Italian (ITAL)

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

ITAL 1010 Basic Italian I (4 sh) GE

This course introduces students to the basic structures of Italian grammar through written and oral usage. Vocabulary is selected from concrete situations of daily living and a cultural component exposes students to general concepts of Italian life and history. No credit for ITAL 1010 will be granted to students who have completed more than two years of high school Italian within the last five years.

ITAL 1020 Basic Italian II (4 sh) GE

This course introduces students to the basic structures of Italian grammar through written and oral usage. Vocabulary is selected from concrete situations of daily living and a cultural component exposes students to general concepts of Italian life and history. 

ITAL 2010 Intermediate Italian I (4 sh)

This course reviews and expands upon the basic structures of Italian grammar through written and oral and usage.

Vocabulary begins to introduce topics of increasing length and depth on more abstract and intellectual nature while leading to more complex manipulation of concrete situations. Reading selections from literature and authentic cultural materials are expanded as students are encouraged to create longer oral and written statements of creative expression. Prerequisite: ITAL 1020.

ITAL 2020 Intermediate Italian II (4 sh)

This course reviews and expands upon the basic structures of Italian grammar through written and oral and usage.

Vocabulary begins to introduce topics of increasing length and depth on more abstract and intellectual nature while leading to more complex manipulation of concrete situations. Reading selections from literature and authentic cultural materials are expanded as students are encouraged to create longer oral and written statements of creative expression. Prerequisite: ITAL 2010.

ITAL 4910 Independent Study in Italian (2-4 sh)

Independent research in Italian culture or literature, the conditions of which are arranged with the instructor.