
Grievance Procedures:

The process for addressing student grievances varies depending on the subject matter of the grievance. However, in all instances, it is important that grievances be presented promptly. A failure to comply with the timing requirements described in the grievance procedures below is grounds for denial of the grievance.

Academic Grievances:

The process outlined below applies to any grievance involving academic issues other than allegations of academic dishonesty. The procedure for addressing allegations of academic dishonesty is set forth in the section on “Academic Integrity”.

Step 1: The grievance shall first be presented to the responsible faculty member for resolution. The grievance should be presented promptly and in no event later than five days after it arises. The grievance may be presented orally. The faculty member should investigate the relevant facts, as needed, and respond promptly.

Step 2 (College of Arts and Sciences only): If the student is not satisfied with the faculty member’s response, the student may appeal to the department chairperson within five days. The appeal may be presented orally or in writing. After consultation with the responsible faculty member, the department chairperson will communicate his/her determination or proposed resolution.

Step 3: If the student is dissatisfied with the response, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean, Division Director, or Dean with responsibility for the class out of which the academic grievance arose. The appeal must be taken no later than five days after the preceding response and shall be in writing. The appeal shall identify the issue, describe the prior steps taken to resolve the grievance, state the responses received at earlier steps, and set forth all the facts supporting the grievance, including any related documentation. The applicable Associate Dean, Division Director, or Dean will conduct any investigation deemed necessary, consult with the responsible faculty member, may request both the student grievant and the faculty member to jointly meet with the Associate Dean, Division Director, or Dean, and will promptly render a decision. In the event of a meeting, the student may request the assistance and presence of another member of the North Park Community.

Step 4: If the student remains dissatisfied with the decision, the student may appeal to the Office of the Provost. The appeal must be taken no later than five days after the decision at Step 3 and shall be in writing. The appeal must summarize the decision at Step 3 and explain why that decision is being challenged. Copies of the step 3 appeal, any written response, and any other related documentation shall be provided. The Office of the Provost shall make a decision based upon the record presented, and any additional investigation the Provost deems appropriate. The decision of the Provost shall be final and binding.