Procedures to be Followed in cases of Academic Dishonesty

If an instructor has reason to believe that academic dishonesty has occurred, the instructor will do the following:

  1. Prepare a letter describing reasons for suspicion of the infraction.
  2. Discuss the letter with the student(s).
  3. If the suspicion is proved unwarranted, the letter may be included in the student’s file with a note describing the resolution or conclusion of the issue.
  4. If the suspicion is verified, the Dean of Faculty, in consultation with the instructor, determines an appropriate penalty.
  5. The student is informed of the penalty and his or her right to appeal.
  6. The instructor, and if necessary the Dean of Faculty, meets with the student to discuss the penalty and any appeal. The student has the right to invite a student colleague, his or her faculty advisor or other faculty member, a staff member, or cultural representative to this meeting.
  7. All letters, emails, and reports generated by the various meetings will be placed in the student’s file.

One or more of the following penalties may be imposed once academic dishonesty has been confirmed. Any previous infractions will be considered in the imposition of such penalties:

  1. A failing grade on the examination, paper, or project.
  2. A failing grade in the course.
  3. Suspension from the Seminary for a determined period.
  4. Expulsion from the Seminary.

The student has the right to appeal the penalty. The appeal must come within two weeks of receipt of the verdict. The student submits a letter with supporting documentation to the Dean of the Seminary. The Seminary Dean convenes a committee consisting of two faculty members appointed by the Seminary Dean from among faculty not currently teaching the student. The committee shall also include two representatives of the student’s choice.

The Committee may

  1. Reverse the finding and dismiss the penalty.
  2. Confirm the finding and the penalty imposed. The decision of the Seminary Dean is final.