SOC Courses

GE Designates a course that fulfills all or part of a Core Curriculum requirement; see the Core Curriculum Program section of the catalog for more information.

SOC 1910 Introduction to Sociology (4 sh) GE

Problems, fields, and methods of sociology. Emphasis on a theoretical frame of reference to explain basic social processes, the role of culture in social behavior, the nature of social organization, and social and cultural change. Intensive reading in descriptive studies from a wide range of societies.

SOC 2090 Race and Ethnicity (4 sh) GE

Characteristics and definitions of race and ethnicity in various cultures and societies. Significance for cultural pluralism.

SOC 2100 Social Problems (4 sh) GE

A variety of social issues have assumed enough prominence to be labeled “problems”. This course is intended to provide the student with a conceptual framework within which to examine social problems. Emphasis will be on issues such as poverty, crime and punishment, affordable housing, education and deviance.

SOC 2130 Mexican History and Culture (4 sh) GE

A multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Mexico from pre-Colombian societies to the present. Taught in English. Cross-listed with SPAN 2130.

SOC 2150 Gender Studies (4 sh)

Exploration of male and female gender roles in culture and society. Importance of gender in workplace, family, education, and belief systems. Analysis of power. Assessment of the contribution of feminist theories to study of gender. Cross- listed with WGS 2150.

SOC 2200 Criminology (4 sh)

Criminology is the scientific study of the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to incidents and problems of crime in society. This course will closely examine classical and contemporary theories of crime, methodological practices in the scientific study of crime; policy development, and programmatic interventions based on criminological research. This course focuses strictly on the science of crime, rather than the law and practices of criminal procedures through the main components of the criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections. Prerequisite: SOC 1910.

SOC 2300 Ethics in Criminal Justice and Social Services (4 sh) GE

An examination of the moral and ethical stances associated with social and personal decision making. The course will examine such issues as critical decision making in professional and personal practices in settings that include policing, courts, corrections, social services, health services, music, arts, entertainment, elementary and high school teaching, higher education, nonprofit administration, faith-based operations, and personal settings that include the family, recreation, and spirituality. Topics will also include issues such as reference to justifications for affirmative action, the debate centering on immigration, the exploitation of labor in countries that export to the U.S., the social imperative for security versus individual privacy, the use of force by police, educational equity, and busing across district boundaries.

SOC 2500 Introduction to African Studies (4 sh)

This course, utilizing the disciplines of history, sociology, and anthropology, will present, discuss, and analyze the African-American experience from pre-slavery West Africa to contemporary U.S., with particular emphasis on current cultural, theological, social, economic, and political issues that exist within the African-American community. Cross-listed with AS 2500.

SOC 2520 Criminal Justice (4 sh)

An overview of the criminal justice system in the United States emphasizing key issues in the process of arrest through trial and sentencing and imprisonment, an analysis of the roles of the police, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and courts, and the various theories of punishment and crime causation. Representative Supreme Court decisions in the law of arrest, right to counsel, capital punishment, search and seizure, and self-incrimination will be analyzed.

SOC 2530 The Civil Rights Movement 1954-1970’S (4 sh)

Emphasizes the period from 1954 through the 1970s as a time of social turmoil and change in American society during which African-Americans insisted on inclusion in the nation’s mainstream and power in their own right. Employs social movement theory in examining the history, progress, and effects of the Civil Rights Movement in general and in studying such organizations as the NAACP and such leaders as Martin Luther King in particular. Cross-listed with AS 3030.

SOC 2800 Marriage and Family (4 sh)

The family is an important social institution that profoundly affects us. This course is designed to study the diversity of families and explore the historical changes in marriage pat- terns. Topics covered include dating and mate selection, family structures, marital satisfaction, parenting, divorce and remarriage, alternative lifestyles, and the diversity of meaning that the institution has in the United States and cross-culturally.

SOC 2900 Community and Initiative (4 sh)

Initiatives to establish community are what make the United States what it is today. This class explores how voluntary association, the visions of utopian planners, and the networking of migrants and minorities have all contributed to this country’s political and spatial peculiarities. It also asks students to consider whether “community” is still possible today, and, if so, at what cost? Through service-learning excursions, students will get their own answers to these questions.

SOC 2930 Topics in Sociology (1-4 sh)

Intensive investigation of a selected topic of current interest in sociology. The specific subject matter may vary from year to year, reflecting the interests of both faculty and students. The courses are designed for all students and are taught at an introductory level.

SOC 3010 Social Thought (4 sh)

Critical examination of the theoretical foundations of the study of society and culture. Historical evolution of social and anthropological thought as well as contemporary analysis. Required of all students majoring in sociology.

SOC 3030 Urban Sociology (4 sh) GE

90% of urbanization taking place today is in the developing world-Latin America, Africa, and Asia. How can Western classical theories of urbanization developed in the 19th and 20th Centuries inform contemporary experiences of migration, individualism, social control, social movements, and redevelopment in non-Western countries in the 21st Century Lectures, reading and case studies from local authors provide ample opportunity for cross-cultural comparisons.

SOC 3080 Power, Privilege, and Inequality (4 sh)

Examination of class, status, and power; their origin, change, and interrelationship with other aspects of society; societal distribution of resources and rewards. Analysis of forces influencing individual and group mobility.

SOC 3100 Sociology of Religion (4 sh)

Relationship of culture and society to religion. Analysis of social, political, and economic forces with religious belief, expression, and practice.

SOC 3130 Justice in Education (4 sh)

Applied to America’s system of schooling, justice as an ideal has inspired a meritocratic system, and justice as a goal has offered up education as “the great equalizer.” Yet these related pursuits have, arguably, proven illusory. Sociologists, educators, students, and other concerned citizens continue to tweak our existing systems, to correct for past disadvantages, to achieve new notions of justice. Through lectures, readings, fieldtrips, and service-learning, this course follows developments in education, with an eye on what are our ideals, and what it means to fail at achieving them.

SOC 3200 Correctional Services (4 sh)

Review of the historical and contemporary structure, philosophical underpinnings, and administration of adult corrections in the United States. Emphasis is placed on the purpose and goals of the correctional system and the critical issues and problems facing it today. Major topics include discussion of the various philosophies of punishment, sentencing strategies, and the prison community. The social, political, and economic impact on correctional services, such as boot camps, sentencing reform, overcrowding, community-based alternatives, punishment versus rehabilitation debates, and reintegration are explored. Cross listed with CJ 3200. Enrollment limited to Criminal Justice majors or permission of instructor or department chair. Prerequisite: SOC 2520.

SOC 3300 Modernizing China and Japan (4 sh)

What does it mean to be modern? This course explores the political and social dynamics of creating a modern state in China and Japan in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Focusing on historic initiatives that led to each society’s transformation, we examine the push for industrialization, nationhood, and the ideal citizen. Readings draw on the perspectives of ordinary people responding to state-sponsored social change.

SOC 3310 Movements for Change (4 sh)

Who fights for change? Why? And how? Answers tend to vary with historical circumstance. Increasingly today we find trans-border problem solving to deal with problems that cross borders-problems like environmental degradation, migrant rights, and criminal or health issues. This course looks at the transformation of old and the emergence of new institutions as people try not only to cope but realize their vision of a “just” society.

SOC 3330 Juvenile Justice System (4 sh)

The contemporary juvenile justice system is analyzed from historical and philosophical perspectives. An overview of the procedures, structures, and treatment of juvenile offenders are provided as well as an exploration of the purpose and primary operations of juvenile detention and probation services. Further emphasis is placed on the nature and extent of delinquency, theories of causation, current trends, prevention, problem solving, and the delivery of services to this population. Students compare and contrast different approaches and future trends in juvenile justice among countries within and outside of the United States. Cross listed with CJ 3300. Enrollment limited to Criminal Justice majors or permission of instructor or department chair. Prerequisite: SOC 2520.

SOC 3400 Criminal Procedure (2 sh)

An overview of the structure of the United States court system, sources of individuals’ rights and the constitutional limitations on the prohibition of criminal conduct will provide a foundation for this study of criminal procedural law. This course will examine the legal continuum from the initial search and seizure of a suspect to the arrest and interrogation, pre-trial process, criminal trial, sentencing and punishment, and appeal and post-conviction rules. Cross-listed with CJ 3400. Enrollment limited to Criminal Justice majors or permission of instructor or department chair. Prerequisite: SOC 2520.

SOC 3410 Migration and Identity (4 sh)

Study of dynamics of immigrants, adaptation, intercultural acculturation, education of next generations, family life, interracial marriage, ethnic conflict with business, religion, economic, and political functions.

SOC 3450 Criminal Law (2 sh)

Provides with an overview of criminal law with an emphasis on the major crimes to include offenses against: the person, habitation, property, public morality, alcohol and drug offenses, and white collar and organized crime. The course will explore an individual’s liability for criminal conduct, criminal responsibility or intent, and the circumstances that may modify the individual’s responsibility for a criminal act. Special defenses to criminal acts will also be discussed. Cross-listed with CJ 3500. Enrollment limited to Criminal Justice majors or permission of instructor or department chair. Prerequisite: SOC 2520.

SOC 3500 Methods in Social Research (4 sh) GE

An introduction to the logic of scientific inquiry and its implication for social research. Research strategy, definition of research goals, methods of data collection, and analysis. Required of all students majoring in sociology. Prerequisite: STAT 1490.

SOC 3800 Globalization: Transforming Economy and Culture (4 sh)

Global Village or Global Pillage? Focusing on the experiences of the United States and China, this class provides a theoretical framework and historical perspective to understanding globalization as both an economic and cultural process. Lectures, reading and case studies of local responses to globalization illustrate how this process reorders, integrates and transforms societies.

SOC 3900 Law Enforcement Administration (2 sh)

Application of the fundamental theories and principles related to the professional management and administration of law enforcement agencies. The basic management concepts of police administration and forms of police organization are analyzed and evaluated. Examines specific operational functions such as budgeting, personnel, planning, technology, and productivity measurements. Designed to assist students in developing the ability to interpret and implement complex policy such as homeland security into their professional practice. Cross-listed with CJ 4000. Enrollment limited to Criminal Justice majors or permission of instructor or department chair. Prerequisite: SOC 2520.

SOC 3930 Practicum in Sociology (4 sh) GE

Hands-on and practical, this class introduces students to the qualitative methods of research such as observation and interview as students support Chicago institutions through service learning. Teamwork around common interests, learning outside the classroom, and application of existing talents and skills sets this course apart. Required of all students majoring in sociology, but not limited to sociology majors.

SOC 3950 Restorative Justice (2 sh)

An in-depth analysis of the key principles and concepts critical to the practical application of restorative justice. Acknowledges that crime causes injury to people and communities and that restorative justice seeks healing, wholeness, and reconciliation for all parties. Introduces the student to a variety of established restorative methods such as family/group conferencing, victim/offender mediation, and peace-making circles. Cross-listed with CJ 4200. Enrollment limited to Criminal Justice majors or permission of instructor or department chair. Prerequisite: SOC 2520.

SOC 4000 Departmental Honors in Sociology (8 sh)

Prospective students must submit a research proposal two weeks prior to the last day of the spring semester of their third year. To graduate with Departmental Honors in Sociology a student must successfully complete 8 semester hours of SOC 4000 in addition to their major requirements.

SOC 4010 Seminar in Sociology (4 sh)

Directed research will integrate students’ knowledge in sociology. The research project will facilitate use of students’ reasoning and writing skills and their insights of sociology. Required of all students majoring in sociology. The sociology comprehensive examination is administered in conjunction with SOC 4010. Prerequisite: SOC 3010, SOC 3500, SOC 3930 and fourth year standing.

SOC 4901 Comprehensive Examination in Sociology (0 sh)

Comprehensive examination of major requirements.

SOC 4910 Independent Study in Sociology (1-4 sh)

Self-directed study of material not covered in an existing course. Requires pre-approval by faculty of proposed course topic, reading list, learning activities, and tools of evaluation.

SOC 4970 Internship in Sociology (2 or 4 sh)

Please refer to the internship section of the catalog for internship requirements and guidelines.