SBNM 5995 Strategic Leadership Development

This course serves as the capstone course for the Master of Organizational Leadership and will emphasize the process of strategic leadership development (SLD) along with the application of leadership knowledge gained throughout the degree coursework and gleaned from seminal leadership literature. A common myth in strategic leadership development is that strategic leaders are primarily high-level executives. However, this course will build an understanding of the core competencies of strategic leadership that is relevant to every employee, regardless of their position in the organization. To complete their MOL degree, a capstone project will be individually crafted by each student to connect course content with personal motivations in such a way as to provide leverage for their personal & professional mission and vision. That mission and vision will be clarified early in the course.




Prerequisite: SBNM 5010, 5011, 5030, 5040, 5041, 5060,


Fall, Spring