GS 2300 Servant Leadership

This course explores the foundational Biblical tenants and multiple facets of Servant Leadership in theory and in practice. Students will gleam examples from the Bible, Jesus, history and current research to determine the qualities and characteristics of a servant leader and discover how to best integrate these principles in a personal leadership style. Students will explore the six central areas of Servant Leadership which include; love, self-sacrifice, humility empowerment, modeling, and service. They will examine these areas through the lenses of the heart, head, hands and habits of a Servant Leader and learn how to lead like Jesus. Finally, students will be challenged not only to understand the key ideas associated with Servant Leadership but also to assess and apply those ideas to his/her life using a Biblical approach and Servant leadership examples of Jesus, who has over 2.1 billion followers making him the undisputed greatest leader of all time




GS 1850




Core Curriculum - SPS