NONP Courses

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

NONP 2710 Introduction to Nonprofit Management and Leadership (2 sh)

The introductory course will give students an overview of America’s nonprofit sector as it relates to both the for-profit business and government sectors. Emphasis will be on the history, purpose, and theories of the sector; the legal and regulatory environment; efforts to improve ethics and ac- countability; the sector’s economics and funding environment; trends in evaluation and outcome measurement; and general management problems and principles. The course will also discuss opportunities for personal growth and career advancement available in the sector and highlight skills and training needed to succeed. Prerequisite: BSE 2211.

NONP 3300 Nonprofit Financial Management (2 sh)

This course addresses the financial management of nonprofit organizations. This includes both financial reporting and managerial finance. Topics include 1) financial accounting principles and practices, 2) managerial accounting methodology, 3) compliance, and 4) measuring and managing program performance. The course examines current trends in nonprofit financial management and integrates financial management with recent federal legislation. Prerequisite: BSE 2110, NONP 2710.

NONP 3600 Nonprofit Marketing and Fundraising (4 sh)

Addresses the main processes that nonprofits use to interact with internal and external audiences for the purpose of building public and financial support for their missions.

Current trends and best practices in nonprofit marketing and fundraising are examined. Identifies and addresses ethical issues related to fundraising and marketing. Prerequisite: BSE 2610, NONP 2710.

NONP 3710 Nonprofit Governance and Volunteer Management (4 sh)

This course is designed to improve students’ understanding of the elements, processes, and dynamics of board governance and volunteer management of nonprofit organizations. The course includes analysis of the respective roles of the board, chief executive, staff, and volunteers to maximize organizational effectiveness. Students will learn how to assess and improve the effectiveness of a board, the senior leadership, volunteers and the overall governance of the non-profit organization. Prerequisite: NONP 2710.

NONP 3750 Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Models (2 sh)

The course examines the history and practice of the ground- breaking field of social entrepreneurship, and how a new brand of entrepreneurs are using market-focused, innovative approaches to address the world’s most pressing social and environmental issues. Within the context of sustainable business models for nonprofit organizations, a wide range of earned income and other social enterprise strategies will be discussed. Prerequisite: NONP 2710.

NONP 3920 Advanced Topics in Nonprofit Management (1-4 sh)

This is a topics course allowing the School of Business to grant undergraduate credit for selected graduate courses taken through SBNM.

NONP 4000 Department Honors in Nonprofit Management (4 sh)

Honors independent study in Nonprofit Management.

NONP 4700 Advanced Nonprofit Management and Leadership (4 sh)

Provides students with advanced knowledge and understanding of the management and leadership of nonprofit organizations.

Students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the most essential leadership skills and attributes, as well as management functions exercised in nonprofit organizations. Students will participate in application experiences, individual and group projects, and organization assessments. Prerequisite: NONP 2710, NONP 3300, NONP 3600, NONP 3710.

NONP 4910 Independent Study in Nonprofit Management (1-4 sh)

Independent study in a specific area of nonprofit management.

NONP 4930 Directed Research in Nonprofit Management (2-4 sh)

Students will work under the direction of a faculty mentor on a novel research project. Permission of the faculty mentor is required prior to enrollment in this course. Course may be repeated.

NONP 4970 Internship in Nonprofit Management (1-4 sh)

The Internship Program provides an opportunity for students to gain “hands-on” experience and to explore career options in their chosen field. The student earns four semester hours for their internship. The internship program is open to any North Park student who has completed at least one full year of study at North Park, has third- or fourth-year status and has a mini- mum GPA of 2.5 in their major. In addition, the student must apply and be accepted by a faculty sponsor and the Internship Committee. The faculty sponsor will monitor the student’s progress throughout the internship, including meeting periodically with the student and maintaining contact with the site supervisor. During the course of the internship, interns must fulfill certain requirements. Interns will keep a daily journal of their activities throughout the internship. The faculty sponsor and the site supervisor may, at their discretion, assign certain reading materials to the intern. In addition, the faculty sponsor may assign a final paper. Finally, the intern must work for a minimum of 300 hours at an eligible nonprofit organization. Tuition is charged at the same rate as for other courses, based on the number of semester hours the student is requesting. Grading for all internships is Pass/Fail. Prerequisite: BSE 2211, BSE 2540, BSE 2610, NONP 2710.