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North Park has served five generations of students and continues to grow in diversity, academic relevance, and Christian commitment. Our Chicago location is a great asset that reflects the School’s global reach and outlook.
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North Park offers more than 40 graduate and undergraduate programs in liberal arts, sciences, and professional studies. Classes average 17 students. 84% of our faculty have terminal degrees. Academics here are rigorous and results-oriented.
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North Park Theological Seminary prepares you to answer the call to service through theological study, spiritual development, and the formative experiences of living in a community with others on a similar life path.
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North Park Theological Seminary 2023-2024 Academic Catalog
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BIBL-Seminary Bible
CEDF-Seminary Christian EducForm
CROS-Cross registraSem
DURM-Doctorate of Urban Ministry
ECCO-Seminary Covenant Orientatio
FLDC-Seminary Field Experience
HSTY-Seminary History
INTG-Seminary Integrated Dual
MNST-Seminary Ministry
SPFM-Seminary Spiritual Formation
THEO-Seminary Theology
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Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog
North Park Theological Seminary 2022-2023 Academic Catalog
Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog
North Park Theological Seminary 2023-2024 Academic Catalog
Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog
North Park Theological Seminary 2023-2024 Academic Catalog
Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Catalog
North Park Theological Seminary 2024-2025 Academic Catalog
BIBL 5107
Review: Biblical Greek
BIBL 5108
Intensive Greek
BIBL 5109
Greek 1
BIBL 5110
Greek 2
BIBL 5111
Greek Exegesis for Preaching & Teaching
BIBL 5112
Greek Readings
BIBL 5210
Old Testament 1: Pentateuch & Interpretation
BIBL 5220
Old Testament 2: Prophets & Preaching Legacy
BIBL 5230
Old Testament 3: Wisdom & Israels Praise
BIBL 5240
New Testament 1: The Texts & Their World
BIBL 5250
New Testament 2: The Texts & Their Theology
BIBL 6100
Biblical Hebrew 1
BIBL 6101
Biblical Hebrew 2
BIBL 6102
Hebrew Readings
BIBL 6104
Review: Hebrew
BIBL 6108
Beginning Hebrew Intensive
BIBL 6200
Reading Scripture
BIBL 6240
Ten Commandments for Today
BIBL 6254
The Parables of Jesus
BIBL 6261
Paul and His Theology
BIBL 6263
Biblical Perspectives on Health and Healing
BIBL 6264
Biblical Eschatology: the Study of Last & Ultimate Things
BIBL 6280
Women, the Bible, and the Church
BIBL 6290
Intercultural Readings of the Bible
BIBL 6305
The Book of Exodus
BIBL 6310
The Book of Psalms
BIBL 6315
The Book of Isaiah
BIBL 6320
The Book of Jeremiah
BIBL 6325
The Gospel of Mark
BIBL 6330
The Gospel of John
BIBL 6335
BIBL 6340
Paul's Gospel: Impact & Influence
BIBL 6345
First Corinthians
BIBL 6350
Ephesians and Colossians
BIBL 6355
The Petrine Letters & Jude
BIBL 6360
BIBL 7160
Biblical Preaching
BIBL 7170
Symposium: Topics Course
BIBL 7190
Special Topics in Biblical Studies
BIBL 7191
Young Life Staff Training Courses
BIBL 7192
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Staff Training Courses
BIBL 7390
Independent Study in Bible
BIBL 7490
Thesis I: Topics in Bible
BIBL 7491
Thesis II: Topics in Bible
CEDF 5100
Christian Education and Formation In the Church
CEDF 6210
Ministry With Children
CEDF 6220
Incorporating Children in Worship
CEDF 6228
Management Issues in Youth Ministry
CEDF 6230
College Teaching
CEDF 6232
Adult Education in the Church
CEDF 6240
Intergenerational Communities: Families and Children in Congregations
CEDF 6273
Camping and Retreat Ministry
CEDF 6300
Foundations of Youth Ministry
CEDF 7180
Special Topics in Youth Ministry
CEDF 7190
Special Topics in Christian Education
CEDF 7390
Independent Study in Christian Education and Formation
CEDF 7490
Thesis I: Topics in Christian Education
CEDF 7491
Thesis II: Topics Christian Education
CROS 5000
Seminary Cross Registration
DMPR 8668A
Preaching Ministry Project I
DMPR 8668B
Preaching Ministry Project II
DMPR 8668C
Preaching Ministry Project III
DMPR 8690
Preaching as an Interpretive Act
DMPR 8691
Preaching As a Performance Act
DMPR 8692
DMPR 8693A
Colloquy I
DMPR 8693B
Colloquy II
DMPR 8693C
DMPR 8694
Preaching As a Social Act
DURM 8100
Toward a Theology of Urban Ministry
DURM 8200
Race and Ethnicity in the AmericanUrban Context
DURM 8300
The Practice of Urban Ministry
DURM 8390
Doctoral Project Proposal
DURM 8400
Doctoral Thesis
ECCO 5010
Vocational Excellence
ECCO 5020
History of the EvangelicalCovenant Church
ECCO 5030
Theology of the EvangelicalCovenant Church
ECCO 5040
Mission & Ministry of the ECC
FLDC 5300
Vocational Excellence
FLDC 7310
Internship Residency
FLDC 7311
Retro-Active Internship Residency
FLDC 7315
Intercultural Development Module
FLDC 7316
Clinical Pastoral Education
FLDC 7318
Theological Reflection Module
FLDC 7319
Mission and Ministerial Identity in the ECC
HSTY 5210
Christian History 1: the Early Church to the Early Reformation (1-16c)
HSTY 5220
Christian History 2: Global Christianity (17-21c)
HSTY 5230
Christian History 3: North American Christianity
HSTY 6224
Early Christian Thought & Life
HSTY 6240
Ethnic American Religious History
HSTY 6254
Pentecostal and Charismatic History and Theology
HSTY 6260
Theology of the Reformers
HSTY 6265
Renewal Movements in Church History
HSTY 6300
History and Theology of the Covenant Church
HSTY 7190
Special Topics in Christian History
HSTY 7191
Young Life Staff Training Courses
HSTY 7192
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Staff Training Courses
HSTY 7390
Independent Study in History
HSTY 7490
Thesis I: Topics in History
HSTY 7491
Thesis II: Topics in History
HSTY 7511
History of the Evangelical Covenant Church
INTG 5010
The Life of the Leader: Making an Impact
INTG 5020
Leading the Transformational Organization: Generating Mission Movements
MNST 5108
Ministry Identity and Practice
MNST 5110
Religions and Cultures
MNST 5115
Preaching the Word
MNST 5120
Gospel Communication in Context
MNST 5125
Introduction to Pastoral Care & Counseling
MNST 5130
Leading & Teaching in Ministry
MNST 5158
Experiencing African Christianity
MNST 6105
Academic Writing
MNST 6110
Engaging Congregations in Ministries of Health
MNST 6115
Spirituality in Chronic Illness & Disability
MNST 6120
Community Health & the Church
MNST 6121
Religion Spirituality & Health In Professional Practice
MNST 6125
Issues of Christian Faith in the Americas
MNST 6130
The Gospel in Asian Context
MNST 6135
Experiencing African Christianity
MNST 6140
Experiencing Global Christianity
MNST 6145
Mission of God: Insights for Service
MNST 6150
God's Global Vision: Mission As Biblical Theme
MNST 6151
Cultural Dimensions of Mission
MNST 6152
Rethinking Mission: Lessons From Christian Art History & Practice
MNST 6160
Foundations of Congregational Vitality
MNST 6165
Leading Healthy Missional Change
MNST 6170
Strategic Ministry Planning
MNST 6218
Images of the Preacher in Contemporary Culture
MNST 6225
Evangelism & Discipleship
MNST 6230
Preparing for Baptisms Weddings & Funerals
MNST 6266
Church Planting Ecclesiology
MNST 6285
Church Planting Leadership
MNST 6286
Church Planting Pathways
MNST 6319
Globalization in Urban Communities
MNST 6350
Foundations for Urban Ministry
MNST 6351
Spiritual Formation in the Urban Context
MNST 6352
Journey to Mosaic
MNST 6354
The Practice of Urban Ministry
MNST 6355
Urban Ministry Leadership
MNST 6400
Mobilizing for Justice: Methods & Practice of Justice
MNST 6401
Sankofa: Racial Righteousness & Reconciliation
MNST 7160
Biblical Preaching
MNST 7190
Special Topics in Ministry
MNST 7191
Young Life Staff Training Courses
MNST 7192
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Staff Training Course
MNST 7195
Special Topics in Faith and Health
MNST 7390
Independent Study in Ministry
MNST 7490
Thesis I: Topics in Ministry
MNST 7491
Thesis II: Topics in Ministry
Christian Education and Formation Elective
Ministry Elective
One Elective Course
Preaching Ministry Project I
Preaching Ministry Project II
Spiritual Formation Elective
SPFM 5201
Journey: The Story of Our Lives
SPFM 5211
Intercultural Spirituality: Praying Together
SPFM 6209
African & African-American Spirituality
SPFM 6210
Discernment: Choosing Well
SPFM 6220
Journaling: Reflecting on Our Story Pathway Toward God and the Self
SPFM 6230
Being Well: Spirituality & Personal Health
SPFM 6240
Welcoming Others, Welcoming God
SPFM 6250
Faith and Food
SPFM 6303
The Embodied Story: Dust and Spirit
SPFM 7190
Special Topics in Spiritual Formation
SPFM 7215
NCTI: Topics in Prayer and Life in The Spirit
SPFM 7390
Independent Study in Spiritual Formation
SPFM 7501
Foundations of Listening & Discerning
SPFM 7502
Listening & Discerning Practicum I
SPFM 7503
Spiritual Directing: Listening to the Movement of God With Another
SPFM 7504
Spiritual Directing Practicum II
SPFM 7505
The Ministry of Spiritual Direction: Listening to God in the Church and World
THEO 5102
Research Methods
THEO 5110
Christian Theology
THEO 5120
Christian Worship
THEO 5130
Christian Ethics
THEO 5140
Advanced Seminar in Theology
THEO 6334
Peace, Justice, and Restorative Practices
THEO 6350
Planning for the Arts in Worship
THEO 6355
Worship Arts
THEO 6360
Theology and the Arts
THEO 6410
Wilderness and Faith
THEO 6420
Saints, Radicals, and Heretics: Critical Voices in Christian Theology
THEO 6440
Theological Perspectives of Caring and Health
THEO 7190
Special Topics in Theology
THEO 7191
Young Life Staff Training Courses
THEO 7192
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Staff Training Courses
THEO 7215
NCTI: The Church and Its Mission
THEO 7390
Independent Study in Theology
THEO 7490
Thesis I: Topics in Theology
THEO 7491
Thesis II: Topics in Theology
THEO 7501
Theology of the Evangelical Covenant Church
VSFL 5010
Seminary Online Orientation
VSFL 5020
MDiv Degree Candidacy
VSFL 5030
Mid Program Review
VSFL 5040
Portfolio Completion for Graduation