Optional Endorsements


Course requirements:

Bilingual Education Endorsement:

EDUC 3540, EDUC 3602, EDUC 3604, EDUC 3605, EDUC 3606, and EDUC 3607.

Candidates seeking the Bilingual Education endorsement need to pass the appropriate ISBE language proficiency test.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement:

EDUC 3540, EDUC 3601, EDUC 3602, EDUC 3603, EDUC 3604, and EDUC 3605

Combined Bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement:

EDUC 3540, EDUC 3601, EDUC 3602, EDUC 3603, EDUC 3604, EDUC 3605, EDUC 3606 and EDUC 3607

Candidates seeking the Bilingual Education Endorsement need to pass the appropriate ISBE language proficiency test.

Learning Behavorial Specialist I Endorsement:

EDUC 3430, EDUC 3431, EDUC 3436, and EDUC 3437

Candidates seeking the LBS1 Endorsement need to pass the appropriate ISBE content area tests.