
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North Park Theological Seminary prepares you to answer the call to service through theological study, spiritual development, and the formative experiences of living in a community with others on a similar life path.
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Our Graduates
Thanks to mentoring, internships, and a professional development program that begins the first day you arrive on campus, 88% of NPU grads are employed in the fields of their choice or pursuing higher degrees.
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Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog
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North Park University 2022-2023 Academic Calendar
Programs of Study
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Undergraduate Programs
Academic Policies for Undergraduates
Additional Educational Opportunities
Undergraduate Majors and Courses (Traditional)
Bachelor’s Degree Completion Programs
School of Professional Studies
Second Bachelor’s Degree Completion Programs
Graduate Programs
Degree Programs for Graduate Students
ACSR-Academic Services
AMUS-Applied Music
BADM-SPS Business Administration
BSE-Business Economics
BTS-Bib and Theo Studi
CJ-SPS Criminal Justice
CMHC-Clinical Mental Health Counsel
CMM-Church and Ministry Mgmt -SPS
CMS-Christian Ministries Studies
COMM-Communication Arts
CORE-Core Seminars
CPSY-SPS Counseling Psychology
CRUX-CRUX First Year Cohort
CSIS-Computer Sci Info Systems
CTS-Conflict Transform Studies
ESL-English 2nd Language
EXS-Exercise and Sport
FL-Foreign Language
GBLS-Global Studies
GNDR-Gender Studies
GS-SPS General Studies
HSC-Health Science
ISIT-SPS Info Sys Info Tech
LAS-Latin Amer Studies
LOCI-SPS Location Intelligence
MES-Middle Eastern Studies
NONP-Nonprofit Management
NPM-SPS Non-Profit Management
OC-Online Consortium
ORG-SPS- Organization Mgmt
PEM-Physical Education
PHEN-Physics and Engineering
POGO-Politics Govt
SBNM-School of Business Nonprofit
SCAN-Scandinavian Studies
TRAN-Transfer Credit
WGS-Womens and Gender Studies
WRIT-Writing Center
YM-Youth Ministry
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Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog
North Park Theological Seminary 2022-2023 Academic Catalog
Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog
North Park Theological Seminary 2023-2024 Academic Catalog
Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog
North Park Theological Seminary 2023-2024 Academic Catalog
Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog
North Park Theological Seminary 2024-2025 Academic Catalog
ACSR 0100
Online Orientation
ACSR 0500
Online Orientation
ACSR 0800
Online Orientation
ACSR 1005
Foundations for Academic Success
ACSR 1010
Critical Reading Skills
ACSR 1020
Topics in Skills Development
ACSR 1030
Career Planning
ACSR 4920
Study Abroad Program
ACSR 4970
Internship Planning
AMUS 1000
Non-Credit Instruction
AMUS 1005
Applied Theory/Sight Singing Tutorial
AMUS 1010
AMUS 1110
AMUS 1120
AMUS 1130
AMUS 1135
Class Voice I
AMUS 1145
Class Voice II
AMUS 1200
AMUS 1300
AMUS 1310
AMUS 1320
AMUS 1330
String Bass
AMUS 1335
Class Guitar
AMUS 1340
AMUS 1350
AMUS 1400
AMUS 1410
AMUS 1420
AMUS 1440
AMUS 1450
AMUS 1500
AMUS 1510
AMUS 1520
AMUS 1530
AMUS 1540
AMUS 1600
AMUS 2110
Jazz Piano
AMUS 2120
Gospel/Contemporary Piano
AMUS 2130
B-3 Organ
AMUS 2200
Contemporary Voice
AMUS 2250
Voice for Worship
AMUS 2330
Jazz/Contemporary Bass
AMUS 2340
Jazz/Contemporary Guitar
AMUS 2350
Guitar for Worship
AMUS 2400
Jazz Trumpet
AMUS 2410
Jazz Trombone
AMUS 2520
Jazz Saxophone
AMUS 2600
Drum Set
AMUS 2700
Applied Jazz
AMUS 2900
Special Recital
AMUS 3000
AMUS 3050
Instrumental Pedagogy and Literature
AMUS 3190
AMUS 3350
Collaborative Piano
AMUS 3900
Third Year Recital
AMUS 4900
Fourth Year Recital
AMUS 5005
Applied Theory/Sight Singing Tutorial
AMUS 5110
Applied Piano
AMUS 5120
Applied Harpsichord
AMUS 5130
Applied Organ
AMUS 5190
Applied Conducting
AMUS 5200
Applied Voice
AMUS 5210
Practicum: Studio/Choral/Opera Accompanying
AMUS 5220
Applied Gospel/Contemporary Piano
AMUS 5600
Interpretive Performance Studies
AMUS 5900
Special Recital
AMUS 6001
Applied Piano: Recital
AMUS 6002
Applied Piano: Recital
AMUS 6200
Applied Voice: Recital
ARAB 1010
Conversational Arabic I
ARAB 1020
Conversational Arabic II
ARAB 2010
Intermediate Arabic I
ARAB 2020
Intermediate Arabic II
ARAB 3910
Topics in Arabic
ART 1030
Two Dimensional Design
ART 1040
Three Dimensional Design
ART 1100
Drawing I
ART 2000
Creative Guild
ART 2010
History of African Art
ART 2011
History of Art of the Americas
ART 2013
History of Classical Western Art
ART 2014
History of Early Christian, Byzantine and Medieval Art
ART 2015
History of Renaissance and Baroque Art
ART 2016
History of Nineteenth Century Art
ART 2017
History of Early Modern Art
ART 2018
History of Contemporary Art
ART 2019
History of Graphic Design
ART 2020
Painting I
ART 2030
Sculptural Practices I
ART 2040
Printmaking: Relief
ART 2050
Printmaking: Intaglio
ART 2060
Photography I
ART 2070
Ethics of Creative Practice
ART 2080
Introduction to Graphic Design
ART 2081
Advanced Graphic Design
ART 2100
Drawing II
ART 3010
Third-Year Seminar in Art
ART 3020
Painting II
ART 3030
Sculptural Practices II
ART 3040
Intermediate Printmaking
ART 3060
Photography II
ART 3061
Documentary Photography
ART 3081
Digital Illustration
ART 3082
Digital Imaging
ART 3100
Drawing III
ART 3260
Methods in Art for Elementary Teachers
ART 3390
Methods and Materials for Teaching Art K -8
ART 3500
Introduction to Arts Management
ART 3910
Topics in Art
ART 4000
Departmental Honors in Art
ART 4010
Fourth-Year Seminar in Art I
ART 4011
Fourth-Year Seminar in Art II
ART 4020
Advanced Painting
ART 4030
Sculptural Practices III
ART 4050
Advanced Printmaking III
ART 4060
Photography III
ART 4910
Independent Study in Art
ART 4930
Directed Research
ART 4970
Internship in Art
BADM 3030
Introduction to Digital Business Systems And Technology in Organizations
BADM 3040
E-Commerce: Emerging Technologies and Digital Business Practices
BADM 3100
Principles of Macro and Micro Economics
BADM 3300
Principles of Financial Accounting
BADM 3500
Principles of Managerial Accounting
BADM 3600
Digital and Social Media Marketing
BADM 3610
Digital Marketing Analytics
BADM 3700
International Business
BADM 3800
Found of Supply Chain Management
BADM 3810
Scm Design, Logistics, Decision Modeling Logistics and Decision Modeling
BADM 3820
Advanced Supply Chain Management
BADM 3900
Business Law
BADM 3910
Topics in Business Administration
BADM 4010
Digital Ethics - Legal, Moral and Social Issues in Cybertechnology
BADM 4100
Foundations of Finance
BADM 4200
Production Management
BADM 4400
Strategic Management
BADM 4910
Independent Study in Business Administration
BADM 4970
Internship in Business Administration
BIOL 0010
Biology Summer Science Academy
BIOL 1160
Microbes and Society
BIOL 1170
Survey of the Human Body
BIOL 1180
Introduction to Environmental Science
BIOL 1250
Introduction to Human Anatomy
BIOL 1260
Introduction to Cell Biology
BIOL 1901
STEM Scholars Experience
BIOL 2100
Topics in Biology
BIOL 2110
Economic Botany
BIOL 2125
Tropical Ecology of Costa Rica
BIOL 2130
Urban Wildlife Ecology
BIOL 2140
Field Studies in Biology
BIOL 2155
Culture and Ecology of Asia
BIOL 2270
Introduction to Zoology
BIOL 2280
Introduction to Botany
BIOL 2350
Introduction to Human Disease
BIOL 2360
Medical Terminology
BIOL 2400
Geospatial Technology
BIOL 2910
BIOL 2930
Advanced Human Physiology
BIOL 2950
Medical Parasitology
BIOL 3010
Ethics in Biology
BIOL 3050
BIOL 3140
BIOL 3150
Biodiversity and Evolution
BIOL 3160
Exercise Physiology
BIOL 3170
Native Wildflowers, Trees and Shrubs of The Great Lakes Region
BIOL 3180
BIOL 3190
Ethology (Animal Behavior)
BIOL 3200
Natural History of the Vertebrates
BIOL 3210
BIOL 3230
Molecular Biology
BIOL 3290
BIOL 3510
BIOL 3530
BIOL 3610
Medical Microbiology
BIOL 3620
BIOL 3790
Advanced Topics in Biology
BIOL 3791
Plant and Animal Interaction
BIOL 3792
Soil Ecology - Morton Arboretum
BIOL 3793
Woody Plants
BIOL 3794
Freshwater Ecology
BIOL 3890
Marine and Island Biology
BIOL 3910
Advanced Topics in Biology
BIOL 4000
Departmental Honors in Biology
BIOL 4020
ACCA Seminar
BIOL 4901
Biology Comprehensive Exam
BIOL 4930
Directed Research in Biology
BIOL 4950
AuSable Institute of Environmental Studies
BIOL 4970
Internship in Biology
BSE 2110
Financial Accounting
BSE 2120
Managerial Accounting
BSE 2211
Principles of Macroeconomics
BSE 2212
Principles of Microeconomics
BSE 2310
Foundations of Finance
BSE 2510
Operations Management and Information Technology
BSE 2520
Business Law
BSE 2540
Business Communication
BSE 2550
Introduction to Information Systems
BSE 2610
Foundations of Marketing
BSE 2620
Introduction to Advertising
BSE 2810
Introduction to Sport Management
BSE 3040
Web Technologies and E-Commerce
BSE 3110
Intermediate Accounting I
BSE 3120
Intermediate Accounting II
BSE 3150
Individual Tax Accounting
BSE 3160
BSE 3170
Advanced Accounting
BSE 3180
Accounting Research and Analysis
BSE 3210
Intermediate Microeconomics
BSE 3220
Intermediate Macroeconomics
BSE 3250
Development of Economic Thought
BSE 3310
Investments and Portfolio Management
BSE 3330
International Finance
BSE 3350
Financial Statements Analysis And Modeling
BSE 3510
Public Relations & Corporate Communication
BSE 3520
Principles of Management and Leadership
BSE 3525
Principles of Organizational Behavior
BSE 3530
Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship
BSE 3540
Team and Group Dynamics
BSE 3550
Introduction to Human Resource Management
BSE 3610
Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior
BSE 3620
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
BSE 3624
Integrated Marketing Communication Execution
BSE 3630
Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management
BSE 3640
Brand Management and New Product Development
BSE 3650
International Marketing
BSE 3660
Principlesof Professional Selling
BSE 3670
Introduction to Interactive Marketing
BSE 3830
Sport Finance and Operations
BSE 3840
Sport Marketing and Sales
BSE 3910
Topics in Business and Nonprofit Management
BSE 3920
Advanced Topics in Business
BSE 4000
Department Honors in Business
BSE 4520
Strategic Management
BSE 4910
Independent Study in Business
BSE 4930
Directed Research in Business
BSE 4970
Internship in Business
BSE 4971
Documented Work Experience
BTS 1850
Introduction to the Bible
BTS 2110
The Pentateuch
BTS 2120
Old Testament Prophets
BTS 2130
Old Testament Poetry and Wisdom Literature
BTS 2210
Jesus of Nazareth
BTS 2260
BTS 2310
The Land of Israel in the Biblical and Post-Biblical Periods
BTS 2400
Christian Origins From the City-Center
BTS 2500
Introduction to Theology
BTS 2510
Christian Ethics
BTS 2520
Christian Spirituality
BTS 2530
C.S. Lewis
BTS 2600
History of the Church
BTS 2640
The Western Theological Tradition
BTS 2650
The Eastern Orthodox Theological Tradition
BTS 2660
Eastern Orthodox Christianities
BTS 2700
World Religions
BTS 2840
African-American Church History and Religious Thought
BTS 3150
The Book of Psalms
BTS 3240
Luke and Acts
BTS 3250
BTS 3410
Women, The Bible, and The Church
BTS 3510
Modern Theologians
BTS 3550
Philosophy of Religion
BTS 3660
Spiritual Journey
BTS 3661
Spiritual Practices
BTS 3670
Foundations of Christian Worship
BTS 3680
Foundations of Worship Arts
BTS 3910
Topics in Biblical and Theological Studies
BTS 3920
Advanced Topics in Biblical and Theological Studies
BTS 4010
Fourth-Year Seminar in Biblical and Theological Studies
BTS 4910
Independent Study in Biblical and Theological Studies
BTS 4930
Directed Research
BTS 4970
Internship in Biblical and Theological Studies
CHEM 0010
Chemistry Summer Science Academy
CHEM 1011
Chemistry in Our World
CHEM 1021
Survey of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 1031
Survey of Biochemistry
CHEM 1150
General Chemistry I
CHEM 1160
General Chemistry II
CHEM 2110
Topics in Chemistry - Lower Division
CHEM 2160
Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 2310
Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2320
Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2340
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
CHEM 2350
Principles of Pharmacology
CHEM 2410
Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 2510
Introductory Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 3010
Chemistry Ethics, Skills & Professional Practices
CHEM 3250
Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics
CHEM 3260
Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy
CHEM 3330
CHEM 3340
Advanced Biochemistry
CHEM 3410
Instrumental Analysis
CHEM 3910
Topics in Chemistry
CHEM 4000
Departmental Honors in Chemistry
CHEM 4020
Chemistry Seminar Series
CHEM 4930
Directed Research
CHEM 4970
Internship in Chemistry
CJ 3000
Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 3100
Research Methods in Criminal Justice
CJ 3200
Correctional Services
CJ 3300
Juvenile Justice System
CJ 3400
Criminal Procedure
CJ 3500
Criminal Law
CJ 3910
Topics in Criminal Justice
CJ 4000
Law Enforcement Administration
CJ 4100
Urban Communities and Crime
CJ 4200
Restorative Justice
CJ 4300
Professional Issues, Ethics, and Diversity
CJ 4400
Practicum in Criminal Justice
CJ 4910
Independent Study in Criminal Justice
CJ 4970
Internship in Criminal Justice
CMHC 5010
Counseling Theory
CMHC 5020
Counseling Techniques
CMHC 5085
Research Skills for the Disciplines
CMHC 5110
Psychopathology and Maladaptive Behavior
CMHC 5120
Group Dynamics, Processing and Counseling
CMHC 5210
Social and Cultural Foundations Of Counseling Psychology
CMHC 5220
Professional, Legal and Ethical Responsibilities Related to Professional Counseling
CMHC 5310
Research and Evaluation
CMHC 5320
Human Growth and Development
CMHC 5410
Integrating Spiritual & Religious Issues In Counseling
CMHC 5420
Appraisal of Individuals
CMHC 5510
Advanced Culturally Competent Counseling Techniques
CMHC 5520
Substance Abuse and Addiction
CMHC 5540
Trauma and Healing
CMHC 5610
Lifestyle and Career Development
CMHC 5620
Family Dynamics
CMHC 5640
Child and AdolescentCounseling
CMHC 5680
Human Sexuality
CMHC 5800
Special Populations in Addiction Counseling
CMHC 5810
CMHC 5820
Advanced Addiction Treatment
CMHC 5910
Current Topics in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CMHC 5960
CMHC 5965
Introduction to Internship
CMHC 5970
Internship I
CMHC 5971
Internship II
CMHC 5975
Extended Internship
CMM 3000
Principles and Practices of Church and Ministry Management
CMM 3100
Managing Human Resources in a Church Ministry Setting
CMM 3200
Church Fundraising and Stewardship
CMM 3300
Strategies for Church and Ministry Growth, Change, and Revitalization
CMS 1510
Introduction to Christian Ministries Studies
CMS 1600
General Church Ministry Practicum
CMS 2110
Sacred and Embodied Habits of a Christian Leader
CMS 2260
Jesus, Discipleship, and Making Disciples
CMS 2310
Global Mission in the Bible and World
CMS 3000
Vital Issues of Ministry in City-Centers
CMS 3900
Pietism and the Evangelical Movement
CMS 3910
Topics in Biblical and Theological Studies
CMS 4020
Evangelical Practical Theology
CMS 4250
Biblical Formation on Location Making Disciples
CMS 4500
Introduction to the Area of Ministry Specialization
CMS 4650
Programming for the Area Of Ministry Specialization
CMS 4710
Principles of Management Leadership In Ministry Specialization
CMS 4910
Independent Study in Christian Ministry
CMS 4970
Internship in the Area of Ministry Specialization I
CMS 4971
Internship in the Area of Ministry Specialization II
COMM 1910
Public Speaking
COMM 2010
Introduction to Communication Studies
COMM 2030
Interpersonal Communication
COMM 2070
Group Communication
COMM 2081
Social Media, Friends and Family
COMM 2110
Performance of Literature
COMM 2130
COMM 2150
Media Literacy
COMM 2155
Audio Production I
COMM 2175
Audio Production II
COMM 2240
Introduction to Performance Studies
COMM 2250
Film Studies
COMM 2350
Intercultural Communication
COMM 2355
Video Production 1 (Field Production)
COMM 2650
Scandinavian Film
COMM 2750
Latin America on Film
COMM 2810
Critical Reading, Writing and Analysis
COMM 3100
Foundations of Media Industries
COMM 3310
Media Writing
COMM 3320
Dramatic Writing I
COMM 3321
Dramatic Writing II
COMM 3331
Multi-Media Journalism
COMM 3355
Video Production II (New Media)
COMM 3450
Media and Society
COMM 3480
Media Ethics
COMM 3490
Rhetorical Theory and Analysis
COMM 3510
Inside Hollywood
COMM 3520
COMM 3530
Faith, Film and Culture
COMM 3540
Intro to Filmmaking
COMM 3545
Hollywood Production Workshop
COMM 3550
International Communication
COMM 3910
COMM 4000
Departmental Honors Communication Arts
COMM 4010
Professional Seminar
COMM 4910
Independent Study in Communication Arts
COMM 4970
Internship in Communication Arts
CORE 1000
Cornerstone Seminar
CORE 1990
CC Course - Biblical Studies
CORE 1992
CC Course - Analytical Reasoning
CORE 1993
CC Course - Global History
CORE 1994
CC Course - Arts & Aesthetics
CORE 1995
CC Course - Christian Life & Thought
CORE 1996
CC Course - Life Science
CORE 1997
CC Course - Physical Science
CORE 1998
CC Course - Culture & Society
CORE 1999
CC Course - Ethical Reasoning
CORE 2000
CC Course - Writing Intensive
CORE 2001
CC Course - Writing Research
CORE 3000
Keystone Seminar
CPSY 2010
Research Methods and Design
CPSY 3020
Lifespan Development
CPSY 3040
CPSY 3400
Social Psychology
CPSY 3800
Principles of Counseling Diverse Populations
CPSY 3910
Topics in Counseling Psychology
CPSY 4050
Human Sexuality
CPSY 4060
CPSY 4070
CPSY 4120
Biopsychosocial Disorders of Human Development
CPSY 4130
Helping Skills for Social Services
CPSY 4400
Practicum in Counseling Psychology
CPSY 4910
Independent Study in Counseling Psychology
CRUX 1200
CSIS 1020
Introduction to IT and Cybersecurity
CSIS 1210
Computing Science I
CSIS 1220
IT Fundaments for Cybersecurity
CSIS 2230
Object Oriented Programming
CSIS 3120
Computer Architecture
CSIS 3250
Data Structures and Algorithms
CSIS 3310
Networking Essentials for Cybersecurity Internet
CSIS 3320
Cybersecurity Fundamentals
CSIS 3410
Databases and Information
CSIS 3510
Operating Systems Programming
CSIS 3910
Topics in Computer Science
CSIS 4910
Independent Study in Computer Science and Information Systems
CSIS 4970
Internship in Computer Science and Information Systems
CTS 3000
Introduction to Conflict Transformation
CTS 3100
Conflict and Community
CTS 3200
CTS 3300
Performance and Social Change
CTS 3400
International Conflict Transformation
CTS 3910
Topics in Conflict Transformation
CTS 3920
Topics in Graduate Studies Topics in Conflict Transformation
CTS 4000
Conflict Transformation Capstone
CTS 4970
Internship in Conflict Transformation
CTS 5000
Introduction to Conflict Transformation
EDUC 2120
Introduction to Teaching: Professional Responsibilities
EDUC 2130
Educational Psychology: the Classroom Environment
EDUC 2140
Curriculum: Planning and Preparation
EDUC 2145
Instruction and Assessment
EDUC 2300
Infant and Child Development
EDUC 3011
Adolescent Development in Middle Grades And Senior High
EDUC 3015
Classroom Management
EDUC 3130
Multicultural Education Practices: Challenges for the Diverse Classroom
EDUC 3160
Instruction in Senior High
EDUC 3170
Instruction in Special K-12 Programs
EDUC 3180
Language and Literacy Development In Early Childhood
EDUC 3230
Science Content and Methods for The Middle Grades I
EDUC 3231
Science Content and Methods for The Middle Grades II
EDUC 3240
Social Science Content and Methods For the Middle Grades I
EDUC 3241
Social Science Content and Methods For the Middle Grades II
EDUC 3260
Methods in Art for Elementary Teachers
EDUC 3270
Method in Music Education for Elementary Teachers
EDUC 3280
Methods of Teaching Physical Education and Health for K-8 Teachers
EDUC 3290
Methods in Foreign Language K-8
EDUC 3310
Literacy Methods in Middle Grades And Senior High
EDUC 3315
Content Reading Methods in Middle Grades and Senior High
EDUC 3330
Instruction in Early Childhood I Language in Early Childhood Education
EDUC 3339
Social Science Content and Methods For the Elementary Teacher
EDUC 3340
Science Content and Methods for The Elementary Teacher II
EDUC 3341
Science Content and Methods for the Elementary Teacher I
EDUC 3345
Elementary Literacy I Social Studies K-4
EDUC 3346
Elementary Literacy II
EDUC 3347
Integrating Literacy Into the Content Areas
EDUC 3355
Grammar and Writing Pedagogy
EDUC 3356
Methods in Teaching Grammar and Writing Pedagogy in Middle Grades and Senior High
EDUC 3357
Adolescent Literature
EDUC 3360
Instruction in Early Childhood II
EDUC 3368
Elementary Mathematics I
EDUC 3369
Elementary Mathematics II
EDUC 3370
Methods of Elementary Mathematics I
EDUC 3371
Methods of Elementary Mathematics II
EDUC 3380
Mathematics Methods for the Middle Grades I
EDUC 3381
Mathematics Methods for the Middle Grades II
EDUC 3390
Methods and Materials for Teaching Art K-8
EDUC 3407
Methods of Teaching Middle and Senior High School
EDUC 3430
Survey of Teaching Exceptional Learners
EDUC 3431
Characteristics of Special Needs Students
EDUC 3436
Psychological and Educational Assessment for Special Populations
EDUC 3437
Methods of Teaching Students with Special Needs
EDUC 3510
Clinical I: Teacher Aiding
EDUC 3520
Clinical II: Mini-Teaching and Seminar
EDUC 3540
ESL Practicum
EDUC 3601
Introduction to Linguistics
EDUC 3602
Sociolinguistics and Cross Cultural Differences
EDUC 3603
Theoretical Foundations of Teaching ESL and Foreign Languages
EDUC 3604
Assessment of ESL and Foreign Language Students
EDUC 3605
Method and Materials for Teaching ESL and Foreign Languages
EDUC 3606
Foundations of Bilingual Education
EDUC 3607
Methods and Materials for Teaching Bilingual Students
EDUC 3910
Topics in Education
EDUC 3915
Academic Odyssey: Creating Global Classrooms Through International School Visits
EDUC 3930
Family and Community Relationships
EDUC 4000
Departmental Honors in Education
EDUC 4130
Student Teaching
EDUC 4600
Capstone Seminar for Student Teachers for Student Teachers
EDUC 4970
Internship in Education
EDUC 5000
Introduction to Teaching: Professional Responsibilities
EDUC 5010
Educational Psychology
EDUC 5011
Adolescent Development in Middle Grades And Senior High
EDUC 5020
Learning and Social Management Strategies in the Classroom
EDUC 5120
Multicultural Education
EDUC 5140
Comparative International Education
EDUC 5160
Instruction in Senior High
EDUC 5170
Instruction in Special K-12 Programs
EDUC 5180
Language and Literacy Development In Early Childhood
EDUC 5210
Understanding Research Design and Program Evaluation
EDUC 5215
Educational Research Methods
EDUC 5220
Instruction and Assessment
EDUC 5230
Science Content and Methods for The Middle Grades I
EDUC 5231
Science Content and Methods for The Middle Grades II
EDUC 5240
Social Science Content and Methods For the Middle Grades I
EDUC 5241
Social Science Content and Methods For the Middle Grades II
EDUC 5260
Methods in Art for Elementary Teachers
EDUC 5270
Method in Music Education for Elementary Teachers
EDUC 5280
Methods of Teaching Physical Education and Health for K-8 Teachers
EDUC 5300
Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychology
EDUC 5310
Curriculum: Planning and Preparation
EDUC 5311
Middle School Methods and Materials In Grades 5-9
EDUC 5312
Elementary Methods II
EDUC 5313
Literacy Methods in the Middle Grades Arts in Grades 5-9
EDUC 5315
Literacy Methods in Middle Grades And Senior High
EDUC 5316
Content Reading Methods in Middle Grades and Senior High
EDUC 5320
Technology in Education
EDUC 5330
Instruction in Early Childhood I Language in Early Childhood Education
EDUC 5340
Methods in Science K-4
EDUC 5350
Educational Methods II
EDUC 5356
Methods of Teaching Grammar and Writing Pedagogy in Middle Grades and Senior High
EDUC 5357
Adolescent Literature
EDUC 5360
Instruction in Early Childhood
EDUC 5370
Methods in Mathematics K-4
EDUC 5380
Mathematics Methods for the Middle Grades I
EDUC 5381
Mathematics Methods for the Middle Grades II
EDUC 5390
Methods and Materials for Teaching Art K-8
EDUC 5407
Methods of Teaching Middle and Senior High School
EDUC 5410
Teacher Leadership
EDUC 5430
Survey of Teaching Exceptional Learners
EDUC 5431
Characteristics of Special Needs Students
EDUC 5436
Psychological and Educational Assessment for Special Populations
EDUC 5437
Methods of Teaching Students with Special Needs
EDUC 5510
Clinical I: Teacher Aiding
EDUC 5520
Clinical II: Mini-Teaching and Seminar
EDUC 5540
ESL Practicum
EDUC 5601
Introduction to Linguistics
EDUC 5602
Sociolinguistics and Cross-Cultural Differences
EDUC 5603
Theoretical Foundations of Teaching ESL and Foreign Languages
EDUC 5604
Assessment of ESL and Foreign Language Students
EDUC 5605
Methods and Materials for Teaching ESL and Foreign Languages
EDUC 5606
Foundations of Bilingual Education
EDUC 5607
Methods and Materials for Teachiing Bilingual Students
EDUC 5610
Culture and Literacy for ELL and Bilingual Students
EDUC 5615
Literacy Methods for ELL and Bilingual Students
EDUC 5810
Student Teaching - Elementary Education
EDUC 5820
Student Teaching - Secondary
EDUC 5830
Clinical III: Student Teaching
EDUC 5900
Capstone Seminar for Student Teachers
EDUC 5901
Topics in Education
EDUC 5902
Independent Study in Education
EDUC 5903
Proposal Writing - Masters Project
EDUC 5915
Academic Odyssey: Creating Global Classrooms Through International School Visits
EDUC 5920
Master's Project
EDUC 5930
Parent-Child Community Relationships
EDUC 6020
Instructional Leadership
EDUC 6030
Educational Leadership
EDUC 6040
The Principalship
EDUC 6050
Teacher Leadership and School Success
EDUC 6060
Coaching for Transformation
EDUC 6310
Assessment in the Schools
EDUC 6330
Leading Professional Learning Communities
EDUC 6340
Teacher Leadership and School Success
EDUC 6410
School Supervision
EDUC 6440
School Law
EDUC 6450
School Finance
EDUC 6903
School Community Relations
EDUC 6920
Internship I
EDUC 6921
Internship II
EDUC 6925
Practicum I
EDUC 6926
Practicum II
EDUC 6930
The Capstone Experience
ENG 1750
Studies In Literature
ENG 2010
British Literature I
ENG 2020
British Literature II
ENG 2030
American Literature
ENG 2040
World Literature in English
ENG 2050
Introduction to Creative Writing
ENG 3090
ENG 3170
English Romanticism
ENG 3190
Victorian England
ENG 3240
Modern Literature
ENG 3250
Postmodern Literature
ENG 3260
Postcolonial Literature
ENG 3270
Gender and Literature
ENG 3280
Race and Literature
ENG 3320
Dramatic Writing
ENG 3340
Grammar and Writing Pedagogy
ENG 3350
Writing Fiction
ENG 3360
Writing Poetry
ENG 3390
Writing Creative Non-Fiction
ENG 3910
Topics in English
ENG 4000
Departmental Honors in English
ENG 4010
Senior Seminar in English
ENG 4020
Senior Seminar in Creative Writing
ENG 4910
Independent Study in English
ENG 4930
Directed Research
ENG 4970
Internship in English
ESL 0800
ESL 0810
ESL 0820
American Culture
ESL 0850
Am Studies Seminars
ESL 0900
Low-Intermediate Speaking and Listening
ESL 0910
Low-Intermediate Reading and Writing
ESL 0920
Low-Intermediate Structure
ESL 0930
High-Intermediate Speaking and Listening
ESL 0940
High-Intermediate Reading and Writing
ESL 0950
High-Intermediate Structure
ESL 0990
Academic and Cross-Cultural Transition
ESL 1000
English Language Clinic
ESL 1010
Advanced Speaking and Listening
ESL 1020
Advanced Reading and Writing
ESL 1030
Advanced Structure
EXS 1000
Personal Health
EXS 1400
Introduction to Exercise Science
EXS 1500
Introduction to Physical Education
EXS 1610
Introduction to Athletic Training
EXS 2100
Practicum I
EXS 2110
Practicum II
EXS 2290
Coaching Principles and Administration
EXS 2300
Orthopedic Assessment I
EXS 2400
Orthopedic Assessment II
EXS 2500
Health and Behavior
EXS 2600
Applied Musculoskeletal Anatomy
EXS 2700
Movement Experiences for Elementary School Age Children
EXS 2800
Physical Education Curriculum: 6-12
EXS 2950
Sport Psychology
EXS 3010
EXS 3070
Introduction to Evidence Based Practice
EXS 3100
Practicum III
EXS 3110
Practicum IV
EXS 3130
Individual and Dual Sports
EXS 3140
Team Sports
EXS 3160
Exercise Physiology
EXS 3180
EXS 3190
Health Promotion
EXS 3300
Therapeutic Interventions I
EXS 3400
Therapeutic Interventions II
EXS 3500
Health Appraisal and Fitness Testing
EXS 3700
Exercise Programming and Leadership
EXS 3800
Conditioning for Health and Performance
EXS 3910
Topics in Exercise and Sport
EXS 4000
Departmental Honors in Exercise and Sport
EXS 4010
Seminar in Exercise Science
EXS 4100
Practicum V
EXS 4110
Practicum VI
EXS 4200
Assessment of Human Movement
EXS 4300
Athletic Training Administration
EXS 4400
Senior Seminar
EXS 4910
Independent Study in Exercise and Sport
EXS 4930
Directed Research
EXS 4970
Internship in Exercise and Sport
EXS 5000
Intro to Athletic Training Practice
EXS 5010
Athletic Training Clinical Skills Lab
EXS 5100
Prevention and Care With Cadaver Lab
EXS 5200
Practicum I
EXS 5210
Practicum II
EXS 5220
Practicum III
EXS 5230
Clinical Intensive
EXS 5240
Practicum IV
EXS 5300
Orthopedic Assessment I
EXS 5310
Orthopedic Assessment II
EXS 5320
Assessment of General Medical Conditions
EXS 5400
Therapeutic Interventions
EXS 5410
Therapeutic Interventions II
EXS 5500
Athletic Training Administration
EXS 5600
BOC Exam Prep/Career Development
EXS 5610
Athletic Training Capstone
FL 2992
Upper Division GE Course
FREN 0110
French Placement
FREN 1010
Basic French I
FREN 1020
Basic French II
FREN 2010
Intermediate French I
FREN 2020
Intermediate French II
FREN 3910
Topics in French
FREN 4910
Independent Study in French
GBLS 2130
Between Worlds: Intro to Global Studies and Globalization
GBLS 3000
Global Studies Proseminar
GBLS 3910
Topics in Global Studies
GBLS 4000
Senior Seminar
GBLS 4901
Senior Assessment
GBLS 4910
Independent Study in Global Studies
GBLS 4970
Internship in Global Studies
GERM 0110
German Placement
GERM 1010
Basic German I
GERM 1020
Basic German II
GERM 2010
Intermediate German I
GERM 2020
Intermediate German II
GERM 4910
Independent Study in German
GNDR 1992
Lower Division Elective Course
GNDR 2010
The Gender Matrix
GNDR 2110
Identity: Women and Femininities
GNDR 2150
Identity: Men and Masculinity
GNDR 2210
Gender, Race & Popular Culture
GNDR 2250
Gender Issues
GNDR 3910
Topics in Gender Studies
GNDR 4910
Independent Study in Gender Studies
GRK 1010
Basic Greek I
GRK 1020
Basic Greek II
GS 1000
College Composition
GS 1010
Spanish I
GS 1015
Introduction to Algebra
GS 1020
Spanish II
GS 1030
Mathematical Concepts and Structures
GS 1040
Chemistry in Our World
GS 1050
Introduction to Psychology
GS 1100
Conceptual Physics
GS 1160
GS 1200
Natural History of Illinois
GS 1250
GS 1400
Personal Development
GS 1450
Adult Fitness and Wellness
GS 1490
Statistics in Practice
GS 1500
North Park Dialogue I
GS 1750
Studies in Literature
GS 1850
Introduction to Biblical Studies
GS 1910
U.S. History to 1877
GS 1920
U.S. History Since 1877
GS 1930
Introduction to Sociology
GS 1940
American Government
GS 2000
North Park Dialogue II
GS 2030
Musical Connections: The Classical Tradition and American Jazz
GS 2040
Women in U.S. History
GS 2050
Strategies for Professional Development Professional Development
GS 2070
Fluency with Information Technology
GS 2080
Writing for the Disciplines
GS 2085
Research Skills for the Disciplines
GS 2210
Jesus of Nazareth
GS 2250
Film Studies
GS 2260
The Modern World
GS 2300
Servant Leadership
GS 2510
African-American History to 1865
GS 2520
African-American History from 1865 to the Present
GS 2550
Christian Ethics
GS 2560
C.S. Lewis
GS 2600
Comparative Politics
GS 3000
North Park Dialogue III: Community
GS 3150
Global Themes in History
GS 3520
Christian Spirituality
GS 3620
World Religions
GS 3910
Topics in General Studies
GS 4000
Professional Development Seminar
GS 4910
Topics in International Settings
HIST 1000
Global Themes in History
HIST 2110
United States to 1877
HIST 2120
United States Since 1877
HIST 2200
World History to 1500
HIST 2210
World History Since 1500
HIST 2230
The Mediterranean World
HIST 2250
The Atlantic World
HIST 2260
The Modern World
HIST 3130
History of Rome The Days of Cicero
HIST 3140
Society and Culture in the Middle Ages
HIST 3150
Religion in the Middle Ages
HIST 3190
Topics in Ancient and Medieval History
HIST 3210
African History I
HIST 3220
African History II
HIST 3230
Ancient Civilization of Africa
HIST 3240
Themes in North African History
HIST 3260
Imperialism and Nationalism in Africa
HIST 3290
Topics in African History
HIST 3310
Middle East to 1453
HIST 3320
Ottoman Empire
HIST 3391
Topics inMiddle Eastern History
HIST 3415
The Reformation Era
HIST 3421
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment
HIST 3431
The Rise of the State 1550-1789
HIST 3440
Secularization in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
HIST 3450
Twentieth Century Germany
HIST 3460
Russia, Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe
HIST 3491
Topics in Modern European History
HIST 3515
The 1960's and American Culture
HIST 3521
Immigration and Ethnicity in United States History
HIST 3531
Industrialization and Urbanization in Nineteenth Century America
HIST 3540
American Religious History
HIST 3591
Topics in U.S. History
HIST 3691
Topics: World History
HIST 4000
Department Honors in History
HIST 4010
Capstone Seminar
HIST 4910
Independent Study in History
HIST 4970
Internship in History
HON 1010
Honors Congress First Year Seminar
HON 1020
Honors Congress First Year Seminar
HON 2010
City of God: Christianity As an Urban Movement
HON 2020
The Curious Citizen Urban Movement
HON 4000
Honors Portfolio
HSC 1490
Statistics for the Health Professions
HSC 2100
Introduction to the Health Sciences
HSC 2800
Introduction to Epidemiology
HSC 2850
Nutrition Science for Population Health
HSC 3110
Health Promotion in Chronic Disease And Aging
HSC 3120
Fads and Emerging Health and Wellness Therapies
HSC 3240
HSC 3540
Ethics in Health Care
HSC 3560
Healthcare Informatics
HSC 3800
Regulatory and Oversight Issues in Health Care
HSC 3900
Health Organizations: Principles And Practice
HSC 3910
Topics in Health Sciences
HSC 4010
Health Science Practicum and Capstone
HSC 4240
Research Process
HSC 4540
Health Care Policy and Politics
HSC 4910
Independent Study in Health Science
HSC 4930
Directed Research
HSC 4970
Internship in the Health Sciences
ISIT 3030
Information Systems in Organizations
ISIT 3040
Web Technologies and E-Commerce
ISIT 3070
Cyber Security
ISIT 4010
Information Age Communications Technolgy
ISIT 4020
Managing Data and Information
ISIT 4040
Information Systems Analysis and Design
ISIT 4050
Decision Support Systems
ISIT 4055
Enterprise Resource Planning
ISIT 4060
Strategic Management of Information System Projects
ITAL 0110
Italian Placement
ITAL 1010
Basic Italian I
ITAL 1020
Basic Italian II
ITAL 2010
Intermediate Italian I
ITAL 2020
Intermediate Italian II
ITAL 4910
Independent Study in Italian
LAS 2730
Speaking Truth to Power: The Politics of Mexicans in America
LAS 2950
Rap Music in Urban America: An Introduction to the Politics of Black And Latino Culture
LAS 3910
Topics in Latin American Studies
LAS 4910
Independent Study in Latin American Studies
LOCI 3000
Fundamentals of Smart Maps and Location Intelligence
LOCI 3100
The Art and Science of Map Design: Geo-Visualization
LOCI 3200
Learning to Apply GIS Software
LOCI 3600
Introduction to Remote Sensing Technologies
LOCI 3700
Databases and Spatial Data Management
LOCI 3800
Spatial Analysis
LOCI 3910
Topics in Location Intelligence
LOCI 4000
Development of Web Apps
LOCI 4100
Spatial Programming: Python
LOCI 4400
Geospatial Practicum
LOCI 4450
Geospatial Capstone Seminar
MATH 0110
Mathematics Placement
MATH 1005
Practical Mathematics for College Students
MATH 1010
Intermediate Algebra
MATH 1020
Modern Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
MATH 1030
Concepts and Structures
MATH 1150
Pre-Calculus Mathematics
MATH 1410
Discrete Mathematics I: Number Theory And Logic
MATH 1490
Introductory Statistics
MATH 1510
Calculus I
MATH 1520
Calculus II
MATH 2030
Differential Equations
MATH 2420
Statistical Theory I
MATH 3010
Introduction to Geometry
MATH 3050
Vector Calculus
MATH 3060
Real Analysis
MATH 3100
Linear Algebra
MATH 3110
Modern Abstract Algebra
MATH 3150
Statistical Theory II
MATH 3210
History of Mathematics
MATH 3310
Complex Analysis
MATH 3620
Numerical Methods
MATH 3910
Topics in Mathematics
MATH 4000
Department Honors in Mathematics
MATH 4010
Fourth-Year Seminar
MATH 4910
Independent Study in Mathematics
MATH 4970
Internship in Mathematics
MES 2710
Children of Abraham: the Three Major Monotheistic Religions of the Middle East
MES 2720
Palestine and Palestinian Christianity from Pentecost to 2000
MES 3910
Topics in Middle Eastern Studies
MUS 0100
Student Recital
MUS 0700
Jazz Ensemble
MUS 0725
Concert Band
MUS 0750
University Orchestra
MUS 0800
University Choir
MUS 0810
Upper Voice Chorale
MUS 0850
Gospel Choir
MUS 0855
Gospel Choir Touring Ensemble
MUS 0860
University Ministries Worship Team Ensemble
MUS 1000
Music Appreciation
MUS 1005
Introduction to the Music Profession
MUS 1010
Keyboard Skills I
MUS 1020
Keyboard Skills II
MUS 1030
Keyboard Skills III
MUS 1040
Keyboard Skills IV
MUS 1060
Fundamentals of Music I
MUS 1080
Introduction to Musicianship
MUS 1110
Aural Skills I
MUS 1120
Aural Skills II
MUS 1600
El Sistema
MUS 2000
Introduction to Composition
MUS 2050
Contemporary American Popular Music
MUS 2060
World Music in Cultural Perspective
MUS 2080
Applied Methods: Brass
MUS 2081
Applied Methods: Woodwind
MUS 2082
Applied Methods: Percussion
MUS 2083
Applied Methods: Strings
MUS 2084
Applied Methods: Guitar & Ukulele
MUS 2110
Aural Skills III
MUS 2120
Aural Skills IV
MUS 2130
Music Theory I
MUS 2140
Music Theory II
MUS 2155
Technology in Music
MUS 2160
Technology in Worship and Live Performance
MUS 2401
Lyric Diction: Latin and English
MUS 2402
Lyric Diction: Spanish
MUS 2403
Lyric Diction: Italian
MUS 2404
Lyric Diction: German
MUS 2405
Lyric Diction: French
MUS 2500
Introduction to Theology Through Congregational Song
MUS 2970
Sophomore Conference
MUS 3000
Music Bibliography
MUS 3010
Music History and Literature I
MUS 3015
Medieval and Renaissance Music
MUS 3020
Music History and Literature II
MUS 3075
Jazz History
MUS 3080
Pedagogical Methods: Brass
MUS 3081
Pedagogical Methods: Woodwinds
MUS 3082
Pedagogical Methods: Percussion
MUS 3083
Pedagogical Methods: Strings
MUS 3130
Music Theory III
MUS 3140
Music Theory IV
MUS 3150
Jazz/Pop Theory
MUS 3155
Jazz Keyboard
MUS 3170
Conducting I
MUS 3180
Conducting II
MUS 3300
Piano Pedagogy and Literature I
MUS 3307
Materials and Methods for Elementary Music
MUS 3310
Piano Pedagogy and Literature II
MUS 3401
Vocal Pedagogy I
MUS 3402
Vocal Pedagogy II
MUS 3408
Secondary Choral Methods and Materials
MUS 3409
Secondary Instrumental Methods and Materials
MUS 3410
Vocal Literature
MUS 3450
Opera Workshop
MUS 3455
Opera Production
MUS 3500
Introduction to Arts Management
MUS 3600
Brass Pedagogy and Literature I
MUS 3610
Brass Pedagogy and Literature II
MUS 3620
Woodwind Pedagogy and Literature I
MUS 3630
Woodwind Pedagogy and Literature II
MUS 3640
Guitar Pedagogy and Literature I
MUS 3650
Guitar Pedagogy and Literature II
MUS 3660
Church Music Literature
MUS 3670
Congregational Music for the 21st Century Church
MUS 3690
Youth Orchestra Techniques
MUS 3710
Jazz Combo
MUS 3760
Percussion Ensemble
MUS 3770
Chamber Music Ensemble
MUS 3850
Guitar Ensemble
MUS 3890
Chamber Singers
MUS 3910
Topics in Music
MUS 4000
Departmental Honors in Music
MUS 4160
MUS 4165
MUS 4175
MUS 4250
Practice and Aesthetics of Church Music
MUS 4910
Independent Study in Music
MUS 4930
Directed Research
MUS 4970
Internship in Music
MUS 5000
Music Bibliography
MUS 5001
Performer's Survey I: Art Song
MUS 5002
Performer's Survey II: Opera
MUS 5003
Performer's Survey III: Oratorio/ Cantata/Mass
MUS 5100
Performance Practica
MUS 5300
Applications in Musical Analysis
MUS 5310
Chamber/Duo Instrumental Repertoire
MUS 5401
Vocal Pedagogy I
MUS 5402
Vocal Pedagogy II
MUS 5421
Lyric Diction: Latin and English
MUS 5422
Lyric Diction: Spanish
MUS 5423
Lyric Diction: Italian
MUS 5424
Lyric Diction: German
MUS 5425
Lyric Diction: French
MUS 5450
Opera Workshop
MUS 5455
Opera Production
MUS 5500
Vocal Pedagogy Clinical I
MUS 5510
Vocal Pedagogy Clinical II
MUS 5650
Master Classes in Vocal Performance
MUS 5700
Career Seminar
MUS 5800
University Choir
MUS 5890
Chamber Singers
MUS 5910
Independent Study in Graduate Music
MUS 5920
Topics in Music
MUS 5970
Graduate Conference
MUS 6000
Graduate Comprehensive Projects
NONP 2710
Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Leadership
NONP 3300
Nonprofit Financial Management
NONP 3600
Nonprofit Marketing and Fundraising
NONP 3710
Nonprofit Governance and Volunteer Management
NONP 3750
Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Models
NONP 3920
Advanced Topics in Nonprofit Mgmt.
NONP 4000
Department Honors in Nonprofit Management
NONP 4700
Advanced Nonprofit Management and Leadership
NONP 4910
Independent Study in Nonprofit Management
NONP 4930
Directed Research in Nonprofit Management
NONP 4970
Internship in Nonprofit Management
NORW 1010
Basic Norwegian I
NORW 1020
Basic Norwegian II
NORW 2010
Intermediate Norwegian I
NORW 2020
Intermediate Norwegian II
NORW 3150
Advanced Norwegian
NPM 3910
Topics in Nonprofit Management
NPM 4170
Elements of Nonprofit Management
NPM 4180
Nonprofit Governance and Volunteer Management
NPM 4190
Financial Management of Nonprofit Organizations
NPM 4200
Building Public and Financial Support for Nonprofit Organizations
NURS 2100
Survey of Professional Nursing
NURS 2150
Math for the Nurse Generalist
NURS 2540
Applied Nutrition
NURS 3000
Pathophysiology: RN
NURS 3020
Introduction to Professional Nursing Practice
NURS 3030
Health Assessment
NURS 3201
Nursing of Adults I
NURS 3210
Concepts of Professional Nursing: RN
NURS 3220
Pharmacology in Nursing
NURS 3240
NURS 3500
Nursing of Childbearing Families
NURS 3520
Nursing of Children
NURS 3540
Ethics in Health Care
NURS 3560
Healthcare Informatics
NURS 3910
Topics in Health
NURS 3920
Management of Cardiac Dysrhythmias
NURS 3940
NURS 4000
Departmental Honors in Nursing
NURS 4200
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing
NURS 4201
Nursing of Adults II
NURS 4202
Concepts in Gerontology
NURS 4203
Concepts of Gerontology Internship
NURS 4240
The Research Process in Professional Nursing
NURS 4500
Community Health Nursing
NURS 4515
Community Health for Registered Nurses
NURS 4520
Synthesis of Nursing Practice
NURS 4535
Nursing Leadership: RN
NURS 4540
Health Policy and Politics
NURS 4550
Leadership and Management in Nursing
NURS 4590
RN to BSN Capstone
NURS 4870
Transition in Nursing Practice: RN to MSN Pathway
NURS 4901
Nursing Comprehensive Exam
NURS 4910
Independent Study in Nursing
NURS 4970
Internship in Nursing
NURS 5010
Scientific Inquiry and Knowledge Development
NURS 5015
Health Care Systems: Organization and Resources
NURS 5020
Population Based Health Care
NURS 5030
Professional Communication & Collaboration
NURS 5210
Professional Development I: Introduction Collaboration
NURS 5215
Professional Development Ii: Image, Role Collaboration
NURS 5220
Communication and Managing Healthcare in Collaboration
NURS 5230
Pathophysiology I Collaboration
NURS 5235
Pathophysiology II Collaboration
NURS 5240
Pharmacology I Collaboration
NURS 5245
Pharmacology II Collaboration
NURS 5250
Holistic Health Assessment and Therapeut Collaboration
NURS 5260
Development of a Microsystem Leader Collaboration
NURS 5270
Evidence-Based Practice and Quality Impr Collaboration
NURS 5280
Nursing in an Evolving Healthcare System Collaboration
NURS 5310
Health and Illness: Foundations of Nursi Collaboration
NURS 5311
Health and Illness: Found of Nurs Practi Collaboration
NURS 5320
Health and Illness: Nurs Across Lifespan Collaboration
NURS 5321
Hlth & Illness: Nurs Across Lifespan Pra Collaboration
NURS 5330
Population Health Nursing Collaboration
NURS 5331
Population Health Nursing Practicum Collaboration
NURS 5340
Health & Illness: Nursing With Diverse Collaboration
NURS 5341
Health & Illness: Nurs Diverse Practicum Collaboration
NURS 5380
DEMSN Immersion Practicum Collaboration
NURS 5390
Integration and Role Transition Seminar Collaboration
NURS 5431
Strategic Nursing Leadership I
NURS 5440
Transformational Nursing Leadership
NURS 5441
Strategic Nursing Leadership II
NURS 5503
Advanced Practice Nursing: Role Concepts and Transitions
NURS 5505
Advanced Pathophysiology
NURS 5510
Advanced Pharmacology
NURS 5515
Advanced Health Assessment
NURS 5520
Health and Wellness Promotion
NURS 5530
Adult Health Management I
NURS 5531
Adult Health I - Primary Care
NURS 5535
Adult Health Management I Practicum
NURS 5540
Adult Health II - Primary Care
NURS 5560
Pediatric Health Management
NURS 5561
Pediatric Health - Primary Care
NURS 5565
Pediatric Health Management Practicum
NURS 5570
Women's Health Management
NURS 5571
Women's Health - Primary Care
NURS 5610
Advanced Practice Gerontologic Nursing I - Primary Care
NURS 5620
Advanced Practice Gerontologic Nursing II
NURS 5621
Advanced Practice Gerontologic Nursing II - Primary Care
NURS 5625
Advanced Practice in Gerontologic Nursing II: Practicum
NURS 5780
Adult-Gerontology Residency
NURS 5781
Residency: Adult Gerontology - Primary Care
NURS 5790
Family Practice Residency
NURS 5791
Residency: Family Practice
NURS 5910
Independent Study in Graduate Nursing
NURS 5920
Topics in Graduate Nursing
NURS 5990
Capstone Project
NURS 6010
NURS 6015
NURS 6030
Heath Care Leadership in Organizations and Systems
NURS 6035
Health Policy Development And Implementation
NURS 6040
Heath Care Information Systems
NURS 6045
Heath Care Ethics
NURS 6050
Writing for Publication
NURS 6110
DNP Project Development Seminar I
NURS 6120
DNP Project Development Seminar II
NURS 6130
DNP Project Development Seminar III
NURS 6140
DNP Project Development Seminar IV
NURS 6150
DNP Project Development Seminar V
NURS 6200
DNP Project Implementation/Evaluation And Evidence Translation
NURS 6910
Independent Study: Advance Nursing Practicum
OC 1991
Online Consortium GE Course
OC 2100
North Park Dialogue I GE - OCICU
OC 2105
North Park Dialogue II GE - OCICU
OC 2110
North Park Dialogue III GE - OCICU
OC 2120
Personal Development GE - OCICU
OC 2130
Culture and Society GE - OCICU
OC 2135
Social and Behavioral Scienc GE - OCICU
OC 2140
Intro to Bible GE - OCICU
OC 2145
Biblical Studies Option GE - OCICU
OC 2150
OC 2160
Life Science GE - OCICU
OC 2165
Physical Science Ge - Consortium
OC 2170
Foreign Language I GE - Consortium
OC 2175
Foreign Language II GE - Consortium
OC 2180
Fine Arts GE - Consortium
OC 2185
Humanities GE - Consortium
OC 2190
Writing GE - Consortium
OC 2195
Oral Communication GE - Consortium
OC 2991
Online Consortium Major Course
OC 3100
Elective - OCICU
OC 4100
OC 4200
OC 4300
OC 4400
OC 4500
OC 4600
OC 4700
ORG 3034
Business Communications
ORG 3500
Writing for Business Success
ORG 3910
Topics in Organizational Management
ORG 4024
Understanding Group and Organizational Behavior
ORG 4074
Leadership and Management
ORG 4094
Priniciples of Marketing
ORG 4095
Entrepreneurial Business Planning and Execution
ORG 4100
Human Resources Management
ORG 4120
Business Ethics
ORG 4150
Business Promotions and Advertising
ORG 4160
Elements of Community Development
ORG 4220
Assessing Leadership Skills
ORG 4240
Managing Change and Conflict
ORG 4260
Career Management
ORG 4910
Independent Study in Organizational Management and Leadership
ORG 4970
Internship in Organizational Management and Leadership
PEM 0161
Individual-Dual Sports
PHEN 1000
Conceptual Physics
PHEN 1020
PHEN 1030
PHEN 1050
Physics of Sports
PHEN 1060
PHEN 1110
College Physics I
PHEN 1120
College Physics II
PHEN 1210
Introductory Physics I
PHEN 1220
Introductory Physics II
PHEN 1330
Mechanical Comprehension
PHEN 1340
Design Thinking
PHEN 1410
Engineering Ethics
PHEN 1510
Computational Tools for Engineering
PHEN 1901
STEM Scholars Experience
PHEN 2060
PHEN 2070
Computational Methods
PHEN 2110
Modern Physics
PHEN 2120
Engineering Statics
PHEN 2130
Introduction to Materials Science
PHEN 2510
Electronics for Scientists
PHEN 2520
Electronics Lab
PHEN 2530
Instrumental Lab
PHEN 2950
Topics in History and Philosophy of Physics
PHEN 3010
Third-Year Lab
PHEN 3110
Statistical Thermodynamics
PHEN 3120
Mechanics of Materials
PHEN 3130
Engineering Thermodynamics
PHEN 3170
PHEN 3210
Modern Optics
PHEN 3220
Optics Lab
PHEN 3310
PHEN 3320
Analytical Mechanics
PHEN 3410
Electromagnetic Fields
PHEN 3510
Quantum Mechanics
PHEN 3610
Transport Phenomena
PHEN 3910
Atomic Physics
PHEN 3930
Nuclear and Particle Physics
PHEN 3940
General Relativity
PHEN 3950
Advanced Topics in Contemporary Physics
PHEN 3992
Upper Division PHEN Transfer Elective
PHEN 4000
Departmental Honors in Physics
PHEN 4010
Fourth-Year Seminar
PHEN 4030
Knowledge Reloaded
PHEN 4910
Independent Study in Engineering
PHEN 4930
Directed Research
PHEN 4950
Research Methods (Theoretical)
PHEN 4970
PHEN 4990
Engineering Capstone Project
PHIL 2010
Ancient & Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 2020
Modern & Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 2310
East Asian Philosophies and Ethics
PHIL 2510
PHIL 2530
Business and Professional Ethics
PHIL 2910
Introductory Issues in Philosophy
PHIL 3100
Political Philosophy
PHIL 3400
Philosophy in Action
PHIL 3515
Philosophy of Art
PHIL 3590
PHIL 3910
PHIL 4000
Departmental Honors in Philosophy
PHIL 4910
Independent Study in Philosophy
PHIL 4930
Directed Research
PHIL 4970
Internship in Philosophy
POGO 1600
American Government
POGO 2200
International Politics
POGO 2300
Comparative Politics
POGO 2750
Chicago Politics
POGO 2800
Survey Research Methods
POGO 3100
Political Philosophy
POGO 3210
International Political Economy
POGO 3230
Issues in International Relations
POGO 3310
Movements for Change
POGO 3370
Politics of the Middle East
POGO 3380
Globalization: Transforming Economy and Culture
POGO 3410
American Foreign Policy
POGO 3500
Constitutional Law
POGO 3630
Parties and Elections
POGO 3650
Congress and the Presidency
POGO 3690
Religion and Politics
POGO 3910
Topics in Political Science
POGO 4100
Fourth Year Seminar
POGO 4910
Independent Study in Politics and Government
POGO 4920
Departmental Honors in Politics and Government
POGO 4970
Internship in Politics and Government
PSYC 0010
Psychology Summer Science Academy
PSYC 1000
Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 1200
Stress and Health
PSYC 2100
Research Methods in Psychology
PSYC 2105
Psychology as a Major and Career
PSYC 2700
Human Lifespan Development
PSYC 3010
Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC 3100
Learning and Cognition
PSYC 3150
Child and Adolescent Psychology
PSYC 3200
PSYC 3250
Psychology of Gender and Sexuality
PSYC 3350
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
PSYC 3400
Psychological Testing
PSYC 3450
Multicultural Psychology
PSYC 3500
Social Psychology
PSYC 3550
Adult Development and Aging
PSYC 3600
Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 3650
Health Psychology
PSYC 3700
Counseling Psychology
PSYC 3800
PSYC 3900
Thinking and Language
PSYC 3905
Practicum in Psychology
PSYC 3910
Topics in Psychology
PSYC 4000
Departmental Honors in Psychology
PSYC 4400
History and Systems of Psychology
PSYC 4901
Psychology Comprehensive Exam
PSYC 4902
Psychology Portfolio
PSYC 4903
Psychology Professional Seminar
PSYC 4910
Independent Study in Psychology
PSYC 4930
Directed Research
PSYC 4970
Internship in Psychology
SBNM 5010
Organizational Behavior and Ethics
SBNM 5011
Ethical Leadership and Decision-Making
SBNM 5030
Human Resource Management
SBNM 5031
Human Resource Management for Churches And Faith Based Organizations
SBNM 5035
Strategic Human Resources Staffing and Planning
SBNM 5040
Diversity and Conflict
SBNM 5041
Negotiation and Influence
SBNM 5060
Talent Development and Retention
SBNM 5070
Team Leadership
SBNM 5085
Employment Law
SBNM 5090
Compensation and Benefits Administration
SBNM 5095
Strategy and Metrics in Human Resource Management
SBNM 5110
Financial Accounting
SBNM 5111
Managerial Accounting
SBNM 5120
Cost Accounting
SBNM 5121
Advanced Cost Accounting
SBNM 5130
Corporate Tax Accounting
SBNM 5200
Global Macroeconomics for Managers
SBNM 5212
Microeconomics for Managers
SBNM 5220
SBNM 5230
Industry and Competitive Analysis
SBNM 5250
Healthcare Economics and Finance
SBNM 5310
Managerial Finance
SBNM 5311
Financial Decision Making
SBNM 5320
Investment Management
SBNM 5321
Financial Modeling
SBNM 5350
Nonprofit Financial Management
SBNM 5351
Nonprofit Financial Decision Making
SBNM 5355
Financial Management for Churches and Faith Based Organizations
SBNM 5411
Quantitative Decision Analysis
SBNM 5412
Operations and Supply Chain Management
SBNM 5413
Project Management
SBNM 5420
Quality Management and Productivity
SBNM 5450
Information Technology
SBNM 5510
Principles of Healthcare Management
SBNM 5570
International Business Experience
SBNM 5590
Organizational Communication
SBNM 5591
Church Communication and Knowledge Management
SBNM 5610
Marketing Analysis and Consumer Behavior
SBNM 5611
Advanced Marketing Management
SBNM 5620
Branding and New Product Innovation
SBNM 5630
Integrated Marketing Communications
SBNM 5650
Digital Marketing
SBNM 5680
Nonprofit Marketing Analysis and Consumer Behavior
SBNM 5700
Principles of Church Administration
SBNM 5705
Multi-Sector Convergence and Social Responsibility
SBNM 5710
Nonprofit Management: Theory and Application
SBNM 5720
Nonprofit Board Governance and Volunteer Management
SBNM 5730
Nonprofit Law, Policy, and Government Relations
SBNM 5740
Higher Education Administration
SBNM 5741
Higher Education Organization and Governance
SBNM 5742
College Student Development And Administration
SBNM 5745
Curriculum in Higher Education
SBNM 5746
Law of Higher Education
SBNM 5747
Enrollment Management in Higher Education
SBNM 5770
Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations
SBNM 5771
Annual Gift Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations
SBNM 5772
Capital Campaigns and Major Gift Fundraising
SBNM 5773
Grant Writing for Foundations and Corporations
SBNM 5774
Planned Giving for Nonprofit Organizations
SBNM 5775
Fundraising for Churches and Faith Based Organizations
SBNM 5780
Measuring Outcomes and Assessment
SBNM 5790
Nonprofit Strategic Planning and Management Capstone
SBNM 5910
Topics in Management
SBNM 5970
SBNM 5990
Change Leadership
SBNM 5992
Strategy for Competitive Advantage
SBNM 5993
MBA Capstone
SBNM 5995
Strategic Leadership Development
SCAN 2130
Scandinavian History and Culture
SCAN 3200
Ibsen and Strindberg
SCAN 3250
Reading and Comprehending Scandinavian Languages
SCAN 3910
Topics in Scandinavian Studies
SCAN 4910
Independent Study in Swedish
SCAN 4970
Internship in Swedish
SOC 1910
Introduction to Sociology
SOC 2090
Race and Ethnicity
SOC 2100
Social Problems
SOC 2130
Mexican History and Culture
SOC 2150
Gender Studies
SOC 2200
SOC 2300
Ethics in Criminal Justice and Social Services
SOC 2500
Introduction to African Studies
SOC 2520
Criminal Justice
SOC 2530
The Civil Rights Movement 1954-1970'S
SOC 2800
Marriage and Family
SOC 2900
Community and Initiative
SOC 2930
Topics in Sociology
SOC 3010
Social Thought
SOC 3030
Urban Sociology
SOC 3080
Power, Privilege and Inequality
SOC 3100
Sociology of Religion
SOC 3130
Justice in Education
SOC 3200
Correctional Services
SOC 3300
Modernizing China and Japan
SOC 3310
Movements for Change
SOC 3330
Juvenile Justice System
SOC 3400
Criminal Procedure
SOC 3410
Migration and Identity
SOC 3450
Criminal Law
SOC 3500
Methods in Social Research
SOC 3800
Globalization: Transforming Economy and Culture
SOC 3900
Law Enforcement Administration
SOC 3930
Practicum in Sociology
SOC 3950
Restorative Justice
SOC 4000
Departmental Honors in Sociology
SOC 4010
Seminar in Sociology
SOC 4901
Comprehensive Examination in Sociology
SOC 4910
Independent Study in Sociology
SOC 4970
Internship in Sociology
SPAN 0110
Spanish Placement
SPAN 1010
Basic Spanish I
SPAN 1020
Basic Spanish II
SPAN 2010
Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2020
Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2030
Advanced Intermediate Conversation and Grammar
SPAN 2040
Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation
SPAN 2130
Mexican History and Culture
SPAN 3100
Literature of Spain I: Medieval Through Golden Age
SPAN 3150
Advanced Grammar and Composition
SPAN 3160
The Cultures of Spain
SPAN 3170
The Cultures of Latin America
SPAN 3200
Literature of Spain II: Neoclassical through Contemporary
SPAN 3300
Colonial Latin American Literature
SPAN 3400
Contemporary Latin American Literature
SPAN 3910
Topics: Language or Literature
SPAN 3920
Mexican Literature
SPAN 3930
Advanced Morphology and Syntax
SPAN 4000
Departmental Honors in Spanish
SPAN 4010
Senior Capstone
SPAN 4901
Senior Assessment
SPAN 4910
Independent Study in Spanish
SPAN 4970
Internship in Community Spanish
STAT 1490
Introductory Statistics
STAT 1491
Multivariate Data Analysis for Business
SWED 1010
Basic Swedish I
SWED 1020
Basic Swedish II
SWED 2010
Intermediate Swedish I
SWED 2020
Intermediate Swedish II
THEA 0330
Theatre Workshop
THEA 1030
Chicago Theatre Experience
THEA 1040
Dramaturgy/Text Analysis
THEA 1600
Introduction to Design for the Stage
THEA 1610
Theatre Production
THEA 2030
Storefront Theatre Practicum: Special Topics
THEA 2110
World Theatre and Drama: Classical Greece and Japan
THEA 2120
World Theatre and Drama: English Rensaissance
THEA 2130
World Theatre and Drama: Modern Europe
THEA 2140
World Theatre and Drama: American Theatre
THEA 2150
World Theatre and Drama: Contemporary World Theatre
THEA 2330
Acting I
THEA 2340
THEA 2600
Production and Stage Management
THEA 2610
Theatre Design: Lighting & Sound
THEA 2620
Theatre Design: Scenic & Costume
THEA 3030
Business of Theatre
THEA 3090
THEA 3200
Ibsen & Strindberg
THEA 3300
Specialty Design
THEA 3320
Dramatic Writing I
THEA 3321
Dramatic Writing II
THEA 3330
Acting II: Special Topics
THEA 3340
Specialty Design
THEA 3500
Introduction to Arts Management
THEA 3910
THEA 4000
Departmental Honors
THEA 4902
THEA 4910
Independent Study in Theatre
THEA 4970
Internship in Storefront Theatre
TRAN 9999
Transfer Credit
WGS 2010
Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
WGS 2020
Gender and Justice
WGS 2130
Contemporary Feminism
WGS 2150
Gender Studies
WGS 3100
Global Perspectives on Feminism and Gender
WGS 3910
Topics in Women's Studies
WGS 4910
Independent Study in Women's Studies
WRIT 0110
Writing Placement
WRIT 1000
Fundamentals of Composition
WRIT 1050
College Composition
WRIT 2100
Tutoring Writing
WRIT 5000
Writing for the Professions
YM 1510
Introduction to Youth Ministry
YM 2010
Urban and Multi Ethnic Youth Ministry
YM 2020
Introduction to Camping Ministry
YM 2410
Adolescent Development and Issues
YM 2710
Youth Ministry Practicum
YM 3010
Curriculum Development
YM 3020
Discipleship Theory and Practice
YM 3910
Topics in Youth Ministry
YM 4910
Independent Study in Youth Ministry
YM 4930
Directed Research
YM 4970
Internship in Youth Ministry
YM 4980
Leadership and Management of Youth Ministry
YM 4990
Fourth Year Seminar