Faith and Health

The 12-credit hour certificate in Faith and Health offered by the Seminary in collaboration with the North Park University School of Nursing is designed to provide core concepts for ministries of health. This program is taught by faculty from multiple disciplines, including health ministries, nursing, theology, ethics, Bible, and pastoral care, providing a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary learning for health professionals and clergy to explore the connections between faith and health in clinical and congregational settings. Options in course format allow for distance learning. In addition to the courses listed below, periodically, mission trips/classes to Latin America, Africa, and Asia will be offered with a community-health focus.

Certificate Requirements

Two of the Following (6 Credit Hours):

BIBL 6263Biblical Perspectives on Health and Healing


MNST 6121Religion, Spirituality & Health In Professional Practice


THEO 6440Theological Perspectives of Caring and Health


Two of the Following (6 Credit Hours):

MNST 6110/MNST 5130Engaging Congregations in Ministries of Health


MNST 6115Spirituality in Chronic Illness & Disability


MNST 6120Community Health & the Church


MNST 7195Special Topics in Faith and Health
