MATH Courses

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

MATH 1005 Practical Mathematics for College Students (4 sh)

Topics in basic mathematics including solving equations, graphing, substitution to evaluate expressions, order of operations, word problems, translations of units, proportions, real-world modeling problems, fractions, exponential notation, and use of a calculator. Registration based on score on the mathematics placement test. Developmental courses do not count toward the 120sh graduation requirement but do count towards full-time enrollment status.

MATH 1010 Intermediate Algebra (4 sh)

Topics in beginning and intermediate algebra such as: equations and inequalities, systems, polynomials, factoring, graphing, roots and radicals, rational functions, conic sections, logarithms, exponents, and quadratic equations. Designed to prepare students for math classes numbered 1020 or higher and especially for MATH 1150. Developmental courses do not count toward the 120sh graduation requirement but do count towards full-time enrollment status.

MATH 1020 Modern Mathematics for Elementary Teacher (4 sh)

Foundational concepts, reasoning, and procedures in mathematics. Topics include elementary concepts in probability and statistics, number theory, algebra, limits and calculus, and geometry.

MATH 1030 Concepts and Structures (4 sh) GE

Acquaints students with some of the diversity of mathematics and mathematical thinking through a survey of topics such as personal finance, symbolic logic, linear modeling, fair division, apportionment, voting theory, probability, and the history of mathematics, all from a social justice perspective. Prerequisite: MATH 1005 or MATH 1010 or designated score on the NPU math placement examination.

MATH 1150 Pre-Calculus Mathematics (4 sh) GE

Analysis of polynomial, rational, algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Prerequisite: MATH 1010 or by math placement.

MATH 1410 Discrete Mathematics I: Number Theory and Logic (4 sh) GE

Introduction to mathematical logic and writing proofs, providing a solid foundation for further work in mathematics. Topics include propositional logic, first-order logic, proof techniques, elementary number theory, sets, Boolean algebra, and relations. Students should have completed four years of high school math. Prerequisite: MATH 1010.

MATH 1490 Introductory Statistics (4 sh) GE

Introduction to applied statistical analysis. Descriptive, correlational, and inferential statistics; concepts of population, sample, sampling distribution; elements of probability; parameters of discrete distributions; hypothesis testing: analysis of proportions, means, and variance; linear regression. Cross- listed with STAT 1490. Prerequisite: MATH 1005 or MATH 1010 with a minimum grade of C or by math placement.

MATH 1510 Calculus I (4 sh) GE

Beginning calculus, limits and continuity, derivatives, mean value theorem, applications of derivatives, antiderivatives, Riemann Sums, introduction to the definite integrals. Uses computers. Prerequisite: MATH 1150 or by math placement.

MATH 1520 Calculus II (4 sh) GE

Continuation of MATH 1510. Fundamental theorem of calculus, evaluation of definite integrals, applications of definite integrals, introduction to differential equations, infinite sequences and series. Uses computers. Prerequisite: MATH 1510.

MATH 2030 Differential Equations (4 sh) GE

Study of ordinary differential equations, especially first and second order, with applications to geometry and the physical life sciences. Uses computers. Prerequisite: MATH 1520.

MATH 2420 Statistical Theory I (4 sh) GE

Providing a solid foundation for further work in mathematics also required for actuarial certificate test-I (P-1). Topics include: Numerical and descriptive statistics, Probability and the laws of probability, discrete random variables and their probability distributions, continuous random variables and their probability distributions. Prerequisite: MATH 1490 or STAT 1490.

MATH 3010 Introduction to Geometry (4 sh) GE

An introduction to analytic and synthetic geometries emphasizing Euclidean axioms with refinement of rigorous axiomatic proof; preliminary study of non-Euclidean geometries

MATH 3050 Vector Calculus (4 sh) GE

A detailed study of functions of several variables including differentiation, line and surface integrals, and Green and Stokes’ theorems. Uses computers. Prerequisite: MATH 1520.

MATH 3060 Real Analysis (4 sh) GE

Introduction to the fundamentals of real analysis including real numbers, limits, derivatives, and the Riemann integral. Prerequisite: MATH 1410, MATH 1520.

MATH 3100 Linear Algebra (4 sh) GE

A study of matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, orthogonality, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Uses computers. Prerequisite: MATH 1510.

MATH 3110 Modern Abstract Algebra (4 sh) GE

Study of groups, rings, ideals, integral domains, fields and their applications. Prerequisite: MATH 1410, MATH 1520.

MATH 3150 Statistical Theory II (4 sh) GE

Providing a solid foundation for further work in mathematics also required for actuarial certificate test-I (P-1). Topics include: Multivariate Probability distributions, functions of random variables, sampling distributions and the central limit theorem, estimations and their methods, and hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: MATH 1520, MATH 2420.

MATH 3210 History of Mathematics (4 sh) GE

Study of history of mathematics focusing on Western and non-Western primary sources; using of historical invention as a teaching tool in mathematics; professional writing in mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 1410, MATH 1520.

MATH 3310 Complex Analysis (4 sh) GE

Complex numbers, elementary complex functions, the Cauchy theory, infinite series, the calculus of residues, and introduction to conformal representation. Prerequisite: MATH 3060.

MATH 3620 Numerical Methods (4 sh) GE

An introduction to numerical methods with computer implementation. Solution of linear, non-linear, and differential equations; interpolation and approximation; numerical integration and differentiation; and error analysis. Prerequisite: MATH 1520, CSIS 1210.

MATH 3910 Topics in Mathematics (2-4 sh)

In-depth treatment of selected topics. Possible topics include point set topology, philosophy of mathematics, and dynamical systems. Prerequisite will depend on the topic.

MATH 4000 Department Honors in Mathematics (4 sh)

Honors independent study in Mathematics.

MATH 4010 Fourth-Year Seminar (4 sh)

Capstone course for mathematics major. Students learn to read, analyze, and learn mathematics not contained in standard undergraduate textbooks. Written and oral presentations required. Student must be of fourth year standing and a mathematics major.

MATH 4910 Independent Study in Mathematics (1-4 sh)

Independent Study in Mathematics.

MATH 4970 Internship in Mathematics (1-4 sh)

Please refer to the Internship section for requirements and guidelines.