Minor in Latino and Latin American Studies

Minor requirements

Required semester hours: 18 sh beyond SPAN 1020

Course requirements

Prerequisites and supporting courses

SPAN 1020 or equivalent

Required core courses

At least one course selected from LAS and at least one course selected from three of the four remaining areas comprising this minor, (BTS, COMM, SOC, SPAN). Options: BTS 3910; COMM 2750; SOC 2090; SPAN 2130, SPAN 3170, SPAN 3300, SPAN 3400, SPAN 3910, SPAN 4010.

Notes and restrictions

For Spanish majors, no more than two literature courses may apply to this minor. Some course work for the Latin American minor may be done through North Park’s program in Morelia, Mexico, and the Coalition for Christian Colleges and Universities’ program in San Jose, Costa Rica.

  • Students must complete a form listing the courses they have taken to complete the minor, to be obtained from the department and on the department website.
  • Students must turn in a simple portfolio to the chair of the department containing the following:
    1. A statement of their specific goals upon entering the program
    2. A self-assessment of the achievement of those goals- including what educational experiences most enhanced their learning, curricular and extracurricular.
    3. Two samples of student work from each course: completed: projects, essays or exams.