Psychology (PSYC)

Gray (chair), Bennett, Governale, O’Toole, Shirkey

The mission of the Department of Psychology is to encourage students to approach psychological science critically and creatively, with major emphasis on the scientific method, real-world application, self-awareness, and multicultural competence.

The psychology curriculum is guided by major learning outcomes. The learning goals are integrated into course design, program planning, assessed in courses, and reviewed each year.

Upon completion of a psychology major, the graduate will be able to...

Demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings in psychology.

Demonstrate scientific reasoning and problem solving using basic skills and concepts in interpreting behavior, studying research, and applying research design principles to drawing conclusions about psychological phenomena.

Describe and apply ethically and socially responsible behaviors for professional and personal settings.

Demonstrate competence in writing, oral, and interpersonal communication skills.

Apply psychology-specific content and skills to self and others to succeed in the workforce.

A GPA of 2.0 or higher in the major courses is required for graduation from the university with this major. Students dropping below 2.0 in the major courses are required to meet with their advisor to develop a plan to bring up their GPA. Students failing to complete their plan successfully are subject to dismissal from the major.

The Psychology department will accept, at maximum, 16 semester hours of transfer units toward the psychology major requirements.