CRUX Discipleship Program

CRUX creates a space for students to live and learn in an active, intercultural, and city-centered Christian discipleship community. As a CRUX student, you will grow your identity in Christ, increase your knowledge of the city around you, and discover your unique place within the world through coursework, experiential learning, mentorship, and practical discipleship training.

As part of North Park’s guiding educational philosophy-that Chicago is our classroom-CRUX puts learning and faith into practice through a gap-year-like experience. On and off campus, students deepen their Christian identities through academic, spiritual, and creative formation. All the while, they’re earning credits in North Park’s general education curriculum.

CRUX 1200 Practicum (2 sh)

Practicum is the curricular means by which the academic aspect of the discipleship program recognizes, assists, and integrates the learning happening on the co-curricular side of the program. The co-curricular side of the program (activities, events, and programs) provides the material for the course; Practicum provides the space and time, the questions and prodding, and the intellectual and physical resources to reflect on co-curricular experience.