Adding or Dropping a Course

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the add/drop policy and all deadlines. Deadlines for add/drop are located on the Seminary academic calendar, posted on the Seminary website. (Note: Simply showing up to a course does not guarantee enrollment. A student must be registered for the course to attend classes.)

  • Courses may be added or dropped via Self-Service through the first week of classes. Courses may be added through the second week of classes only with an instructor-approved add form. No course additions are permitted after the second week of classes.
  • After the first week, and until the drop deadline, a course may be dropped with permission of the instructor and completion of a drop form. Absence from classes or notice to the instructor does not constitute Withdrawal.
  • After the fourth week, the course dropped with permission will be given a grade of “W” (withdrawal) and will appear as such on the student’s transcript. Courses dropped without permission will be recorded as “DW” and calculated as a failing grade.
  • Should a student miss the drop deadline and receive a DW, he or she may petition by letter to the Dean of Faculty in the case of extenuating circumstances. There is no guarantee that the petition will be approved.