ENG Courses

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

ENG 1750 Studies In Literature (2 sh) GE

Reading and analysis of the major forms of literary expression. This course is designed to introduce students to the impact of literature on culture, and introduces methods of critical reading as applied to significant texts of world literature of various historical periods. Some sections may be topically focused on a subject pertaining to one of North Park’s distinctive strengths (Christian, urban, or international/multicultural); such sections are designated in the schedule of classes.

ENG 2010 British Literature I (4 sh) GE

A survey of British literature from Beowulf to Puritan period. Individual works will be studied in relation to literary traditions, cultural contexts, methodology and literary theory.

ENG 2020 British Literature II (4 sh) GE

A survey of British literature from the Restoration of Charles II to the modern period. Individual works will be studied in relation to literary traditions, cultural contexts, methodology, and literary theory.

ENG 2030 American Literature (4 sh) GE

Study of selected North American writers and their works from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. Individual works will be studied in relation to literary traditions, cultural contexts, methodology, and literary theory.

ENG 2040 World Literature in English (4 sh)

Study of selected writers from various nations outside the United States and the United Kingdom. Individual works will be studied in relation to literary traditions, cultural contexts, methodology, and literary theory.

ENG 2050 Introduction to Creative Writing (4 sh) GE

The study and practice of the major forms of creative writing. The course will be taught as a seminar, emphasizing the study of model texts and the development of students’ work.

ENG 3090 Shakespeare (4 sh)

A study of Shakespearean drama, including selected comedies, tragedies, and romances. Cross-listed with COMM 3090.

ENG 3240 Modern Literature (4 sh)

A study of poetry, fiction, and drama from 1900 to 1950 with emphasis on innovative styles and techniques.

ENG 3250 Postmodern Literature (4 sh)

A study of literary genres and theory from 1950 to the present with emphasis on fiction.

ENG 3260 Postcolonial Literature (4 sh)

Selected readings in postcolonial literature and theory emphasizing cultural contexts.

ENG 3270 Gender and Literature (4 sh)

Selected readings in literature and theory that addresses gender issues.

ENG 3280 Race and Literature (4 sh)

Selected readings in literature and theory that addresses race issues.

ENG 3320 Dramatic Writing (4 sh)

The study and practice of dramatic writing for theatre, television, and film. Focus on the writer’s process, character development, story structure, and the completion of a one-act play or a short screenplay. Offered alternative years. Cross- listed with THEA-3320. Prerequisite: ENG 1750 or THEA 1040.

ENG 3340 Grammar and Writing Pedagogy (2 sh)

Intended for English majors in the secondary education sequence, this course will review grammar basics and will study methods of teaching writing. Prerequisite: CORE 1000.

ENG 3350 Writing Fiction (4 sh)

The study and practice of fiction writing. The course will be taught as a workshop, emphasizing development of students’ work.

ENG 3360 Writing Poetry (4 sh)

The study and practice of poetry writing. The course will be taught as a workshop, emphasizing development of students’ poetic form and technique.

ENG 3390 Writing Creative Non-Fiction (4 sh) GE

The study and practice of creative non-fiction writing. The course will be taught as a workshop, emphasizing development of students’ work.

ENG 3910 Topics in English (1-4 sh)

Intensive study of selected literary topics of interest to students and faculty, for example: Christianity and the Novel, Latina Literature, Film and Fiction, and others.

ENG 4000 Departmental Honors in English (4 sh)

Honors independent study in English.

ENG 4010 Senior Seminar in English (4 sh)

Concentrated study in areas of literature of special interest to students and faculty, intended as a capstone course for the major. (Seminars that may be offered include: Asian-American Literature; Central American Writers; Christianity, Literature and Culture; Film and Literature; The Renaissance Epic; The Rise of the Novel; Russian Writers.) Prerequisite: Two English Courses in 3000 level.

ENG 4020 Senior Seminar in Creative Writing (4 sh)

Concentrated study in areas of literature and creative writing of special interest to students and faculty, intended as a cap- stone course majors who have selected the writing emphasis. Prerequisite: Two English Courses in 3000 level.

ENG 4910 Independent Study in English (2-4 sh)

Advanced level of study of topics not covered in the regular English department curriculum. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 20 hours in the English department

ENG 4930 Directed Research (2 or 4 sh)

Students will work under the direction of a faculty mentor on a novel research project. Permission of the faculty mentor is required prior to enrollment in this course. This course may be repeated, though the department may limit the number of credit hours this course satisfies towards the major. Please see the departmental degree requirements for details.

ENG 4970 Internship in English (4 sh)

Please refer to the appropriate section in the catalog for internship requirements and guidelines.