Grading Scale

Unless otherwise indicated on the course syllabus, the following criteria apply:

A: Superior work (A = 95–100; A- = 93–94)

This grade applies to exceptional work, the quality achieved through excellence of performance, not merely the fulfillment of the course requirements.

B: Above average (B+ = 91-92; B = 88-90; B- = 86-87)

This grade applies to meritorious work, definitely above average, applied to more than the fulfillment of requirements.

C: Average (C+ = 84-85; C = 80-83; C – = 78-79)

This grade applies to average work that still fulfills the course requirements.

D: Unsatisfactory (D+ = 76-77; D = 72-75; D – = 70-71)

This grade, while indicating the student has completed a course, is to be understood as reflecting below average work. Course work receiving this grade will not be counted toward a degree.

F: Failure (69 and below)

To receive credit in the subject, the course must be repeated.

I: Incomplete

This course is counted as an F in the calculation of GPA until the student’s work is completed and submitted. A grade of incomplete or I is granted only when a student can demonstrate sufficient cause for not completing the course work on time. Such cause includes illness, disability, emergency and/or unforeseeable circumstances. Incompletes are not intended as ordinary extensions of time to complete a course, but granted only under extraordinary circumstances. The professor is not obligated to grant the request for an incomplete.

AU: Audit

Students not taking a course for academic credit will receive an AU.

P: Pass

This grade is based on evidence of completed assignments, regular attendance, and participation activities required by the instructor. A grade of P does not affect one’s Grade Point Average (GPA).

F: Failure

A failing grade in a pass/fail course is calculated in a student’s Grade Point Average. Pass/fail courses become part of the student’s permanent record and will be taken into account in assessing the student’s level of achievement.