Academic Services (ACSR)

Fedec, Aucutt

Skill Development Courses

The University offers a number of courses designed to assist students who have deficiencies in specific academic skills. The courses may not be used to fulfill general education or major/minor requirements.

WRIT 1000 Fundamentals of Composition
4 sh*
MATH 1005
Practical Math for College
4 sh*
MATH 1010
Intermediate Algebra
4 sh*
ACSR 1005
Foundations for Academic Success
2 sh
ACSR 1010
Critical Reading Skills
2 sh

*These courses do not count toward the 120 sh graduation requirement but can count towards full-time enrollment status.

ACSR 1005 Foundations for Academic Success (2 sh)

An introduction to skills and strategies essential to success at the university level. Topics range from time management to critical thinking skills. Students will explore these topics through lectures, small groups, individual appointments, and practical application. Special restrictions: enrollment by instructor permission; limited to first year students.

ACSR 1010 Critical Reading Skills (2 sh)

The course is designed to provide instruction and practice in reading skills essential for academic success in college. The course is intended to meet the needs of the beginning college student and is organized to accommodate students with a wide range of reading abilities. While credit for this course applies toward graduation, the course may not be used to fulfill general education or major/minor requirements. Special restrictions: enrollment by placement.

ACSR 1020 Topics in Skills Development (1 sh)

Specific instruction and practice in study/learning skills and approaches essential for academic success in college. Lecture, small group/individual tutorial format. Topics vary by term. While credit for this course applies toward graduation, the course may not be used to fulfill general education or major/minor requirements. Special restrictions: enrollment by placement or by action of the Student Academic Standing Committee.

ACSR 1030 Career Planning (2 sh)

Students will explore decision making, goal setting, and values clarification and investigate options in majors and careers.

Consideration will be given to the transition from the academic arena to the world of work.

ACSR 4920 Study Abroad Program (4 sh)

Study Abroad Placement Holder

ACSR 4970 Internship Planning (1 sh)

Please refer to Internship section of catalog for internship requirements and guidelines.