Biblical and Theological Studies (BTS)

Widman, Johnson, Veeneman, Willitts

The mission of the Department of Biblical and Theological studies within the General Education curriculum is to enable students to fashion lives of significance and service by providing them with the opportunity to develop intellectually, spiritually, and socially through their experience of a biblical and theological program. Such an experience occurs in the contexts of (1) an international student body and Faculty, (2) a culturally-diverse urban setting, (3) a vibrant dialogue about Christianity, faith, and culture, and (4) a school committed to a broad evangelical Christian tradition.

The Faculty of the Department of Biblical and Theological studies is committed to providing its majors with an opportunity to develop a life of significance and service by learning about God, the Bible, and its interpretive issues, as well as the various historic Christian and religious traditions. In such an experience, the student is engaged to become responsible enough to integrate one’s personal faith collegially into the larger scope of a liberal arts education as well as the various opportunities afforded by University ministries. Thus, the Department is committed to students developing abilities in (1) Biblical, historical, and theological interpretation, (2) critical thinking, and (3) the responsibility of knowledge and faith for shaping behavior. The Department is committed to a rigorous assessment of its students and the expected outcomes of its program, through regular observation, evaluation, and feedback.